The girl i had a huge crush on in middle school and failed 4 times to date has an only fans

The girl i had a huge crush on in middle school and failed 4 times to date has an only fans


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>Surprised a woman he found attractive has an OnlyFans
You're a moron. You should have expected this. If you find her attractive and were presumably willing to spend money to get her attention, then there's a good chance the other 3.5 billion men in the world would do the same. She'd be an idiot to not ride the wave of hyper consumerist capitalism to its logical conclusion. My advice is to harden up, lift hard, and prepare yourself for the reality that from here, it gets much, much worse.

At least post the unphotoshopped version

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Yes she has some fat knockers but I bet she's retarded and boring.

>but I bet she's retarded and boring.
as all women are

The girl I had a crush on broke it off with me to be a literal prostitute. You'll be fine, faggot.

>The girl i had a huge crush on in middle school and failed 4 times to date has an only fans
>he doesn't even realize the bullet he dodged
Imagine being this stupid.

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This bitch literally shooped all her moles off and even made her neck thinner. Tf.

She just wasn't into you user.

super badly photoshopped. Changed her jaw line and breasts

what i would do is
>subscribe to channel
>record all her shit
>post it everywhere for free


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not an original idea, but a good idea none the less.

well are you gonna post the onlyfans or what

I saw this one girl walking down the halls in high school and she was absolutely perfect...
Fat ass
High heels
Yoga pants
Red thong
Then she turned around and I recognized her face and I realized...
She was that one girl who gave me her number in middle school but I was too nervous to call her

Why? It's worse

Why? You have won. You dodged a bullet; that talentless, dumb hoe has had to respond to selling her body in the internet, where everything lasts forever, and you don t have to suffer the retroactive shame of ever being involved with something like that. You should celebrate by getting a subscription, and then sending all of her nudes to her parent's Facebook.

I remember a girl which I felt in love with over texts, she used to lead me on for a while, but now she has topless pics on ig

This clearly proves she was never the girlfriend material you idealized her to be, and that underneath the surface she was immoral and broken.

She belongs to the streets, dude. I'm sorry you had to waste your heart going after something that wasn't what it was.

Improve yourself, date other girls. Don't contribute to hers, or any other girls only fans. It won't give you closure, it will only prolong your pain.

Her pussy looks raging.

all humans are common prostitutes. just different prices and methods of acceptable payment.

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I can't find her page anywhere.

what are you complaining about? now you can finally give up on her since she's revealed herself as a worthless whore who doesn't even respect herself

The girl i had a huge crush on in middle school decided to live with some guy 23 years older than her in order to get a position in my university.

Feels strange man.

only fans is the modern day centerfold

my blood runs cold
my memory has just been sold

You should support her financially for the old times



tell her parents, send it to them and she will get fucked for being a slutty whore

Post it fag I wanna see what she looks like

Go on Grindr and get TOPPED you will enjoy this

Don't care user. The sea is full of fish.

i doubt she was the one who shopped or even commissioned the shop. imagine being that insecure about your image.

would still smash

>The sea is full of fish.
And you have neither the bait nor equipment to catch one, and you live in a desert

>imagine being that insecure about your image.
This is all women by ther nature, and zoomers.

K nihilist.