If you could get an unlimited amount of one drug for life what would it be?
You can only choose one time you cant change your mind. It cant be sold or given to people for free. It will always be high quality or pure or a strength of your choosing (I.e mid weed or 2mg Xanax bars). Youll always get a variety of the drugs (I.e muster kush, bubble gum or green hulks or white bars xanax). You can only pick one class of opiates.
Every day though nigga? You can just buy it online
Thats a very good point. Youd have unlimited weed to make more shit out of like dabs. Amazing.
Nathaniel Roberts
That's not what "i.e." means
Mason Murphy
It... its exactly what its for
Christopher Rodriguez
it's not though. ie = id est = that is. OP meant to use eg = for example.
John Rogers
Cocaine is probably the most profitable and alot of people want it. If you had an unlimited amount you could sell it half price and still make bank
Henry Harris
Weed is easy as fuck to grow though you just need a backyard and you can have an unlimited amount of weed. You'd want something like mdpv or cocaine
Carter Smith
try growing it in the UK or any damp shit country. Easy in california maybe
Hudson Stewart
amphetamines going off your post. Could get regular old spped to adderall, methamphetamines and mdma.
Dominic Hughes
It's still possible might just need to start them inside first. Or buy a lamp
Justin Robinson
Ketamine >at worst it would completely fuck up my piss bag which isn't that bad and could fuck with my memory, way better than most opiates or stimulant >basically can't overdose or at least not damagingly/lethally >not your pussy weed >analogs with different properties that would count as your varieties (classic ket, 2-FDCK etc.) >mild hallucenogenic properties >can sell it for a nice profit, selling weed will make way less for risks involved and the ket would make a really nice sum for the purity >addictivity isn't high enough to be too much of a problem if I'm careful >chillest drug if we're not delving into opiates or benzos >im flying bro >many ways to get it inside you (drink, snort, inject, smoke and basically any other)
Oliver Cruz
imagine being a cringe faggot loser playing pretend games of having an infinite resource.
Brayden Rivera
energy drinks, probably the monster java
Dylan Flores
Having boigasms on Grindr is the best try getting TOPPED
Wyatt Butler
Heroin, no contest
Carson Flores
Imagine thinking you're a winner on r9k lmao
Gavin Ramirez
there are levels to being pathetic. Playing pretend fantasy about infinite reality distractors/drugs puts you a level below me. You'll get over it soon.
It would be weed for me too. I can not really do drugs like I used to be able to but I can smoke weed like a champ. I also really would not want to get back into anything else I used to do.
Jordan Phillips
anything but amphetamines are trash
Tyler Peterson
Opium or heroin. If that were not an option, prescription benzodiazepines. Meth till death might be ok also.
Juan Brooks
pure synthesized Mescal in pill form.
it was used to treat alcoholism and depression, but guess what, the government doesn't like that lmao. gee, i wonder why. :)
Cocaine. And don't use Latin abbreviations if you don't know what they mean.
Robert Powell
And get mugged / raped / killed by some gangs that don't approve of you filling the market with cheap product.
Carson Sanchez
diamorphine, not #3 as smoking dark has fucked up my lungs forever.
Evan Phillips
It never gets boring and you can still be yourself (a better version of yourself, even) while on it. And it doesn't last so long that you'll miss out on sleep or eating, like speed does