>tfw poverty
Anyone know this feel? First time eating in two days.
>tfw poverty
Anyone know this feel? First time eating in two days.
Look at that fancy floor, there's no way you can not have money to eat and not be homeless unless you're stupid, just buy a 10kg bag of rice, some salt and garlic, it's cheap.
Mozzarella with beans slaps fuck you
you can get ramen for 77 cents a pack. and yeah why is your floor so nice
Put all of your money in Wayfair stock. It's going to go huge tomorrow.
Minimum wage job and tiny studio apartment. Only left with a few hundred for utilities/wifi and some for food I have to ration.
Welcome to the american dream. I wish I knew what a gf was like.
Get roommates son. I'd rather live with other people and be able to make proper meals than be broke in a nice apartment I can barely afford.
Why not by ramen? Or bulky food like rice and beans.
Canned Corn and mayonnaise nigga.
So yummmy
I'm already stuck. I'll consider next year. This pandemic JUST'd my life pretty good.
Too much sodium. I only eat once in a while so it's not even worth the effort.
Hey bro, filthy Mexican here
I feel you, I've been poor all my life, but lately it's even worse, I barely eat daily too, at most I eat 2 scrambled eggs and a platter of either rice or flavorless soup and that's it, and keep in mind, it always, sometimes there's nothing to eat, my diet consist on just egg and rice/soup, maybe some beans sometimes, I really hate it and can relate, I'm 25 btw, in trying to change this but it's very hard, I'm in a cheap university halfway through my career and I hope I can get a decent paying job when I finish )it's not even a good career, I'm studying psychology and neurosciences) life has been hell, during summer I always sweat a lot and I'm very hot and during winter I'm always very cold, on top of that I have no friends, no GF, no nothing, even my house (grandma's house actually) is very old and has cracked walls and floor and is made of cement blocks, the layout is shit too, it's not actually a house but a small section of rooms, I can't even go to the bathroom without having to expose myself to the outside, it's shit when it's raining or it's cold as hell, imagine having to walk through the rain just to go to the bathroom
Don't worry bro, you're going to make it, me too, just hang in there, anything you want to talk in particular?
How do you struggle with the hunger brain fog? I honestly feel mildly high and depressed until I eat. Hope you're eating vitamin D and C supplements bro.
I make $29.03 an hour. You probably should have gotten a STEM degree.
>fancy cheese
woah buddy slow down there, Mr. Rothschild.
Can I see pics?
Yeah im actually poor though not your fancy poor. Roof leaks when it rains. House freezing cold in the winter. 7 months of winter. My house is depressing as fuck. I live in America but my house is third world conditions and im humiliated when someone comes in.
My room is set up comfy but now theres mold there and I have dirty dishes collecting rainwater on the floor. Every time it rains I wake up to rain falling in my room.
My parents never leave. Never. My fat dad is constantly taking shits and smoking cigarettes. They have a broken down shit house but spend $15 a day on cigarettes. I have never owned a car. 20 miles from anything. No bus. I dont smoke eat healthy and take care of myself and that all gets thrown away by my idiots.
I would rather be in an apartment with 4 people crammed on a floor.
Jesus. You sound literally like my fiancee when he first met. He came from Mexico and still slummed it with his family.
>How do you struggle with the hunger fog
I just endure it, when you've been poor all your life you just get used to it, I just watch videos or play something, sometimes when it's very strong I eat cereal (without milk) life is shit I won't lie to you, sometimes when there's milk I eat cereal but that's it , sometimes canned tuna, I can't even eat bread more than once a week, I hate this fyking shit , I wish I could be rich and have money to eat meat and chicken, I hate this shit, not only I'm poor but I live in Monterrey, the worst city in the whole country and the second most expensive in the country too with minimal wages, I seriously will apply for the Canadian citizenship once I graduate because I want to get out of here, being alone and Friendless makes everything even shittier, only reason I haven't killed myself is because i finally snapped and don't want to be weak
>Grew up in poverty
>Mom was a widowed single mother
>Worked minimum wage jobs up until I was 25
>Decided to get a STEM degree
>Worked in field for a few years getting underpaid
>Now working for 90-100K a year depending on overtime
Godamn that's hardcore...
Good luck user, hope that you can land a job after school.
Hope you get that canadian citizenship user. America would be good in comparison but I would not recommend it if you have other options. I would love to move to Canada if I had the chance.
Please define poverty because I have never seen anyone succeed from poverty
My life is a little worse than Mexico but yeah
All the retards in this thread think faux wood linoleum paneling is "fancy floor".
Fuck America, OP. Hope you make it through to the other side. City life is cancer.
All I want is floors like that but god traps me in poverty
Sriracha on cheap premium crackers was one of the things that kept me alive, good shit
Work for delivery apps gigs, I make $20-$30/hr doing Grubhub, Doordash, Sometimes Favor.
Thank me later.
>Grew up in public housing where a requirement was to be on welfare or below 26k a year
>Mom worked a job as a night baker at a restaurant and then a PSW making around $12 an hour
>Went to a catholic school due to a grant the local government gave to poor kids
>The street I grew up on was called "No Daddy Alley"
>Graduated high school and lived on the same street in a shitty apartment at the end of the road (Where public housing stopped)
>Lived in a shitty one bedroom apartment working at call centers and earned around $11 an hour
So yeah, pretty impoverished to me.
being an poor beaner i can relate 100% relate. but goddamn put some homade rice in that bitch bam instant lunch or if your tired of beans just eat ramen
You know he might not have that option, right? From a landlord's perspective, one tenant with the resources and stability to pay the rent on his own is better than a pair of tenants where one could flake anytime. The roommate is a second party you have to vet, or who might come up short with his portion of the rent and jeopardize your income. Might be a clause in the lease against roommates or sub-letting.
And could you guys stop going on about how nice it is, his floors aren't filthy. That doesn't say much. You can literally see the broom he used to clean them.
>first time eating in two days and you waste money on shredded cheese
nigga what are you doing?
you could use your poverty to eat a rice and bean diet that makes you hear attack proof but no, you choose to eat cheese...