Mating signals

This happens to me on a daily basis
>stand in a line at the store
>in front of you is a girl in skintight leggings, panties showing through
>your brain is bombarded with the information of what her ass looks like naked
>she's doing instagram poses and arching her back
>"the fuck is she squirming for?"
>you can smell her turbostrong perfume a mile away, it's so strong it pisses you off
>she's giggling loud with her friends
>she's basically attacking all your senses with sex appeal

The joke is that I'm receiving a million mating signals per second but if asked, she'd deny all this and she's probably taken anyway.
Girls can you just stop doing this and be normal, wear baggy clothing and not be over the top sluts? You could, for example, be a real person and not just a billboard advertising your own DNA.
You can't at the same time complain that men objectify you and then do this crap. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Attached: modern pants.png (360x371, 113.95K)

I lol'd
Thank you user

No problem brah-brah.

I'm an oldfag and remember the time in the 90's and early 2000's when girls still had a soul and some personality.
Now they're just clones of each other. Pants pulled up to eleven, doing instagram poses, looking at their phones 24/7.

I was a young person during those times. gril definitely dressed sluttily then too. it was just mini skirts, short shorts, low waisted, ass crack baring, skin tight jeans and middrift baring or mesh top tops with their tits out.

mate with hot DILFS on Grindr or get TOPPED

I sincerely don't respect women or sex anymore on a general basis. Its definitely from being excluded, but I hope I never have sex again and actively wish to stop others from having sex.
Hello, my name is crab

>low waisted, ass crack baring

This was better than the pants pulled up and ankles showing crap.

But the thing we're forgetting is that there were more subcultures and personality back then. You had emos, chavs, anime girls, camo pants girls..
Now it's just leggings and bare ankles.

well, im from california. maybe they were just sluttier out here.

In caveman times, women doing that kind of shit would just get fucked on the spot whether they actually wanted it or not.

Attached: 12.jpg (1061x1600, 443.54K)

There are many girls and women who don't do this, wear baggy or regular clothes and stuff. But you'd never notice them. You'd never point them out. If all sluts disappeared you'd be coming here crying about not seeing enough cute girls outside. That's your nature. You want them to remain. Don't deny this.

Wait are these same women complaining to you personally that you objectify them? Also, what part of mating is objectification? Usually humans raise children together and have a relationship, objectification is usually defined by superficial judgments about what a stranger is worth.

You sound like a typical white guy who will always be a virgin by the way

Thats why all cavemen died out. Rape doesnt work in society but casual sex does.

that's nostalgia glasses. girls have always been mindless trendwhores and sluts. except for that one weird girl you ignored

No, these are the same type of women who go out wearing skin tight leggins and tops, film men staring/cat calling them, then complain about being objectified.

Go back to twitter, leftoid.

>be me, antisocial loner
>bookstore, yay
>sits down in the comfy chair with a sugary Starbucks frappe and a book
>bunch of 15 year old sluts sit in the nearby chairs
>one of them has a Hot Topic shirt 'strangers have the best candy'

I legit hope she got picked up by a paedo and bent over.

Is that Eos's ass?

Attached: 1506143634061.png (700x1058, 695K)

They would drag em by the hair and shit

Cavemen died out? Where did modern ppl come from then. rape does work u think u nut in her the sperm just die cuz its rape?

>You sound like a typical white guy who will always be a virgin

I can't believe "virgin" is still an argument in 2020.

Women will always have their way in the west because both men and women use the virgin shaming / "fuck you incel" technique effectively.
>criticize women in any way

there would be an actual duel with other cavemen for da puss puss, shit wasn't even that easy.

Imagine if we revived some cavemen and told them that nowadays you have new rules with women.

>you're not allowed to slap them on the ass
>you must respect them and never criticize them
>in relationships men make all the compromises and women are the queens
>women decide what counts as "social skills", and which men get to reproduce, usually the dumbest, not even the strongest
>if you think women pick the wrong guys you have no say in it, even when women take someone uglier, shorter, dumber and more obnoxious than you

I'll tell you one thing. I'm the fucking guy who is willing to help or protect a strange woman. I even acknowledge that I could easily get into a bad situation doing that, but it's just my nature, high mirror neuron count or whatever
I haven't had sex in years and at this point I basically want to find one woman and make her my lifetime mate and just rut her out
Oh well

I always laugh at how women think being in public sucks because its validates them too much whereas I hate being in public because it makes my existence ostensibly invalid.

>I haven't had sex in years

Lol you guys always portray yourselves as the ones who have it worst. I haven't had sex in ever, and that is 31 years and counting.
You normies haven't gotten your dick wet in some 18 months so fucking what, give 30 years a try.

>Find one woman and make her my lifetime mate.

Same. I want a magical happy ending like in the movies. Die of old age holding each other's hands type shit

Attached: 5546221-my-milfs-sexy-ass.jpg (501x1000, 61.75K)

>reddit spacing
You deserve it

Found the newfag. Get out or continue lurking.

Same. I've been waiting for The One, but the thing is, girls apparently don't want that shit anymore.
Girls are now the pigs that we used to be.

why do you feel this way? did you not enjoy sex?

t. curious virgin that is afraid of sex