>tfw your bf doesnt wanna wear some feminine stuff
i just want a cute femboy boyfriend that i can peg
Tfw your bf doesnt wanna wear some feminine stuff
My gf wants to peg me but she doesnt like me being feminine :(
Do you wish she could allow you to be more feminine, user? If yes, you can start by wearing feminine stuff little by little : cute socks, bracelets, necklaces..
How do I get a pegging gf? Most girls don't seem to be into that kinda stuff
I mean I shave most of my body and got some CD stuff, not really suitable for daily life tho
give me your discord mom
Find a bi girl, most of them are into it -
fujos too but its less common or girls into BDSM
follow my advice user, i think its suitable for daily life too. you can even wear mascara if needed!
what the FUCK could be the appeal of pegging to a bitch?
how is attaching a dildo to a belt and awkwardly humping it into a man's dirty hairy ass hot in any fucking way?
What makes it hot is knowing that your partner is experiencing amazing pleasure as a result of your actions. Have you never had sex before?
She gave me these socks tho :)
I used to wear Eyeliner occasionally on outings but due to the current situation I barely go anywhere. We actually Havent tried pegging yet, we just did some stuff with Butt plugs.
>anal dildo
>amazing pleasure
>Have you never had sex before?
They look so cute!!! Thats really nice of her!
Hearing him moan and whimper, and being able to dominate him is so arousing... I love seeing how his body would react to touches, how his voice would change, how he would beg, and my favorite, his expression if we do it missionary
I love being the dom for all of these reasons, its sexually stimulating and satisfying
(Plus, men are so cute when they whine,,)
You do realize for many people Sex is more than pp goes in vv?
Unironically kill yourselves. :)
Thanks but I am completely happy with myself and the stuff I like, so I'll have to say no
i'm not feminine though
i am hairy and my neck resembles a dbz character despite never working out
am i wrong for liking femdom? that thought troubles me perpetually as i have no one to ask to while showing my appearance to them
youre just sad because you dont have a femdom gf, come join the good side user, ill take good care of you and we will start slow, alright?
Okay, I'm in. What do I do first?
Oh no!! I personally love muscular men, with a dad bod physique, I find them so pretty to look at
Nonetheless, your appearance should never make you ashamed of your kinks user. You dont have to be feminine to like femdom, its not a contract, be who you want to be
rather stab your ovaries out with a rusty spork desu senpai
>(Plus, men are so cute when they whine,,)
I can see why you love this board.
I've never had a femdom dom me before. I'd always assumed they'd never existed
They do exist, rare tho. And I'm assuming most aren't like the professionals you see in porn.
Tbh, I just go for men because it's easier to hook up with them. Most are pretty aggressive though
That's what I planned to do when I was a Virgin and became desperate. Due to a lucky coincidence i found a gf, saved me from doing more degenerate things
How would you define your sexuality? Bi? Or hetero-curious
I'm full degenerate at this point. Don't really care too much though
Just bi, preferring men
do these threads only exist to torment me? haven't i suffered enough god?