Hello Zig Forums. I am aware this board is full of autists, which is perfect I want to befriend one of my coworkers who clearly is on the spectrum, I'm thinking of putting this in an envelope and giving it to him somehow. I just need to know if this is retarded, I don't know if I've worded it in a stupid way, or if the idea in general is stupid. I just really enjoy talking to this person once in a while, and I don't really know how to ask for his number
How would you react if you received this - would you be disgusted or put-off? Are there any revisions I should make, or should I scrap the idea as a whole? I hope to god he doesn't browse this board
I'd be delighted to get something like this. You should go ahead and give it to him. Befriend him. It's super special and sweet to get stuff like this.
Jaxon Morgan
depends. you wouldn't happen to be a roastie, would you?
Colton Brooks
if you're a guy, sure. if you're a girl, no even if he's on the spectrum, he might get the wrong idea if you're a girl giving it to him. might make it seem like you "like like" him.
Lincoln Cook
Thank you, I hope you're being honest. Your feedback means a lot to me
No, I'm a virgin, I've never kissed anyone because I'm too socially retarded
I mean, I do "like-like" him. I guess though, I wouldn't want him to know that...
Nathan Hughes
>No, I'm a virgin, I've never kissed anyone because I'm too socially retarded That isn't what he asked
Jonathan Jenkins
Uhhh. I answered the question by saying I'm not a roastie
Colton Ortiz
Do it, this is too cute.
A coworker once told me a similar story, it wasn't with autists, just this guy from another country who came for some things and they had an event or don't remember why, and after going back to his country the guy left him a note thanking him for being so kind and all that. It felt honestly like a world class gesture.
Unless he hates your guts I don't see a person not reacting positively to such a thing.
Ayden Davis
no, op is always a fag
Gabriel Hernandez
kek in an original haha kinda way.
Adam Clark
Hey scrub, Personally if i recieved this I'd think it was a bit weird but I'd still keep it because it's a nice letter But like I cant think of a way to give it to him perhaps you could hand it to him in person after a conversation Also I dont see how you like-liking him is such a big deal if he finds out be blunt about it and dont hide it because it's going to cause problems. Best of luck Cletus.
Brody Ward
Chad would rather take your virginity than a stupid postcard
Parker Walker
well if you do "like like" him, then give it to him. who knows, might take me some time to realize you being nice was because you like him. or he might never figure it out
Asher Hill
Nobody will react negatively to this unless they already dislike you for some reason. Worst case scenario they show it to your coworkers, I guess.
Grayson Bell
Thank you so much for your response, I appreciate it. I hope that would be the case, I'll keep this in mind. I hope you have a good day/evening/night!
I'm [biologically] FEMALE !!!!
I understand what you mean, I do think it's a bit awkward. I just don't know any other way to do this, I can't speak properly in person I was thinking of slipping it into his bag or something since he leaves it out in the open for some reason, but I feel as if that's creepier. It's just embarrassing if he finds out I like him, plus, the 'friendship' we had I guess won't be the same
He's not chad, he's a 25+ virgin
Possibly... I hope he doesn't get it straight away, I just want to build a friendship. I have no clue how guys on the spectrum take things like this, I mean, I sorta have a clue, but I'm not positive
Jack Barnes
>He's not chad, he's a 25+ virgin how tall is he? if above 5'11" then he's chad
Jayden Watson
Oh jeez, I didn't think of the coworker thing. I don't think he's the type to do that, however I never really could know. Thank you for your input
He's either like, the same height as me, or an inch taller maybe. For reference, I'm 5'7 in your system I think, ( 172 cm )
Jayden Jones
I would die if a girl gave me something like this
John Ramirez
if you dont want to date him now, dont give it to him im not autistic at all and if a girl gave me that, the first thing i would think is that she wants the penis (and 90% of the time i would be right)
I don't understand what this means, I'm really sorry
>im not autistic at all GRRR your input is useless!!! Why are you here!!
Thank you!!! It means a lot to me!!! fight!!!
Benjamin Gray
He's probably a nice person like you said, so that won't happen. I would be very happy to receive something like that, especially if I was interested in the girl intimately. I actually feel a little jealous of this guy. Good luck!
>I don't understand what this means, I'm really sorry he is saying that he would be so happy he would die, if he were to receive a letter like that from a member of the female race >Why are you here!! i am here to apu images (images of apu) do you dare stand in my way?
Thank you so much, I hope he is! If it makes him happy instead of feeling disturbed then I'll be glad... Thank you for being so kind, I think you deserve to have something nice happen to you
Hmmm. I interpreted it as something negative, I'm crossing my fingers that you're right Also that's okay, I'm sorry for being rude earlier, I just am surprised how NT got here!! But I like your apus!!
Carson Peterson
I got about 2 sentences into your post and I can already tell you that you should not do that.
Brody Murphy
>I interpreted it as something negative, I'm crossing my fingers that you're right Not him but depending on the context it can be taken either way. He's most likely right about the other user "dying" of happiness upon receiving the note. Don't stress out over it.
David Adams
Good looking people get away with anything. So be good looking.
Ryan Murphy
I understand, my face is red now
What should I do instead..? I'm a bit of a coward
Kayden Bailey
Thank you so much for your kindness, I appreciate the explanation a lot
But I don't know what he would find attractive!
Robert White
You type like a RP'ing homosexual/tranny. However, if you are actually biologically female, you might be able to get away with it and court him through this method.
Jonathan Ramirez
Come on, user. You know if you're good looking or not.
Tyler Jones
Notes are creepy dude.
Just ask them if they wanna hang out or grab lunch sometime. (NEVER SAY DATE)
Okay, this is coming from an experienced user, that will get your foot in the door.
The rest is up to you, thank me later.
Josiah Barnes
>Thank you so much for your kindness, I appreciate the explanation a lot You're welcome. As for your OP question... I would be flattered. A little weirded out because I have my suspicions about others, but after knowing it's a genuine act I wouldn't say no to such a wholesome request.