Tfw your bf doesnt wanna wear some feminine stuff

>tfw your bf doesnt wanna wear some feminine stuff
i just want a cute femboy boyfriend that i can peg

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My gf wants to peg me but she doesnt like me being feminine :(

Do you wish she could allow you to be more feminine, user? If yes, you can start by wearing feminine stuff little by little : cute socks, bracelets, necklaces..

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How do I get a pegging gf? Most girls don't seem to be into that kinda stuff

I mean I shave most of my body and got some CD stuff, not really suitable for daily life tho

give me your discord mom

Find a bi girl, most of them are into it -
fujos too but its less common or girls into BDSM

follow my advice user, i think its suitable for daily life too. you can even wear mascara if needed!

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what the FUCK could be the appeal of pegging to a bitch?
how is attaching a dildo to a belt and awkwardly humping it into a man's dirty hairy ass hot in any fucking way?

What makes it hot is knowing that your partner is experiencing amazing pleasure as a result of your actions. Have you never had sex before?

She gave me these socks tho :)
I used to wear Eyeliner occasionally on outings but due to the current situation I barely go anywhere. We actually Havent tried pegging yet, we just did some stuff with Butt plugs.

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>anal dildo
>amazing pleasure

>Have you never had sex before?

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They look so cute!!! Thats really nice of her!

Hearing him moan and whimper, and being able to dominate him is so arousing... I love seeing how his body would react to touches, how his voice would change, how he would beg, and my favorite, his expression if we do it missionary
I love being the dom for all of these reasons, its sexually stimulating and satisfying
(Plus, men are so cute when they whine,,)

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You do realize for many people Sex is more than pp goes in vv?

Unironically kill yourselves. :)


Thanks but I am completely happy with myself and the stuff I like, so I'll have to say no

i'm not feminine though
i am hairy and my neck resembles a dbz character despite never working out
am i wrong for liking femdom? that thought troubles me perpetually as i have no one to ask to while showing my appearance to them

youre just sad because you dont have a femdom gf, come join the good side user, ill take good care of you and we will start slow, alright?

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Okay, I'm in. What do I do first?

Oh no!! I personally love muscular men, with a dad bod physique, I find them so pretty to look at
Nonetheless, your appearance should never make you ashamed of your kinks user. You dont have to be feminine to like femdom, its not a contract, be who you want to be

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rather stab your ovaries out with a rusty spork desu senpai

>(Plus, men are so cute when they whine,,)
I can see why you love this board.

I've never had a femdom dom me before. I'd always assumed they'd never existed

They do exist, rare tho. And I'm assuming most aren't like the professionals you see in porn.

Tbh, I just go for men because it's easier to hook up with them. Most are pretty aggressive though

That's what I planned to do when I was a Virgin and became desperate. Due to a lucky coincidence i found a gf, saved me from doing more degenerate things

How would you define your sexuality? Bi? Or hetero-curious

I'm full degenerate at this point. Don't really care too much though

Just bi, preferring men

do these threads only exist to torment me? haven't i suffered enough god?