Would you marry this person (she frequents /soc/) if she had your ideal traits in a woman (but looked like that)?

would you marry this person (she frequents /soc/) if she had your ideal traits in a woman (but looked like that)?

Attached: 1594476362592.jpg (1242x2208, 294.89K)

So that is herpes?

she looks interesting
and if she wants, dermatology is an easy option to get rid of acne.

I would not marry anyone who frequents soc

Attached: 996.jpg (250x535, 26.73K)

Yeah, it's just a dermatologist visit, not sure if something else.

She... has a bad haircut and acne with bad glasses that don't suit her. New glasses, different hair and some kind of acne treatment and she'd be more attractive than most women I see on a daily basis. However, the fact that she frequents /soc/ means that she will, without a doubt, get lured into fucking some skinny guy who is covered in tattoos and makes shitty music. Literally every single girl who posts on /soc/ does that.

take the glasses off, let her hair down, and then get on a acne/skincare routine and she would be fine.
So yea I'd marry

>had your ideal traits in a woman
>she frequents /soc/
This is a contradiction in terms

Yeah, Everybody looks retarded when their glasses are so far down

>getting married in 2020

She'd look pretty good if she got some angular glasses, got some acne treatment, and grew her hair out. Not a model but good enough for a lot of people.
Honestly just not being a landwhale makes her competitive.

Weird, she looks exactly like my grandmother, no joke

If she were a virgin and otherwise what I like then yes

this is a very loaded question op.
Ima have to pass.

No, because that is a man

>frequents /soc/

Attached: 1593981822745.jpg (1080x1074, 244K)

Yes, what's the problem, some acne?
I get that sometimes too, we could go to a dermatologist f it really gets her down.
She's slim and cute otherwise, I'd be willing to accept a far more physically flawed woman if she ha my ideal traits.

She's literally at least a 7 right how she is in that picture of course I would ffs

Accutane or cleaner diet, better fitting glasses (they sit far too low), maybe grow the hair out a little more or at least get a cleaner haircut, definitely fixable. Unless she's one of those girls who tries to look shitty like Grimes

And you wonder why women have inflated egos.

she looks kinda manly desu

>(she frequents /soc/)

So where are the tits and vag?

Even without a perfect personality I would, as a /fa/ggot I can easly help her with acne, her face looks cute / intresting and she has good hairstyle already. ofcourse I would

Other than the acne she looks fine, also this

post more pics of how she looks nowadays, also if you were looking for the confidence boost you got it. Now please leave as you will find a normie bf and you do not belong here

Not interested in marriage but 100% would fuck and glaze her pimple ridden face with gallons of cum.

>she frequents /soc/
Why would i want to marry Marc Linden's used up cum sock

Yes, anyone who says no has no right to call themselves an incel or complain about not being able to find someone

based in point

How can someone look 80 and 20 at the same time

yeah i have acne too we would be cute