Robots what would you do if you looked like this for one day
Robots what would you do if you looked like this for one day
would you try to fuck girls or masturbate?
or perhaps you would fuck your sex toy
would originally get TOPPED
> MFW will never get a Tyrone to fuck my boipussi..
Why even live bros.
That's how one looks like after hitting the gym for 5 months...
I used to have a body pretty much the same as that and my dick is bigger than his and I'm 6'6. I say used to because I haven't been to the gym in about 2 years and I've lost some muscle, but I'm still in pretty good shape.
I went a bit mental for a while, I'd always wanted to be Chad Pussydestroyer, but I was too old (mid 20s) when it happened so I didn't really know what to do with it. I was still desperately insecure and wanted to be validated all the time by girls wanting to have sex with me. I made so many 'positive' changes in my life during that time but when I look back I cringe a bit because it was all about ego and insecurity, I fucked a few girls here and there but the irony is I never got real genuine confidence until after I stopped going to the gym and stopped caring about shit like that.
He has a small dick so get TOPPED ofc
Mid 20s old? U can alay ur entire 30s man
I guess get TOPPED by someone equally
Slay slay slay slay not alay
You must be insecure if you're constantly posting this. I hope you find self love soon
I mean too old to adjust to it psychologically. I was already a beaten down depressed loser, I always felt like I had something to prove rather than feeling like a TurboChad huge cock GOD.
Turns out being a TurboChad huge cock GOD is as much about your mindset as your physical attributes.
Sure but why care about being 'chad' just have fun if you look good
Well that's exactly my point. It's easy to say that but 25 years of neuroticism and crippling depression and anxiety doesn't turn into 'just have fun' overnight.
I'm fine now, doing very well actually, just thought explaining the journey I went through might be revealing to some robots who have certain ideas about things like that.
>but I was too old (mid 20s)
lol, ngmi
>smaller muscles
>smaller cock
cry myself to sleep for the entire day wondering if this is permanent
perfect for azn girls!
Nothing because I would still be a depressed trainwreck with eye floaters
That's a big cock. Lol at phaggots here saying it's small or they have bigger.
Everyone has a 9 inch cock on the internet m8
>I actually have a 9 inch cock and brag about it on the internet all the time
kill myself because all my gains are gone
Unironically I look way better already, not bragging but it's meaningless unless you're confident
its about money dude, muscles do not make you bulletproof
oh no its you the retarded faggot from Zig Forums
honest answer, id be pissed cause my dick wouldve shrunk
He looks same height as me, but more ripped and with a smaller dick
So probably nothing
am i the only one mirin his hard azn cawk??
Having a great physice is litterly number 4 or 5 and stands for around 10% or less of the advantage you will have with people around you in your life.
You forgot the biggest 70% or so that you gain from number 1 and 2.
You know which those are or you wouldnt post that fucking picture.
Are you still here robot I have a question
Ay. Just checked back in good timing my dude.
Come on now. It's not a micropenis but it's definitely not big. Average at best but probably on the smaller side of average. Saying this as somebody with the same size.
Looks about a little over 7 inches actually and it's thick af.