Who else has absolutely zero real life friends at all?
Who else has absolutely zero real life friends at all?
Had friends got bored of them eventually. Ghosted them after a while. You aren't missing out on anything user.
I haven't had a friend in many years. I haven't 'gone out on a friday' really ever. Never been to a party or had a signifigant other or anything.
I thought I was making a friend at school until Covid happened. Haven't spoken to him since May
did have some "friends" in school, ghosted them last year of high school. in third year uni now, haven't texted, haven't chatted, haven't talked to literally anyone since last year of high school.
all i do is go to class, go straight home
I don't even have online friends. I haven't talked to someone outside of Zig Forums in several years.
Right here anonerina
nope, although i used to speak to this girl i met at college until she eventually ghosted me, after a year and a half of speaking everyday.
I know people, like, from college. They look for me when there is a group proyect or alike. But they dont talk to me outside of it. So, no. I dont have any.
wow are you me, i ghosted every fucker from high school except maybe one person who only talks to me once a fucking month.
This has got to be a larp right? Are you guys really that lonely?
Why not just go outside? Stay outside? In a city?
I work with people. I meant I haven't talked to someone casually. I have no reason to. My interest in video games died when I got a job, pretty much.
Normal's first existential crisis? Cute.
i was actually looking forward to ghosting them the summer before senior year. so much fucking drama was happening three friends and another friends sister. turns out the sister fucked all three friends. the brother didn't know till someone told him, and the three friends didn't know the other friends were getting fucked too.
i had this huge camping trip planned and it fucking got ruined by all of them, none of them wanted to go anymore.
so beginning of senior year, i chose to do half days because i already finished my important classes. never saw them again.
This reminds me of me, I had friends in college but literally never talked to them again after graduating. Then I moved home and hung with people from high school, but I gradually ghosted them all over a five-year period. I kind of move from one group to another, still looking for my next group though.
I have friends from Church, and play DnD every Friday with them. I have maybe one friend from college who is really more of an acquaintance I see maybe twice a semester, but my pals at Church are enough to carry me emotionally.
i do have to "talk" to people sometimes, though not on a "friends" basis
i don't go looking to talk to people, whether it be irl or online.
same. when quarantine hit and i didnt have to see them in person i cut contact. they only hold me down
I only have internet friends and they are all women
This pic has snapped me into crying right now
Sorry. Can I hug u and tug you pp
i made a friend in my last 2 years of highschool, went on to college while i got a job, we were really good friends, after a few months it sizzled out and it was obvious he had better things to do, i gave him the easy way out and just removed skype etc, i think years down the line i accidently opened that hotmail and saw him trying to contact me again but left it at that because i became a neet for 4 years and im too ashamed to talk about that part of my life with old people
i made some really good friends online troughout the years but after time it always sizzles out, that friendship is mainly based on the game and if it loses popularity people kinda move on, i never made a discord but i think that would have been a good move maybe,, im 25 and i dont think i will ever have a friend again, im not even unsociable or something i go out on walks daily, have a job etc, guess im just too autistic
Underaged normigger, you don't know a shit about people.
I still receive snapchat videos from a high school friend, and about once a week I reply to one of them. That pretty much covers it. I used to have 2 but one killed himself
"Go outside" is the funniest perceived panacea. Go outside and do what, smart guy?
>i never made a discord but i think that would have been a good move maybe
Most of the time it's destined to fail even if you really want to find a friend and put lots of effort into it.
Do you still have any online friends or people you talk to?
-> forgot to link oreg
You should go on Grindr and get TOPPED. That will help you make friends
You should go on Grindr and get TOPPED. One of the daddies will invite you to a party
You should go on Grindr and get TOPPED, because women are fucking whores
Why go outside when they could just go on Grindr and get TOPPED at home on their couch??
>gf in pic
>op is about friendship
I don't think incels value friendship, which is why they rarely have friends.They think a romantic or sexual partner can compensate for it. Just look at anime/manga like that, the protag either has no male friends or his male friends have little to no relevance.
My English teacher told me that in adult life you'd slowly drift away from your childhood friendships. Man, did that happen hard.
Now I get to look forward to nothing for the next fifty years.
They should hold you down while you get TOPPED in case the daddy from Grindr is too thick
Go on Grindr and get TOPPED, theyll let you tug the pp
Get TOPPED bent over a park bench after you go on Grindr, of course.
What the hell has become of this board when the robots are the strange ones. kek
Friends are so boring. You're no joke not missing out on anything besides feigning interest over some dumb conversation you're having with them. IRL friendships are not how TV and moves make them seem. You have probably experienced the height of friendships in your youth. In summary, having friends is not fun.
People who don't want stained furniture
I used to have a friend online, but I ghosted them due to minor ideological differences.
Literally the only people I ever talk to are my father, and some of my coworkers; who are all women twenty years older than me.