Wasssuuuupppp Buddy user! Ready to drink some onions and play some nintendo?

>Wasssuuuupppp Buddy user! Ready to drink some onions and play some nintendo?

what do guys? would you mind having a friend like this?

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as much as people shit on them you realize they are just guys who are goofy and like funko pops and nintendo games, i wouldn't drink the "you know what" lent but playing mario kart or smash would seem nice, also i have no idea why "that word" gets changed to "onions"

Wait, does onions really get changed to onions?

haha hiro you classic nigga

some of them are okay, but only so long as you can see them once in a while. A few hours playing vidya with them once every week or two is fine. if you have to work with them every day you'll quickly come to hate them with the force of a thousand suns.

It's okay, newfag. We all start somewhere.

These soiboys while laughable are better than the average "blackpiller"
>Less depressed
>Has more friends
>Has more money
>Has a GF/wife
>Have more Job

you can join them when you get TOPPED by someone on Grindr

yes, I think people like this should be killed for the sake of the human race

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There's nothing worse in this life than being blackpilled. The real blackpill is that being bluepilled is actually pretty comfy, but you just can't go back to that state of mind again.

Looks like he is ready to get TOPPED

been here since the summer of 2018, but i guess that's when this place went to shit so i don't know

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The state of absolute newfaggotry
Kill yourself and lurk moar

Duh muh newfag insult funni you are new to my secret 4channel clubb hehe you are inferior now

Soi meme started in general, and then turned into the soiboy meme. People found out that onions raise your testosterone and it became a thing for a few weeks to tell people to eat onions. Soiboy Virgin vs. Onion Chad memes started, israeli shills (unironically) were sperging about people trying to raise their testosterone levels and eat healthier, and that info started being attacked and buried. The term soi got changed to onions soon after, and now people associate onions with soi.

my best friend is basically this guy (i'm probably not that far removed from him myself)

we play vidya and have goofs and gaffes; he's one of the few people in my social life that have actually stuck around and been there for me

Yes you can
I have been converting back into a normalfag for years and I feel great, you just have to put your mind to it and block out negative thoughts

although neither of us drink the bean-juice; him, beer and soda like a good american, and me, whiskey and energy drink like a shit american

Beer has a lot of estrogen in it, so it makes sense he turned out the way he did.

>what do guys? would you mind having a friend like this?
If you're nice, you can be my friend. That's the rule.
I would not mind having such as friend.

Yes. Now kindly go back and stay go

no not really. playing games once in a while is ok with me as long as if I can get to other shit

>Less depressed
No shit. That being said it's not gonna be true for all of them, they constantly wear an overly forced happy mask, that shit must be tiresome as fuck I don't envy it at all

>Has more friends
Debateable and said "friends" are insufferable clones of each other chugging onions and freaking out over Marvel trailers

They have LESS money because their entire lives are based around consuming normie products/media and they define themselves by shit they buy which is pathetic

>wanting to be married in 2020
Also i'd rather have no one than be whipped as fuck and having to beg my GF to let me buy the latest Switch games lmao

>Has a job
Onion boys lack alphaness just like robots, so we work the same low-tier jobs for the most part barring outliers on both sides, and if you're a NEET you don't give a fuck about this anyway.

tl;dr: sounds like a basedboy in denial cope to me, only one of these things are 'better' and I like being blackpilled so not even

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why don't you face me in single combat, you lily-livered coward? i will show you the power of my bloodline

i could probably convince him to be my lulu support bitch in league, im down

He's not my sort of guy but he seems cool. R9k hates guys like this so much for being "unmanly", yet most of you are autistic lanklet twinkle who have never seen a pussy.

These guys have full social lives, girlfriends and wives, hobbies, kids, and they're happy. They have everything you want. I think you guys are just jealous haters.

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Have you started developing a beer gut and titties yet, user? It's not bad if you're not a heavy drinker.

yes, i have powerful body-armor. you are a fool if you think body fat = estrogen, excess calories have to go somewhere. and you are a coward if you refuse to face me in single combat

yeah i don't see a problem with any of that, you would have to a be a right wing npc to feel some type of way about it.

onions test origanal

Looks harmless and could do with a Nintendo Switch friend ngl

Don't care about the food meme.