Why is it considered "creepy" when a white man is attracted to asian women?
Why is it considered "creepy" when a white man is attracted to asian women?
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It makes white women feel threatened, which is also the reason why nothing is allowed to be fun anymore, and all women have to be ugly in media.
You just fetishizing a race. You are into Asians for the same reason white girls are into black dudes.
Asian SJWs need to feel oppressed somehow since they're actually more privileged than whites
Wh*te people are generally soulless and creepy anyways so there's that. Also you don't really like asian women, you just treated your own women (and everyone who isnt white) like shit and let them (your women)run wild until they destroyed everything for everyone and now you want to run from the problems you created.
it upsets Yakub in wakanda
azn sjw's are a myth
Check again at your local college campus. Mainland asians are based as fuck, this is true, but your local ones are all BBC cucks who want to be oppressed
>bbc cucks
yakub pls
It's not. WMAF is well-respected here in Asia.
t.English teacher in Korea
In the past Asian women selectively breeded with smal dicked men typically, and Asians tend to be short, when you're a white guy it's just implied even if you don't you have some good genes, womens brains react to being with children the same way they react when getting fucked, women are confused when men don't consider things like the child's life in a relationship because of this maybe, it's also a territorial thing, when you fuck women and precum gets inside their vagina like """steals""" dna and their children will have a chance of having it, white women don't want a race like Asians getting Caucasian genes with instinct, it would eventually lead to Asians being master race I guess
>it's all just meme psychology and shit painted up as an assault against mens heterosexuality, they just say """oh they have no ass and tits ur a fag or pedo"""
t. jig jog jogga
Just because the jogger is within me doesn't mean I'm wrong Asian namefag
thats just your ook ook jigga jogg perspective.
I have an Asian gf because I like fucking pussy and my Asian gf has a pussy that I like to fuck.
I never fetishized Asians before, but I probably will now because they are small and tight and the best fuck and they treat you the best.
reminder that joggers have a religion centered around hating wh*tes.
t. jogga man
White women instinctually don't want other races stealing their men because of coom magic, they are simply coombrained, their brains rly do react to children sexually it's fucked, their brains are like smaller so theres obviously fucked up shit like this, I just stated facts and like one educated guess, what you want to fight about it? I'm part white and jap too, I'm not retarded gook
thats real nice jogga man. tell it again
this neega be like "im part jap n wh*te" unironically
It's only considered 'creepy' by white women who are angry that white men are so fed up with them they would rather date outside their own race.
Ur just mad my dicks big faggot
sugmaa dik jigga
Stop believing stuff you read on Zig Forums no one gives a shit if you are attracted to asians lmao
Kys now namefag
calm down jigga have some soulfood
No one cares if you're just a white guy that has an asian GF.
What people are against is the fetishization, because a lot of the fetishization of asian women comes from some men perceiving them as passive, meek, subservient, 'cute' and childlike. A man that overly fetishizes asian women comes off as someone that wants a form of slave that will do anything for him, 'love him long time' and treat him like a god even though he may not deserve it. As opposed to an equal partner that treats him as he treats them.
t. jogga man still at it
some joggas dont want to see a wh*te man be happy, for real for real
most dudes who have asian fetishes are literal porn addicts and often only ever think about sex,its not the attraction its the things that attraction indicates
That's not true at all they are by and large the biggest sjws on any college campus
ok jogger *ok jogger*