Virgin Thread

State your age and why you are a virgin
Non-virgins fuck off

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>unironically waiting for marriage, she has to be a virgin too
So basically I'm celibate for life barring any miracles

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Opportunity never came up. Also I notice when a normal person gets to the point where they would introduce themselves or exchange contact info, I just go "aight cya later!" and never see them again. Meeting people is a FUCK LOAD of work and I really don't think it's worth it

>have never really thought about having sex

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im absolutely retarded, on every social level imaginable. ive been in bed with a girl, and didnt want to make a move because i was too beta. it seems like i can give off a persona to get me to that point but when it actually comes to time to do it, i just cant.

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22, opportunity never came up, but its kinda hard for it to have happened when ive become a social recluse since 15.

I dropped out of school when I was 16 because I wanted to kill myself. Became a NEET. Got a job when I was 24. That's all I've done since.

I am technically a virgin as in i did fuck a trap (irl friend)'s ass before but didnt exactly enjoy it
That doesnt count, r-right?

>never really thought much of pursuing sex since I got porn galore. plus I'm a sperg.

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23, me and my gf want to wait, not untill marriage, just untill shes prepared, she got abused as a child, so I understand her not being ready yet

23, I live in rural isolation and hate cars. No social life on account of it. My self-esteem and social abilities have improved drastically but corona has put my moving-out plans on hold.

28 and this basically I have zero natural flirting instinct or ability and have gotten to the point where I'm emotionally self-sufficient enough to not try any more. Not that I'm ever around people I could make a pass at anyway.

>I am technically a virgin

No, you are technically a fag

Person A's dick going into person B's asshole means neither party can truly claim virginity any longer. You're not a virgin, you lost your virginity with another male.

I feel so bad for you.

Oh well what's done is done

I've done ok for myself. I had a good job, but trying to finish college now. I think I would rather fap than have to deal with the pressure of getting to know a girl, date, and then finally fuck.

why don't you fuck escorts? you could do that and lie to people, it might improve your confidence too.

coward and misanthrope

I could lie to people now if I wanted (no need since it never comes up) but paying to fuck someone just so you can check off a meaningless box is pathetic and I wouldn't be able to live with myself afterwards. Even the thirsty losers on this board understand that well enough.
Not to mention the whole experience would no doubt be embarrassing and completely unfulfilling.

29 years old
Small dick insecurities

>20, nearly 21
>i jerk off 4-8 times a day and haven't left my house in 7 months
I got semi-close in 2019 when I was trying in life, but the girl was freaked out that I was a virgin. She was 30 and smoked meth but hey, a girl found me fuckable. That's all the validation I will ever need from real girls. It's pretty comfy living like this. All I do nowadays is jerk off to hentai dating sims, eat fast food, smoke weed that my dad buys, and listen to music.
Also I used to be attractive but I got fat and shaved my head so I'm kind of waiting to fix that before I try again eventually.

20. I didnt start dateing until my senio2 year of highschool and have found that starting to get intimate makes me extreamly uncomfortable. Like when someome trys to slid a hand under my shirt or something. I want to make sure that the person I lose my virginity to is the only person I sleep with and that I will never regret who I lost it to.


Extremely stunted development from a pituitary gland tumor causing me to look and sound like a literal child. Basically non existent to other adults as it's easy to assume that I actually am a child.

I don't know why I'm still a virgin. I want it to be natural no prostitutes... I go through periods of decent confidence to where I can talk to chicks and start something but it always comes crashing down hard leaving me in a slump. I feel like I'm just not capable of love, I fear rejection and always have a thought of them laughing at me when I think about actually asking them out. it has happened every time. I'm doomed to be alone I guess.

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Thought it would be nice to get a girlfriend, but wanted girl to ask me out due to being a pussy. Also wanted girl to be virgin too, only to get a rough wakeup call during highschool that anyone attractive in my highschool already fucked in middleschool. Now work in min wage cuckery, so most of my female coworkers are teenaged spics, which is a problem since i only like white girls my age.

27, and I've been a social recluse my whole life. Probably on the spectrum. Doesn't help I'm aromantic, so I'm only interested in a physical relationship. And if women want a friends with benefits arrangement, they'd go for Chad.

Never tried to meet girls. I can go get my dick in some nice pussy, but I am too fuck up.
Too much paranoia about std and others shit. I just don't understand how people do it, just go and fuck like that without condoms going raw, Seems like an Alien concept for me how normies just to stuff

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I have been terrified of girls since I was a little kid. They really really freak me out, seriously, trying to talk to them is the hardest thing that I have ever done and I dont think I remember a comfortable conversation Ive had with a girl, except one, that I totally blew it with. I gained weight in college, and then I lost it and Im p fit now as im about to graduate. So now im trying really really hard to find a nice girl to share my life with

you're literally me.

I feel your pain bro

I spent all my life being horribly obese and as such completely shut myself off from even the remotest possibility of a relationship. I'm currently in the process of losing it all right now, so hoping to be able to stick my dick in someone by 28.

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>Awkward introverted manlet

I just can't relate to normal people and I mean that in a non edgy way. I could care less about social media, celebrity gossip, latest trends in clothing and music.
Plus being a manlet on top of being not personable / social person isn't going to help with women.

Hopefully cute brown escort in a year or two

22, every girl I know is super religious and thinks people who have pre-marital sex go to hell

31 year old hermit.
I prefer being alone, it's less complicated.
I'm probably on the spectrum or have some sort of personality disorder.

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Just never really put the work in to get a gf

21, I don't mind it and I just have standards and want date someone who's virgin as well. Can't really understand people who's whining about being a virgin unless they're 25+

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Please tell me where you're meeting them because that exactly what I want so badly.

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its not about ticking off the box, its so you can actually experience sex and not obsess over being a virgin.

I had chances but I rejected them. I only want to have sex with someone I care about, but women aren't worth loving and I'm not gay.

I fucking feel for you dude. I am a manlet, I may as well not be a sexual being to anything but midget fetishists.

I live with my parents and have no driver's license, money or ability to socialize.
But I'm not really that bummed about it, I'm pretty sure that I'll find someone when my living situation changes because I'm not fat or hideous.

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