How the fuck do I lose weight? Im so ungodly hungry it hurts
How the fuck do I lose weight? Im so ungodly hungry it hurts
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read the sticky, find a /fast/ general.
drink water.
endure the pain. it's only pain.
or just stay fat
I get fucking unbearable migraines and fatigue
I'm trying to fast but I can't even stand a 16/8, I'm a failure
Drugs, just use drugs that suppress your appetite user. Cigarettes and coffee and energy drinks are a great start if you are too much of a pussy for hard drugs.
eat less than your maintenance calorie intake. If you're already fat, it should be easy to do.
go vegan! because have the lowest bodyfat% out of any dietary group
Try a keto diet, supposedly it works very well
Sugar and food is a drug worse then crack. The problem is that you cant quit cold turkey since you die if you stop eating so you just have too get your body used to eating less. It will take a while and the first weeks are the hardest. Or you can eat the same amount of food and just workout. the problem with that is that you get more hungry after you exercise.
not op, did keto for about 2 month's.
first you gonna loose alot of water because no carb's, so if you do it right and op is semi like me he's gonna lose about 10 kg's first 1 to 2 week's.
after that 2 week's you slowly lose more, you just have to keep it up.
thing is, i had to stop because of keto rash and if you don't watch your carb intake after that you'll get every single gramm back. if not more. =(
cut small corners. If you're eating a cheese burger get rid of the bun with no condements on it. If you're eating pizza, dab the grease off with a paper towel. If you're drinking a soda, throw it away when there's 1/4th of the can/bottle left.
Drink Water everytime you think about it. Not just a sip, chug until you need to breathe. Get some celery with peanut butter to eat when you're hungry. Truth is, it's just a matter of eating less.
72 hour fasts
intermittent fasting
but really, there's no way to lose weight without being hungry, save being in a coma. you have to suck it up, the hunger gets less annoying over time.
can someone tell me how i haven't lost a pound in the past week and a half despite me doing 25 situps a day and only eating 1 meal per day?
300lbs btw
been at it about a month and lost 5 pounds but the past week and a half nothing
do i have some kind of gland problem?
>25 situps a day
change 25 situps to walking 1h a day
Stop eating junk food
Eat less
Drink lots of water
After a while of not eating shit and eating less you stop craving junk food and you stop craving eating so much
Today ive eaten
>2 weetabix (like 200 calories)
>a tin of mixed beans (400 calories)
>2 spoons of peanut butter
>shit loads of water
And ive been awake for about 12 hours now. Its not hard lad just throw away ALL junk food you got
that's like very good for someone my weight you retards
most people like 250 can't even do 1
go look it up.
also i fucking hate walking since i have retardly wide feet and can never find comfortable shoes
i hate shoes
now if i had a bike that would be nice if it wasn't summer time
fuck the sun i only like fall and winter.
also i should have to do literally nothing if i'm eating less than 2k calories at that weight
and i'm eating 1500 at the fucking max.
Sounds like youre in denial lad
Do stair climbing if you live in a house, walk up and down again
doing 25 situps as a fatass probs burns 50 calories max
OP, start fasting. You'll be surprised how much it suppresses your appetite.
>you die if you stop eating
American education strikes again
>a random chart with no sources and images of fat kids is your argument
>want to lose weight
>have no self control
>family wants to eat out constantly because nobody wants to cook
>I don't know how to cook either
I get 1200 every two weeks from unemployment, what can I make for breakfast, lunch, dinner and some snacks? I'm tired of eating fucking take out every other day because I can't cook.
Whats worse being the way you are now or uncomfortable shoes?
just eat cereal with milk, egg sandwiches, peanut butter, rice and beans.... chicken in the oven
lad you literally just put stuff in the oven like a chicken, throw some rice in a pan...
I'm comparing food to drugs you retard. You can live without doing drugs but you cant live without food.
I'm a retard raised by parents who did everything for me. Please forgive my lost sense of confidence in doing things.
One time a few years ago I tried pan frying chicken when I stuck the thermometer inside the chicken and it being below 160 despite being on the pan for 35 minutes. My mom saw what I was trying to do and it turned into a learning experience. Turns out you're supposed to cut thick breasts in half for that or else it won't cook all the way.
I felt like a fucking baby trying to do taxes.
No lad I mean you literally go to the shop, buy frozen chicken strips, take the frozen chicken strips out of the bag
Put it on some foil in the oven, leave it inside the oven for 20 minutes, take it out the oven, put it on a plate, add other stuff to it
I dont expect you to be putting entire chickens into the oven. Its so easy to cook random shit like frying eggs, just try it sometime.
I guess I'll try it and hope not to fuck up and almost poison myself again. Thanks user.
tighten your belt retard
>1 meal!
Thanks for the useful information as per regarding to your diagnosis faggot
You need a near death experience, a tragedy, a life-quaking all-destroying force of terror to boil you alive.