Why arent you part of the Riko Harem?

Riko is literally the most perfect girl and cares about everyone! Not only that but she is super adorable and sweet. It's absolutely worth giving her a chance! Queen Riko is appreciative of all of you and welcomes all people. You don't know what you're missing without her in your life! Thank you for reading~

Attached: Riko's Harem Collage_1.png (1500x1500, 1.8M)

lols whatta nancy gayfag

contract AIDS niggerfaggot

oh wow i didnt know riko had a harem, though she was always really nice so im not surprised

Why would people bleed for an ugly chink? Because she posts anime stuff? Have we hit rock bottom?

Attached: Jeremus_Head.jpg (360x360, 22.05K)

She doesn't. Its probably internet people bored in general and used Riko as their "poster girl" for shitposting

>sharing some 7/10's attention with dozens of other faggots
How in any way is that supposed to be appealing?

She does! You can always add her on discord and ask about it :)
No it's real user
Well shes a 10/10 and because she actually cares about people and makes time for everyone

>Well shes a 10/10
No accounting for taste I guess. But even so competing for a slice of attention with dozens of other guys is never enjoyable. That's generally the issue with e-girls.

lmao get some fucking standards

Attached: 1568100196143.jpg (640x866, 131.63K)

She gives everyone time user, practically spoils me
I agree, shes a 10/10

she looks like a mexican that trying to look asian.

I'm just being charitable desu.
>She gives everyone time user, practically spoils me
Delusional. I've spoken to enough e-girl/friend-collector types to know what to expect. And it's never been worth it.

Shes from Asia user, not Mexico
Well she does for me, you just have to speak to her yourself and im certain youll get attention. She does have her own life too so dont take it personally if she isnt around

No need when you can go on Grindr and get TOPPED

>Shes from Asia user, not Mexico
she looks mexican in that pic. deal with it uggo chaser.

Having Riko as a queen is better than being topped
Uggo means pretty to me, thank you user~

I don't want to orbit her, sorry. I gave up on e-girls a while ago for the aforementioned reasons.

OP have you ever stopped to think that something might be seriously wrong with your brain

Oh look I'm anonymously in a screencap. I will cherish this moment of anonymous fame.

She wants random losers on the internet to give her attention so she can feel better about the fact the guys irl pass her by. She's desperate and ugly.

honestly blows my mind that someone could orbit an average looking girl. have some fucking self respect.

Self respect is completly worthless. At least orbiting makes me feel good.

what a retarded reply. i would sooner blow my brains out than orbit an e-girl who is leading on dozens of guys for cheap compliments under the guise of collective friendship. i hope you see the error of the ways before it's too late, better yet don't and let your genes die out.

Well I wont force you, but it would be nice to see you around :)
Mister Sarcasm hmm?
No shes very pretty and can get anyone she wants
Shes actually perfect in any way, you just dont know her like I do
I feel that way too! Glad someone gets it

It's his life to live user

i know, but i'm not one to stay silent when i see someone making a mistake.

>Mister Sarcasm hmm?
Y-Yeah, sarcasm! Who would feel good about being in a screencap? Not me, t-that's who!

s(he) is ugly as fuck and you should feel ashamed

How do I join?

New queen of r9k?

If you're suicidal, that's your problem dude. I'm just living my life and having fun, dunno why that triggers you so much.