Fembots, did you see your fathers cock often?
Fembots, did you see your fathers cock often?
fucking hate this picture with a passion
and no thank god
No but hes seen me naked a few times.
The fuck is even happening in that pic lmao
Dads naked on the couch again. Hahaha oh my
Is that the guy from phish
this pic is the reasonj I hate white people
Fucking weirdos
I have that exact same blanket reeeeeeee man this pic is old as fuck
He is ready to get TOPPED by a dom guys
DOGGED more like, white women and gays can't resist the DOGpill
this is shopped, look at the shadows
original message
Wtf that guy gets harder with his daughter than I do with a girl sucking my dick
That guy is clearly Jewish.
How old were you? Do you think he masturbates to the memory?
>TFW no weird anime sister who I can hear getting KNOTTED by Chip Thunderknot through the walls at night
what's next? LOGGED?
Probably because he is a Chad Boomer and you are a porn addled Zoomer
ngl the sheer number of times I've completely LOGGED the shitter
might as well be an anti submarine destroyer with the number of DEPTH-CHARGINGS i've done
i was not raised by my bio father. never saw that one. i also never saw my step fathers pp. one of the few blessing in my life.
Thankfully never. I've seen my mom naked pretty often somehow.
Mira fuhum vengir hooku ra
"Die is for fools"
-The Plague
Look at the statistics nigger.
The most inbred people on Earth are Indians, Jews, and Arabs. Whites have the least amount of inbreeding, so this shit usually happens in other races households.
what the fuck are spergs obsessions with suffixes and prefixes seriously.
Ive seen your ex wifes disgusting honkers
Is she about to punch his dick
Yeah, we were nudists at home so I got to see it pretty often.
Did she ever demonstrate how to touch your clit? Did mommy teach you to cum??
That is a kike with his goblin family
>he never abused his parents genitals as a tween
My mom would make me jam spatulas up her cunt then turn them and shit like that
No, you coombrained fag
We lived in Iraq during the war, so I saw it a few times just because he had to huddle to the basement often. One time a grenade landed in our house while he was bathing and we ran to the kitchen to make sure no one was hurt.