Was 9/11 really the worst thing to happen?
Was 9/11 really the worst thing to happen?
No. Only entitled, retarded Americans even come close to this thought
Mossad getting away with it is probably worse.
Jesus wept as the towers fell
Nowhere near the worst thing but entertaining.
Yuropoor spotted
>be American
>watch the towers fall in school
No, it's not the worst thing to happen. It's the worst thing the bulk of the country were all exposed to though in real time.
Yes and if you ever say otherwise you'll be extracted by a crack team of navy SEALs and detained in Guantanamo Bay indefinitely.
I'd argue that circumcision is much worse and yet that bird avoided the knife
Oi vey, I had sixteen grandmothers killed fighting a trained bear at the lampshade factory! I still have my tattoo!
Do Americans really do....
No. The worst thing to happen was Cain, son of Nachash. Satan rammed Eve. Guess who cains descendents, the Kennites, who mixed with the Canaanite and then the Edomites, are today?
It unironically was but only because of how America reacted in its wake. The act itself was a small tragedy but without the policies and attitude changes following 9/11, the US wouldn't be nearly as fucked as it is right now
It wasn't even the worst thing to happen to America
it was second to James Cameron's Avatar
On september eleventh Obama bin laden- caliph of all arabs declared jihad against not just america, but all christendom. From that day it has been Americas duty to kill all muslims who seek our destruction. Unfortunately europe fell to the hordes some time ago. We will persevere until the holy land is back in Christian hands again or we are destroyed. Rest assured.
>Gave the US Government an excuse to create vast unconstitutional spying networks and infrastructure via the Patriot Act
>Gave the US Government an excuse by which to try convicted individuals without giving them their full rights
>Gave the US Government an excuse to go throw American lives away in a chain of fruitless sequels to the Gulf War for military industrial complex money
If it wasn't 9/11 it would've been something else. But yeah, basically.
Yes, it changed the whole world.
Americans think the world is just USA.
no, you don't understand.
It had a massive impact on how the world was perceived. The late 90s and early 2000s were a good time, the world was ok, everything was good and fine.
But then 9/11 happened and it changed the "tone", in a sense. Everywhere.
it's funny how you try to make fun of americans calling them entitled but that's just something a retarded american would say, i guess you're already possessed by right-think
Americans really do think the world revolves around them. Damn.
We probably have a stronger military presence in your country than your own government, youre literally our bitch. If we dont then youre so weak we dont even need troops there
It unironically does. Nobody has even heard of your shitty little cumstain of a 'country'.
every point in the past is the worst thing that ever happened because it led to this current moment
The worst crime ever committed was the French Revolution
No, humanity gaining sentience was the worst thing to ever happen
Joggers existing was the worst thing to happen
Name something worse.
no, it was great thing to happen
But the holohoax didn't happen.