>be wagecucking last 6 months >have beta soiboy 30 year old coworker >can barely read social cues >constantly talks about magic the gathering >no problem with MTG or people who are into it, you like what you like, but when you don’t shut the fuck up despite that no one but you is into it and can’t take a hint that no one wants to talk about it you’re a faggot >also generally it has a mostly weak beta male fan base >slowly starts trying to act as though he’s my superior, same position but he’s been wagecucking for $9/hr for 5 years here (brags about being the senior sales associate a lot) >his way of acting like a higher up is talking down to me (25) or the assistant manager who’s only 22, calling me buddy/bud or telling me how to do something that’s obvious and just requires common sense /that shattered glass is sharp don’t cut yourself, buddy) >would be based if he was doing it to be a dick, he’s not. It’s from insecurity of some sort >ffw last week, guy gets on ladder >complains that he’s out of shape and really has to start hitting the gym, hit his calf going up more than 3 steps >laugh in my head >today bitches and moans that he’s pulled his calf muscle all day >tell him how to stretch it and to just get electrolytes to shut him up, gives me excuses why I’m wrong >catch him stretching later >before closing tonight he tells me “I’m excited for my new MTG stuff, y-you wanna know why?” >why? >”I-I have a-a guest coming over!” And just stared at me for a response >Good job dude >quickly walk away to laugh over that this absolute loser may have managed to snag some pussy and that he wanted to tell me about it
That’s true. The guys kind of lit a fire under my ass to work harder too. I don’t want to be anything like this guy when I’m 30 in 5 years. I used to think I was an autist before I met him, and I didn’t even scratch the surface with how he behaves in that post. Imagine how the OP image guy would behave in public and that kinda explains it
Caleb Gonzalez
Virgin gymcel, Chad basedboy
Eli Hill
bitching about your coworkers is peak female behavior
I actually have a similar story OP >start job at local cafe >staff is all cute girls, aside from me and one other guy >dude is like 6’5 and at least 350lbs, acne ridden, greasy hair, high pitched voice >talks about DND and other games >tries talking to me about them, only thing I can relate on is Warhammer, but my knowledge is still sparse >I get along easily with the girls, being raised in a female household and being the only one with a good sense of humour >sometimes they ask me about boxing or lifting as they know I do it >every time I talk to one of them and he’s around he feels the need to but in the convo >it’s always awkward and ends with all of us just walking away and doing work >one day he asks me what the point of going to the gym is >lel what >”oh well, I’m taller than you user” (I’m 6’2) he does height mog me but I’m still far stronger and fitter >just laugh and say “okay man” >after that he constantly tries to bring it up, to the point of getting annoying >finally ask him to arm wrestle >he’s visibly nervous but obliges >grab his sweaty fat sausage hand >easily beat him purely with endurance >”oh well, I’m just not feeling great today, I could probably do it another time” I just don’t even get his insecurity at this point, like fuck dude, we were bonding over warhammer but you had to get all pissy
Michael Perez
Ah no offense man but you sound like a dick. He was there for 5 years. You don't have seniority over him and I'm sorry to say you are not better than him. Yep he's older than you, you have to respect that. Maybe he doesn't know what to say, so he talks about magic. Maybe he does understand social cues and is just getting nervous around your bad energy so he could be getting flabbergasted.
He tried to tell you he was getting some pussy and you walked away like an autist. He was trying to communicate with you and you didn't take him up on it.
I don't know, I don't know the guy, but it sounds like you have a lot of growing up/introspection to do. You will look back on this in 5 years and say to yourself "jesus, I wish I wasn't such a horrible cunt to Jack. I am ashamed of myself. He was a human being just like me"
Yeah dude it’s just not the case of you you’re assuming it to be. I completely get how you could wonder if that’s what’s going on, but it simply isn’t. I’m friendly as hell because I’m thankful to just have a part time gig that isn’t miserable. I entertain his retarded magic talk and allow him to ramble, to the point it interferes with my work and I get behind because he won’t allow me to end the convo (social cues) or walk off to do what I need to do.
>older than you, have to respect that What does this mean? Do you think I walk in the store and spit down his throat everyday? I treat him like a person, even better actually as I’m nearly coddling him. Age doesn’t mean shit. He’s an adult. I’m an adult. One of us still behaves like a 14 year old. I respect him in that I treat him as a human, but I have no respect for him as a man or my equal outside of this job. Doesn’t mean I’d be mean to him. He’s just clearly beneath me, which isn’t the point. Despite that I treat him with respect and as my equal, he goes out of his way to belittle me. >worked there longer than you It’s a wagecuck retail store. All it means is that if the manager has to run some errands and he and I are working that he has to process returns for her lol. Get real man.
>He tried to tell you he was getting some pussy and you walked away like an autist. He was trying to communicate with you and you didn't take him up on it. But here you are again assuming things and trying to look too far into it. It’s as I said, I responded to him. I was busy doing what he should have been helping me do: close the store (clean, reorganize all the merch, etc etc) while he just ducked around looking at magic the gathering shit on his phone even though the manager told us each to do half. He didn’t do a thing. I guess I’m such an asshole because I was busy trying to make sure I got out on time while fuckface lazed around. I also don’t know him out of this job
>He’s just clearly beneath me Nobody is beneath you. You haven't learned that yet. Your post further tells me that you have some kind of inner anger. Only you can help this. Peace brother, I hope you get well.
>Not playing MTG sorry to tell you this OP, but you ngmi
Christopher Davis
If you >have no higher aspirations beyond wagecucking part time and living with your mother at 30 while being a fat sack of shit who cannot handle a little cramp let alone avoid getting one from climbing a ladder in the first place You are beneath me. Post body with timestamp. Probably won’t because you know you’re just like this coworker
Cameron Ross
Oh yes. Even more anger. Let it out, I suppose.
Luis Edwards
>talk shit about his favorite warhammer armie(s) >take the low IQ approach for this >leave your tinder open in an obvious place so he can see all the hot chicks talking to you >flirt with your female employees >show some more skin around him >constantly talk about chad stuff Do this
Connor Morales
But I am curious. What made you so angry? Is it the "wagecuck" job, as you call it?
You pretended to be calm at the start of this post, but that disintegrated quite quickly, even in the same body of text.
It may not seem like it, but I am legitimately trying to help you - you may get defensive, but I think we have come to an important part of your problem - anger. But for now the question is why.
Christian Bell
Lmao what a fucking female response fuck off with this fag shit nigger lover
Justin Mitchell
>Nobody is beneath you Der eternal egalitarian!
Aiden Hill
I’m not even the user you’re arguing with but you’re a massive nigger prolapse with low t go back to plebbit wagecuck tranny
T. Low IQ master race
Jordan Jenkins
I don't even know whose side you're on lol.
Joshua Green
OP not going to sugar coat it, you sound fucking deranged
Landon Adams
I don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve here? If my text comes off as angry to you then reassess your way of thinking. I’m calm and happy as shit. I may be annoyed over having to close the entire store on my own while he didn’t do a thing, but not angry. Is it the language I used? Does it offend you? Hurt your feelings. I’m only trying to help you, you may get defensive though and call me overly aggressive and angry :/
Also see It’s definitely a female, this line gave it away > getting nervous around your bad energy so he could be getting flabbergasted. >bad energy
Ryan Green
Ah and you’re a Jew as well! I don’t know whether to shit or go blind this is absolutely sickening piss.
> I don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve here? If my text comes off as angry to you then reassess your way of thinking. I’m calm and happy as shit. I may be annoyed over having to close the entire store on my own while he didn’t do a thing, but not angry. Is it the language I used? Does it offend you? Hurt your feelings. I’m only trying to help you, you may get defensive though and call me overly aggressive and angry :/ Don’t get soft on me now you gotta stay twisted steel and panther piss. low IQ is the only effective response to arguing with low t s o y boys, females, niggers, and Jews.
Are you sure? You can talk about it if it hurt you. We’re anonymous here. Was it the comments over his weight? Yeah that’s it. Fatty gonna cwy? Big fat baby wa his bawbaw? Come on keep letting it out it’s okay. I can tell you’re having a hard day lol, just keep letting it out
Jaxson Gonzalez
For sure a female, she even starts off by apologizing and saying no offense.
Carson Myers
So in other words, that poster is beneath me. Kek
John Rodriguez
You are just talking to yourself now lol. You should take a hard look at your life.
Blake Watson
Yeah I fucking hate women. Except for my mom and grandma she’s a sweetheart.
Thomas Diaz
Fuck off nigger
Jonathan Phillips
Based, mine too
Adam Murphy
>You should take a hard look at your life. Yeah definitely a female she even comes with the condescending/patronizing tone! Hey cunt you do realize where you are right? Fuck off to tumblr or gaia or some shit
Henry Miller
They can't make their stinky taco holes unavailable to us so they have to use more nefarious techniques,
Thomas Cox
Imagine having this mindset. This is your brain on egalitarian propaganda.
Hudson Flores
The fucking personification of what this thread is about
John Johnson
I’m talking to myself? What’s wrong, you can’t give me any more (you)s? Well I don’t complain when the all you can eat buffet actually gives you all you can eat. Shame on you, you hypocritical Balaenoptera musculus. I get $600 on COPE? Checked and based
Your hatred for them is just as pathetic. You label him and those with his interest weak beta males, are you implying that you are a strong alpha?
Anthony Morgan
I don’t use tinder, and I don’t feel like trying to show off, I don’t need too, i more just wish he wasn’t so jealous and we could just be bros since we are the only 2 guys, unironically I’d be willing to go to the gym with him if he wanted but I don’t think he gives a rats ass
Luis Allen
Male pecking order is a thing. Females have a similar one. you’re below Stacy even tho you don’t want to admit it but it’s still there
No the dude is clearly beneath him, even beta male MTG nerd knows it. Why do you think he has to flex his seniority at his minimum wage job? People who are comfortable with themselves and don't have an inferiority complex typically don't do that type of shit.
Female pecking order goes like this. Who’s the most: >Attractive >tallest >biggest tits >best ass/legs >best makeup >flattest stomach >best hair And wayyyyyy at the bottom is intelligence & technical skills
Luis Gutierrez
You’re explaining logic and reality to an NPC. It’s beyond their dialogue options. Thank you for trying to explain it but see what I wrote above
Bentley Rodriguez
Joseph Hernandez
>/fph/ >"HAHA LOOK AT THE FAT FUCKING LANDWHALE" >/wph/ >"Hey man that's not cool you seem like an insecure asshole..."
Nathaniel Reyes
cringe af
Hudson Barnes
I’d say it’s >attractiveness >body shape >social life >skills and talents
Evan Foster
That’s because female intelligence and technical skills are at like 30 at a peak where the peak for men is like 100
Nicholas Barnes
In a nutshell. It’s almost as if this board is inhabited with weak Zig Forums user incels or something lol
Honk honk
Luis Richardson
I work with a weak faggot too.
>he started as an intern >works front end development now >treat him like the woman on the team >have him organize meetings >write documentation >keep meeting notes >everyone working from home because of rona >every time we're on the morning meeting call >I join a call >"Morning" >hear a noise between a moan and "uhh" >a wordless greeting as devoid of confidence as he is >every morning, fantasize about strangling him to until he gives out one final moan and dies.
I wish I could describe the noise better, it is so fucking bizarre and makes me irrationally angry. He just seems like such a fucking weak cuckboy with no spine. I look at him with such disgust as he's basically the personification of the modern weakling.
Jace Perry
In a nutshell. It’s almost as if this board is inhabited with weak Zig Forums user incels who connect with the weakling in my Op or something lol
Daniel Nelson
Rev up those /WPH/ threads then boys!
Gavin Howard
No I'm an incel and I agree with your assessment OP, this dude seems like a faggot and you should treat him like one. What a pathetic fag, trying to flex seniority in his minimum wage job.
He mentions the seniority at least 10 times a day. Dude used a label maker to add “senior sales associate” to his name tag. I shit you not, this is how far he’s taking it. I’m only gonna be at this place for another 3-6 months but Jesus christ
William Hernandez
Checked. I actually heard this image is staged, makes sense because I can’t believe anyone would actually do THAT
Mason Stewart
Dude you're going to have to tell him straight up man to man that he should stop trying to flex his years at this company as a way to "one up" you, because it's not working and it's embarrassing. I know it's hard because he acts more like a woman-child than a man, but it seems like you have to let off some pressure. Maybe try to get him into lifting afterwards if he takes in an okay fashion (I doubt he will), but I could be wrong.
Ian Lewis
2. Corinthians 12:9-10 >But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Don't know why everyone is saying to fuck off. OP it seems you have some insecurity issues- as do we all. But wouldn't you live a better life if you tried to reduce the amount of hate in your life as opposed to increasing it?
Jonathan Gomez
>You are beneath me. Based
Jackson Brown
>same fagging this hard OP is in the right and you’re just a weak slack jawed beta faggot I prostate pummel twinks more alpha than you
Landon Rodriguez
also if the dude is out of shape as you say why not try to help him workout, you could uplift his life instead of bringing him down. You don't have to even fucking like the guy but shouldn't we all be trying to improve our lives together, not smash each other against the rocks?
Logan Butler
It’s painful how much of a zogbot female you are
Grayson Gonzalez
corrective rape?
Brayden Bell
Lead a horse to water and what not. Males should lift others up, but only if they try. People who never try deserve to stay at the bottom
Jeremiah Nelson
Dude as of right now I barely care and was legitimately hoping for a real weak people hate thread. I thought Zig Forums would get a kick out of the fact that he climbed like 4 steps on a ladder and suffered a cramp and then complained about how badly he hurt for the next day.
I’m not saying anything more to any of these coworkers than I need to in order to work. I want it as drama free as possible, it’s an in and out gig for me as it has been so far. Support me until I’m ready to get my actual career.
Although this dickhead is a root of drama. Seems to have it out of me despite wanting to tell me about his gay cards. I scratched my hand doing something like a month ago and made a noise and I heard him say “that’s what you get” under his breath as he walked past. Been nothing but nice to him. We need more like this I now currently hate two weak “people“. However by tomorrow I’ll only remember the one I have to work with
Andrew Butler
Based, tell em.
Oliver Roberts
I hope you find love some day soon friend, in any endeavor or person you feel satisfies you.
Adrian Ortiz
I wrote about this in the OP you pathetic weak person poster child. I gave him advice on stretching and shit and he started feeding me excuses. At 30 years old if you don’t decide to workout on your own then no one can get you into it. Furthermore I simply do not want to shit up my own free time by hanging out with such a pathetic human being.
Joshua Sanchez
>I don't know, I don't know the guy, Then shut the fuck up, faggot.
Brayden Russell
It's never too late, user.
Jonathan Taylor
Christopher Bailey
Fucking stop with the female soicuck holier than thou condescending social shit. You just got to have the last word don’t you? And it’s always gotta be something faggy. Fuck this is exactly what Connery was talking about I wish I could slap the shit out of you
Jeremiah Lopez
Wow who could have expected that such a specimen would have presented itself in a thread about weak pussies 15964
Give context or this is just christcuckery glorifying weakness.
Charles Anderson
No, it’s never too late to make it. However at a certain point no one can force you to start. As a grown adult man, it’s your responsibility. It’s your job to accept you’ve neglected yourself and that you need to make a change. It’s your job to do research and get in the gym. You can hire a trainer but if you don’t start or even show up then they’re not gonna do it for you. It’s on you.
Gavin Stewart
This. Needing the last word is feminine. Continuing beyond the last word is why they get hit.
I’m unfamiliar with it, but I take it there’s a cat girl trap
Carter Miller
I don’t know what the fuck this means
William Lee
This was the only good thing to come out of this /wph/. Everything else is a bunch of autistic screaming about how the pecking order should work at min wage jobs.
Heck if I know man I've never watched it I only jack off to the lolis, so that just makes you extra gay for watching the show. I only watch manly anime like shonen jump and Jojo.
Only reason you would see that is because that's the insecurity you have about yourself. Come out of the closet user, your safe here, this is a safe space noone can hurt you here. >he doesn't watch the uber popular anime known as "shonen jump"
>be borderline auschwitz body type >started to getting Zig Forums about 2-3 weeks ago >gained 4-5kg so far its comfy I swear bros, Im getting out of the faggot zone and never looking back bully me into never being weak again
Holy shit what a stupid fucking thread. I'll be sure to hide and report them from now on lol
Jaxon Ortiz
I can break this down for you. He feels threatened by an obviously superior man. He likely views the female coworkers as his psuedoharem and you as a newcomer. He probably even likes one of them. He views the girls talking to you about your interests as them liking you and wanting to fuck (some probably legitimately do though). He clearly sees how his awkward attempts to but into conversation end in everyone dispersing, and it likely makes him feel like no one wants to be around him while everyone wants to be around you. This guy has 100% fantasized about murdering you by now. The only way to fuck with him is to quietly be analytical and find out which girl he likes the most, without ever talking to him about it, then fuck/date her. Or just fuck them all. Their body language and how they act around you at work will change and to some degree he will pick up on this. This will destroy him. Even if you just fuck one, it’ll crush him inside.
>bully me into never being weak again If you get weak again I'm going to rape you.
Levi Rivera
I'm sorry tough guy. Carry on with your wph threads macho dudes. If you had real balls you wouldn't put on this persona over the internet. I'm not "holierthanthou" to anyone man I've been through it. Whatever your faults are I hope people don't just hate you for them, but instead attempt to understand you instead of dismissing you as a person.
Landon Rivera
Man I still have no idea how he could tell I’m in Florida. Look at his trip. I’m a phone poster so maybe that’s why but idk how
Jace Turner
here senpai. this is my favorite motivation from this whole board. this thread is gay anyways so I'm posting it here for you. when I go to do my boxing tomorrow morning at 5:55 I'll be sure to think of you working out with me like brothers in bond. may your gains be great frend.
>I'm not "holierthanthou" to anyone man I've been through it. >Whatever your faults are I hope people don't just hate you for them, but instead attempt to understand you instead of dismissing you as a person. Shit for brains: the post
Jackson Kelly
>116 replies >39 posters I see you, tranny.
Adrian Allen
Why not tell him or signal him to speak up? >Hey? I can't hear you, can you speak more clearly who is this Afterwards get them to do some more speaking or explaining later, doesn't matter what as long as they speak clearly. I've been in a couple teams in college classes with meek people. They usually get the idea after a little while.
William Adams
Haha so you're saying this guy has hobbies he enjoys, more work experience than you despite being younger, higher status at the workplace, and he's getting laid? Totally right op, what a loser lol. Anyway, back to lifting heavy things and putting them down alone and prepping the same meal-for-one for five days straight
>more work experience than you At a minimum wage retail store >despite being younger You can’t read. I’m 25 hes 30, nothing you have to say matters now >higher status at the workplace Can’t read >and he's getting laid? The fact you consider it a big deal is very telling as to what kind of a dork you are lol >Totally right op, what a loser lol Yeah that’s why I said. Weird how you misread my post yet still got to the same conclusion
William Martin
Based and checked
Matthew Powell
>hes older than you you have to respect that >always respect your elders even when they are blatantly wrong or fucking psychotic
I don’t care, but it’s got my curiosity peaked. I mention my state a lot when I shitpost here. But how’d he do it. I doubt it was just a guess. Unless he works with me and recognized the guy I described based off that post (and just used a random pic of blakangag)? Shits odd and I wanna learn for my own shit posting and trolling
Jeremiah Murphy
Thank goodness those don't apply to me because I'm not a massive faggot that falls for obvious bait. They forgot the category for that though. Enjoy jacking off to next weeks episode of shonen jump matey.
Brayden Sanchez
Sounds like a faggot but challenging him to an arm wrestle sounds kinda autistic especially if all the girls were watching
>6'2" (the most fraud height next to 5'10") >I'm attractive and got a wicked sense of humor >I pretend to not know about DnD but totally know Warhammer >I lift and box a little, all my cute female coworkers ask me about it all the time >casual arm wrestler This is such larp.
Lucas Jones
Guys I’m serious How’d he do it
Ryan Reyes
If I had to guess he googled/facebook searched the facebook text in quotes and found it, then looked at the author's profile and it said florida
Cooper Nguyen
I know it’s hard to believe people have lives outside of sitting on their PC and posting on a Chinese image board, but if that helps you keep peace of mind then that’s okay too :)
Josiah Carter
They weren’t, we were in the food prep room alone, I’m autistic but not that autistic
Mason Morales
I’m not interested in any of the girls, I don’t date coworkers, that’s just creates drama long term, though you are right, he has a huge crush on one of them, she’s not interested in me though, we just banter from time to time like the rest of my coworkers, that’s why I thought he was being so needlessly pissy, like dude, I’m not even interested in these girls, go for them if you fucking want them
Ian Richardson
At the end of they day it’s was a match between weaponaized autism and inferior autism
Samuel Torres
something funny about how triggered anons get from your posts kek
Asher Turner
That was a random image I got off google by searching something like “weak beta male” but that makes sense
Justin Rodriguez
How the fuck do you keep getting these dubs?
Andrew Ortiz
Oh the irony...
Matthew Bailey
That's almost mean at some point. You have to realize these people have next to nothing and clearly can't pull themselves up, so you're going to humiliate him further in front of everyone else? Just do your job and go home, man. At some point you realize these jobs are bullshit.
Kayden Morris
I didn’t humiliate him in front of everyone, it was just us 2 at the time, it’s not my problem he’s a bitter lazy fuck and feels insecure
Dominic Nguyen
One day we'll get that suicide rate to 100%
Luis Lopez
Don’t worry about it Lol
Ayden Nelson
>be me >freshman in high school >super into anime, especially Naruto >get bullied constantly for being skinny nerd >see Madara and want to beat people like he does >decide to take Taekwondo >doesn’t help in actual fighting ability, but get into lifting >Senior year, no longer skinny or into anime >no longer bullied either The autism never really went away though
OP you are one of the most insecure sounding dudes I've ever seen. Some day you will look back at this and cringe as you realize you were the true beta all along.
The most hatred and anger-filled people are always the most insecure deep down. Always.
Kevin Miller
>like madara >want to beat people like he does how close were you to the school shooter ending user
Isaiah Martin
>uplift Only biological females use this word
Noah Scott
You remind me of someone I work with. He thinks he's the shit when in reality he's just another walking bag of bones.
>you are both gonna die in less than 50 years yet you took the time to write a post about a dude.
Ryder Brown
>make friends with DYEL >he says he doesnt know how to lift >invite him over to my home gym >he brings his way out of his league GF >getting strong vibes that she's the dominant in the relationship >show off a few of my lifts >his gf asks how much that was I benched >''wow that's almost 3 times as much as I weight'' >I reply ''yeah I could lift you easily'' >she giggles turned on >ask her if he can lift her >probably not >I say that's pathetic >and I pick her up and start kissing her with her legs wrapped around me >he meekly says ''tells me to stop and curses at us'' >I tell him to get the fuck out of my house and wait outside by the door >fuck her and tell them I expect to see them tomorrow >they show up again Fucking weak cucks man
James Parker
Good thread. The only ones that are seething are cucks themselves. Remember the just be yourself advice to losers? It's true you need confidence, but once you leave your comfort zone you're against wolves and you need to know that bullshitting will only work for so well. Get power, either physical or through montary ways. Women love height, muscle/looks and money since it's leverage against others. One however is not enough, you'll probably need a bit from all 3 or 2 good ones (good looks plus height or height and money). Those fuckers need to know their place on the food chain, virgin video game shit in public keep it to yourself or slowly distance that yourself from it and work on other aspects of your lives. I honestly glad I bullied my ex friends for being nerds in high school even if I was close with them in middle school
Mason Lewis
embarrassing post
Jacob Carter
Cause it's cheap as fuck, and most people get a subscription that they don't use. Technically, it still has everything you need to gain some muscle, it will just be annoying to use nonconventional exercises
Ethan Sullivan
Then they clapped
Nolan Wright
>waking down street >DYEL > literally get angry at the site of weak inferior men and I was particularly fired up that day from some of my PEDs >ask him if he even lifts >he replies ''n-no'' >''grow some balls and hit the gym you fucking twink'' I tell him >then I over head press him and drop him behind my head >he cries >spit on him >'and eat more to you fucking little bitch'' >Walk on top of him with 320 lbs of weight and walk off
Adrian Peterson
And everyone stood up and clapped
Ryan Bennett
What does this mean
Jason Wilson
Yeah the gf was clapping when I was mogging her bf with my lifts and when she was my 10 inch dick. How did you know?
Kayden Howard
seething weaklet
Matthew Scott
>Yep, he's older than you. You have to respect that
Based, reminds me of this story >make friends with DYEL >he says he doesnt know how to lift >invite him over to my home gym >he brings his way out of his league GF >getting strong vibes that she's the dominant in the relationship >show off a few of my lifts >his gf asks how much that was I benched >''wow that's almost 3 times as much as I weight'' >I reply ''yeah I could lift you easily'' >she giggles turned on >ask her if he can lift her >probably not >I say that's pathetic >and I pick her up and start kissing her with her legs wrapped around me >he meekly says ''tells me to stop and curses at us'' >I tell him to get the fuck out of my house and wait outside by the door >fuck her and tell them I expect to see them tomorrow >they show up again Fucking weak cucks man
Samuel Hill
I have a vagina: the post
James Hernandez
MTG is for Chads Fuck off OP
Isaiah Cox
Top kek
Thomas Wood
Gabriel Green
How does that even happen
Evan Wood
Are you guys in fucking middle school?
Lincoln Allen
Holy shit lol
Bentley Sullivan
It's because weak is subjective. Fat is objective.
Carson Bennett
if women went extinct, there will be two types of men men that get turned into women men that turn them into women which do you want to be
Logan Walker
there's no way you typed out that dear diary shit and actually thought it was compelling enough to share, let alone start an OP with. fucking kill yourself
also if you make $9 hour at 25, you are the failed weak male. kill yourself again
>my dad owns a truck >city fag so not a lot of people have trucks >often have to help people move >always just him and i >my 62 year old dad out lift guys my age who need help to move furniture >had to help move furniture from sisters bf's parents place >bf is too weak to help >his dad is just as useless >my dad calls them both out for being useless and needing to start lifting >base dad does meme exercises but years of landscaping made him decently strong >many strengths mogs with him when we move random family friends
the average population is so weak, they have to hire movers to get stuff done. like can people not pick up furniture and rent a moving truck ? >down side >always expected to be the one to move stuff and do the heavy lifting anywhere i go >fuck off, what if i wasn't here?
mom mogs almost all my female friends >she's 62 and can still do a pull up. >mom is stronger than 99% of women i know
Luis Rivera
Have you seen women pecking order? What would you say it is?
Levi Reyes
Making fun of Asians for being weak is cheating. Poo-in-the-Loos more so.
Angel Jackson
Anthony Cook
>he thinks social hierarchies change after middle school
I dunno man. I think proudly talking about your passion is something that can be shared in public as long as you're not making a one sided conversation about it.
I've always managed to insert videogames in engaging conversations conversation between my friends and my dates. As long as it fits the conversation somehow and the other person is interested enough to keep it going, it's all good. By letting yourself be seen, you achieve better connections.
Jason Carter
>have a friend since elementary school >always been fat >now he's 31, still lives at home >highschool diploma only, which is fine but also never learned any sort of trade >over 340lbs >worked at an ice cream store for 12 years >talk to him maybe a few times a year now >spoke to him the other day. Told me he quit his job 2 weeks ago to work on himself >get super happy for him. I don't have a lot of hope but I know making minimum wage scooping ice cream isn't helping his situation >tell him I'm happy for him and to ask me if there's anything I can do to help >few days pass >notice him popping up on steam a lot >playing Fallout 4 >not a big deal, there's nothing wrong with relaxing with some vidya now and again >check his profile out of curiosity >pic related. >129 hours in the past 2 weeks, when he quit >that is a full 5 days of just playing this videogame and doing nothing else. >5/14 days. >roughly 9 hours a day He's always been physically and mentally week but I had no idea it was this bad. I'm confident that he quit without having a plan for what to do next. He's not learning a trade, he's not going back to school, he's just playing fallout 4. One day his parents are gonna need a forklift to get him out of his bedroom and bury him. (the bedroom he's lived in his entire life mind you). I don't want that for him but there's nothing I can do. I've been trying to help him for more than a decade.
>now he's 31, still lives at home where would you live then? lmao
Christopher Sullivan
>just let the dude power trip and walk all over you haha keep his delusion alive No. user needs to break Fat Guy to force him to change. Shatter his delusion.
Jonathan Gray
I dont give others my attention like that, it is a female thing to do, grow up nigger
Christian Watson
the only weakness you should hate is the one that is deep within yourself, user
Dominic Martin
100% this. People generally care more that you're interested and passionate in your pursuits that what they are
Wyatt Collins
You see you have social awareness, the cuck in OP and other posts did not.
Hudson Parker
It sucks that troons can't do anything right, not even suicide. Attempts mean shit if they don't succeed.
Austin Nguyen
>jack >no name in op post
Im sorry all your replies completely missed your joke
Gavin Hill
What about Indians? Not pajeets, like real Indians.
Part 1 >be new in country starting work >be learning spanish because of cutie argir girl I was with >spanish guy works there too >think 'sweet' i can practice with him >overweight but looks strong and does mcdojo martial arts >immediately gives me his fanfic and dnd stories to read >find out he's been forcing everyone to read it >can't get a clue everyone hates it >start bringing anime to work >forces some dude with two doctorates to watch them >this dude is too well educated to tell him off instantly >shows me a picture of himself when young >the dude was a powerhouse, ask what happened >'hihi cupcakes' what >talks about his gf back home all the time >open relation, always makes fun of him but 'you wouldn't understand it's just how we talk' >jokes about whenever calling her she tells him to wait to finish with her boytoy >what >dude speaks in a high pitched voice, like a child >tells me age is just a number anyway >go out for drinks with him a few times >completely awkward but I tried
Hunter Sullivan
Part 2 >asks if I want to go to a park with him to check out cuties >he's new to the country too so I try to be nice and maybe help him talk to some girl >it's a childrens theme park opened to families for the weekend >simps for the office fatty giving her cuddles and being cute with her >she literally drools over us and always talks about how nice we look and smell but he gets treated like shit >bothers office hottie talks abosulte nonsense, just stands up goes to her desk and bothers her for 30 minutes straight with everyone watching, laughs at his own jokes >go to the gym with him once (I only do mma shit so I'm a bit out of my element lifting) >he uses low reps with incredibly low weights, just walks around >tells me not to use so much weight because I'll be sore the next day, what, isn't that the point(i may be wrong but I always thought of soreness as generally good but I avoid it after training with enough protein and good sleep) >asks me to go to the movies with him, what >it's some bullshit disney childrens cartoon
I don't get it. Why is he such a weird fucko. Under the layers and layers of fat he has muscles. He used to be very fit, I just don't get it.
Nicholas Garcia
Carson Adams
>hetero women have twice the attempts >hetero men have like 3 times the successes absolute KDA ratio mogged
Noah Wood
>and when she was my 10 inch dick. I TURNED MYSELF INTO A PENIS MORTY I'M PENIS RIIIIICK Funniest shit I ever seen
Lucas Walker
What is cringe about this??
Brayden Perez
I thought I was the only one, based joke, too bad cunts can't read.
Jonathan Perry
not only is he lacking musclemass from sitting and not doing anything exercise wise during his entire early childhood and puberty, he also has frail bones and tendons becouse the were never in use.
Now in that webm is body is being put under strain for the first time in his life. His tendons are not strong enough to resists so when he locks out his elbow caves in on itself.
Thomas Fisher
I know that feel bro, I also have a fat friend, but he is almost always a nice guy. But at least he has a job he likes. But I have tried a couple of times to get him to start working out with me, just some basic weight training, which I think would be very good for fat people, not anything to straining. But he always has an excuse or some shit, so I have stopped asking him to train with me. The thing about these people, is that the only one that can get them to change is themself.
Hudson Davis
Bruuuh, I love Magic but the playerbase is so hit or miss. Met some great people through the game but the community in the city I live in currently is absolute trash. Its hilarious that my gym is right above the shop though. Love making dyels seethe when I scrub the floor with them with a solid pump.
Charles Murphy
You may be more mature in certain areas, but you definitely sound like a child too.
Have you had any serious conversations with him on self-improvement?
Leo Fisher
Carson Reyes
Age is absolutely not an indication of whether or not one deserves respect. I know 19 year olds that command more respect than 60 year old retards and drug addicts. Grow the fuck up lol.
>Tricks fat people into going to the gym knowing they'll go for like 2 months and quit >Subscription is so low and so difficult to cancel that the fatties dont bother to stop it, thinking that they'll go back at some point >they never do Actually pretty based business model
Carson James
based trips Women will do it for attention, when men do it they're determined. Humans are pretty fragile, dying is like the easiest thing to do literaly everyone does it.
Tyler Lopez
stop talking out of your ass retard, he has hypermobile joints and is taking the piss here
Ayden Gray
christ, I cringed
Mason Rogers
I think it's a meme greentext user, not to be taken seriously
Robert Peterson
It’s about relative weakness and grasping that there’s an upper limit to what a man can achieve, meaning you shouldn’t be ashamed of having inevitable flaws. Anyone pretending it means it’s acceptable to wallow in mediocrity is worse than a jew; they are, and may allah forgive me for uttering this word, an Albanian
Why do gay men kill themselves when they don't have to deal with women?
Gabriel Nelson
srsly this is among the most revolting things I've seen on the internet
Thomas Russell
Gays act worse than women. They're like women x10
Brody Murphy
Not sure if these few stories fit here but fuck it. I’ll go anyways. Both these stories revolve around something that pisses me off. Weak faggots giving fitness advice. This is a humble brag but I’m like 215 lbs. 15% bf. I’m not freakishly massive but I definitely look like I lift. I really hate when weak faggots give me fitness advice.
>long time ago working at a warehouse >been lifting for a while >stocking items with coworkers >all of us talking about random stuff together >we start talking about fitness >coworkers asking me for advice >I give them advice on lifting and nutrition >another coworker who looks like he’s never lifted in his life get’s jealous that people are asking me for advice >he chimes in “Akshullllly, they say the best post workout meal is chocolate milk. It has the best ratio of carbs, fat, and protein.” >I just look at him and say “That’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.” >everyone starts laughing at him
Most recent story >at the gym >going hard on chest and lats >on 25th set >go for lat machine >some skinny tweaker my age covered in tats is going for it the same time as me >I ask him if he wants to share it >he agrees >we start talking a bit >he seems alright >finish up >move on to bench as last workout >he follows me >he says “I’ll work in with you too” >sure whatever >keep in mind this is like my 30th set and I’m pretty fatigued so I’m just benching light weight to finish up and get a pump >do 155 for 15 reps >I think he thought because I was using such light weight that this is the normal amount of weight I use >on my second set he starts giving me advice while lifting >“hey try and move the bar for partial reps at the end, blah, blah, blah” >I ignore his advice and just go “uh huh” >3rd set he does it again “yeah try moving the bar for- “ >I cut him off >“trust me I know what I’m doing man” >he finally shuts the fuck up
Idk dude I met some gay dudes who acted pretty based and shit. One of them was a tranny and was weird af, neurotic like, but the rest were career focused and pretty down to earth
Charles Powell
>weak people hate thread >full of people hating on each other but trying not to look angry by saying "aye I dont wanna look angry and all broski but" >only prople who seem honest in here are the ones who just straight up insult of nigger cock loving fags
Why's that ? It's a weako hate thread not a weako meetup, being too emotional might be one of the signs of low test you might be the ones you criticize Be nice to each other go a lil on s4s and get calm
Anthony Gonzalez
Christcunts deserve the rope
Charles Carter
moral weaknesses, spiritual weaknesses, the weakness of man before the power of sin humility and honesty are what make grace powerful pride in yourself is complemented and perfected through knowledge of the salvation of souls, the redemption of man's iniquity through the sacrifice and rebirth of the godhead and the new covenant made with the church, which is, in the ultimate sense, the ever-expanding community of those who believe in jesus
that being said, it's horseshit, and this thinking inhibits man's development to a higher nature, where a new morality can be grounded
christianity's flaw is that it says the work has been done for you, and you can snap out of weakness then, using this imaginary crutch
you don't need the crutch, it is an intellectual disability to be christian
Robert Murphy
>Dude as of right now I barely care and was legitimately hoping for a real weak people hate thread. same everyone is just bitching about the first post instead of posting some good wph
Chase Butler
True. That's been my downfall many a time, I don't express passion for anything. Women realize this and, despite initially liking me, get bored and move on. I'm having to develop passion, because this garbage tier society hasn't instilled anything but disgust in me.
Connor Torres
Gosh, no picture of you body in this post Imagine that
Robert Cruz
>“That’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.” C'mon chocolate milk isn't that bad. Bit harsh just based on the words he spoke, but he must be pretty repulsive to garner that reaction from everyone in the room.
Yeah like posting a flex on a Mongolian basket weaving image board for the approval of anonymous readers?
Daniel Jones
It’s not terrible and there is definitely worse stuff you could eat/drink post workout. But to say that it’s the best thing post workout is fucking retarded.
Jonathan Baker
How can anyone survive making less than 70k
Andrew Sanchez
so because someones older means i can't clock him in the chin
Justin Richardson
I can smell the virginity in this post
Jason Ward
70k would last me 7 years. Stop being such a consoomer faggot.
Asher Robinson
Aiden Thomas
I can smell the tuna in this post.
Tyler Diaz
>one day he asks me what the point of going to the gym is Next time he says something to that effect, tell him "why don't you come with [insert next planned gym time], and find out?"
Dude clearly has image and confidence issues. Knows he's weak and is probably too embarrassed to do anything about it. High probability he wants help in this regard but is too overwhelmed with jealousy and insecurity.
If you're genuine with him about the offer, he might accept, improve his life some, and you might get to discuss something other than fucking Warhammer.
Christopher Diaz
Jose Sanchez
Don't spit on people, it's bad manners and degenerate
Typing this fantasy of finally lifting enough for >gf Is gayer than not being able to do a pushup
Brandon Walker
>literaly everyone does it. speak for yourself retard I have literally NEVER died before
Oliver Stewart
Me neither, that user is retard.
Daniel Sullivan
based. Who gives a shit if some faggot is being a faggot, OP? Clearly you do since you made a whole thread about it.
Julian Turner
Reminds me of my friend who bought an expensive guitar and amp and never played it because he "didn't have time". Then his Steam past 2 weeks is always 50 hours of video games.
Jack Nguyen
Pick up a hobby that has reaults you can see. If you have shitty job and no prospects, you can learn coding and at least get a better job as a code monkey, or learn Chinese. Otherwise get something with tangible results - wood/leatherwork, martial arts and fighting sports, lifestyle boardgame (Go, Chess) or musical instruments. All of these are reasonably easy to get into and be passionate about.
Jason Flores
>>would be based if he was doing it to be a dick, he’s not. It’s from insecurity of some sort wouldn't this be the same thing?
>Tallest You literally do not socialize with females.
Jace Reyes
Women in a enviroment with little men will flock to whatever's there. Worked in an office where the only men were me and one other guy, had 2 women there straight up try to fuck me and multiple others flirt. 2 of them actually had an awkward encounter because I went to lunch with one instead of the other.
>At party few weeks back >Talking to female, she's a good 6.5/10 but not interested in her >Autismo the great turns up and stands awkwardly close to me >His first into line "Yeah well I'm a single guy who has his own place" >wat.exe >6.5/10 responds "Well, maybe if you trimmed the beard and figured out some kind of fashion sense you'd maybe have a chance. Oh, is the cigarette ash on your top part of the aesthetic?" >My sides >Walk off to contain my laughter >Turn around and notice these two are full on arguing now >Prince Autisan leaves party shortly after >6.5/10 wanders around rest of night trying to get my attention, eventually settles for 40 year old Slovakian 'music producer'
I got a bad one, but I was the weak person... >get into argument with gf >it's because she didn't respect my time >said we would hang out but I overslept for hours >text her about it >we argue over text for a little >copy and paste the convo to reddit... >get ten replies or so (for reddit standard they were pretty okay, if I had listened to them..) >later she comes over to talk about it >show her the reddit replies I don't know what the fuck I was thinking, that was 2y ago