Why do women age so fast. I see 25 year olds getting wrinkles
Why do women age so fast. I see 25 year olds getting wrinkles
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Attractive women are more likely to be social meaning they're constantly partying with drugs and alcohol from 14-25, after 11 years of abuse to their bodies, the wall seems much more noticeable for attractive women.
She is also white and out in the sun all the time. Aging happens quickly without proper skincare.
Though you can also take men the same age and see equal wrinkles
Well it feels kinda mean cause she has had two brain surgeries but in general it has to more I think. Makeup or processed foods or something. Surely it's worse now
>Thinking face matters
Cope.The only thing that really matters is her tits and ass. Even "post wall" roastoids have a small collection of simps.
What makes woman attractive is soft cute features, which go away pretty quickly. Men on other hand can appear attractive while being cute but also a little rough and rugged, which can be maintained far longer. Justin Bieber was attractive because of his cuteness, like a girl, which is why he seems so used up now, but if he had a more masculine appearance when he was younger, no one would think he aged that badly.
Sheer alcoholism
That's why the gays call 25 "gay death."
The more past that wall she goes, the more her hidden Pajeet genes begin to reveal themselves through that deceiving veil of make-up.
But at least let me say, everyone ages, it's a part of life, it's simply bad when you waste your youth, marrying young and growing old with someone else, ideally after having lots of Beautiful babies to continue your lineage is the primary goal.
Don't go hopping around from partner to partner, there should be someone for everyone, in an ideal Society at least, but we're not exactly as ideal as we use to be.
Also yeah, I like really need a pajeets GF that looks like pic related rn, I can COLONIZE her bloodline and give her beautiful green eyed children.
>I can COLONIZE her bloodline and give her beautiful green eyed children
It's mother nature's way of saying a woman's prime years are up and it's all downhill from here.
there are literally probably only 20 or so girls like that in India a country with a pop. of 1.5 Billion.
And they arent even indian. Indians are fucking ugly.
I'm a 20yo man and I have Billie Eilish eyes with dark bags under them and forehead wrinkles. I'm not balding, so I guess I'm okay.
veganism/vegetarianism in many cases causes advanced aging and women are a lot more likely to fall for that meme diet because they are stupid and more prone to fall for propaganda/social conditioning.
there's many other reasons to of course but a plant based diet is the cause a lot of the time.
Okay okay, you're right, that's a cherry picked image, but not by me, blame Google, that's like the third or second result when I looked up "pajeeta" in Google images. Then I got turned on by her clear golden eye stare, 99% sure that she's at least half white though, this is the real face of the She-poos
terrible diet, no exercise, lack of sleep, caffeine addiction that links back to lack of sleep.
excessive exercise
especially when you have a shitty diet
actually advances aging i find
For bottoms only
No this is not real, I refuse to believe.
You can see the outline of those wrinkles even in that pic. I'm sorry bro. It's over
My gf is 32 and she looks pretty good.
She is a shut in mormon girl who has no social life so she spends most of her free time at the gym.
Only problem is she refuses to dye her hair and has a patch of silver hairs which show her age.
>why does the woman who nearly died and suffered multiple brain aneurysms in her 20s have some wrinkles
Grey hair at 32??? wtf is going on with women
its hilarious going back in a girls post history and seeing photos of her, even in the recent past she'll look better than she does now. its crazy. in just 2 years they can look noticeably worse, in 6 years they can look like entirely different people.
Cope. Look at Lindsay Lohan, the olson twins etc any famous woman in their 30s. In most reboots the original female actor can't even come back cause she looks like your grandma while the guy is still recognizable. Like the Top Gun sequel.
are those really strong arguments?
all those woman you mentioned have gone on the record on having severe drug addictions.
That destroys the body no matter who you are.
That's true i guess. I still think its an observable trend. Many famous guy's have abused drugs and alcohol and you don't see nearly as many as absolutely BTFO looking
forgive me user
There goes 1/3 of my waifu folder.
If you can't love her when she's old and grey did you ever really love her at all?