what do you want to achieve in short term....
what do you work forward too...
am a bit lost , i dont really know how to find a purpose to get me worked up.
Neet here.
what do you want to achieve in short term....
what do you work forward too...
am a bit lost , i dont really know how to find a purpose to get me worked up.
Neet here.
short term
>finish this shitty accounting degree
>move out, get my own place
>get decent paying job
long term
>live in city (seattle or tokyo)
>save up enough money to quit job and do something i find interesting
>maybe finish the aerospace degree i dropped, if it's not too late
> maybe find a partner
honestly none of these seem realistic anymore. feel as though i'm either gonna fail getting a decent job, and have to work dead end, or will probably suicide before 30
getting on grindr and getting TOPPED
Mine is just get a career and have enough time to spend on a computer. Maybe go exercise or some activity. The American dream went away since the 1990's as most people now are just bums like you and me.
You make your own purpose
People who live life aimlessly and wonder why theyre not happy are kinda retarded. Make your own destiny. It takes a lot of thought, writing, research and affirmation to find out what you want to do
So, where do you want to be in 10 years time? Why arent you working towards that vision right now
dont say something like "i want a girlfriend" thats such a weak vision
We have no free will. There is nothing to look forward to in life.
Short term
>Lite hedonism
Long term
>build a HGUC of every suit in this image
Gouf is done. Zaku Kai is inbound.
I personally think all I do or we "humanity" do its pointless in the end. After all this universe we are now living inside will hit it's heat point of death.
As a genius once said: Not even the best of us out there can compete with death.
Currently I can't seem to find a purpose or reason to live or in my life, I just am an observer looking at others.
>import british girlfriend to live with me
>make enough money to support both of us
>start having kids within 3 years
>cuddle and kiss every day, be in heaven
If you have no free will why not just postively believe you have a good trajectory rather than being a loser with a self fulfilling propechy with no hope of ever achieving happiness
Assume I dont have free will, which very well may be the case, why am I today doing positive things that will make my life better in the loing term such as exercise, diet, socialising and the like... and youre doing bad stuff making your life worse
What if this comment right now changes your lack of free will into committing to exercise. Youre dumb, and a complete brainlet if you think you have no chance of ever becoming happy just because you cant help it.
Ironically that means youll never make it because you cucked yourself into thinking youre a loser
By the way in the psychiatry field this is known as 'COPING' because if you concede you can never achieve something (such as getting a girlfriend) then you trick yourself into thinking you dont want it. keep coping lad, strive on getting better or else youll end up like you are now, its never too late to IMPROOV.
>Long term
>>build a HGUC of every suit in this image
Absolutely based beyond belief.
Sadly, not a single one, I used to be somewhat "succesful" but don't know why, at some point I just got tired, gave up and every year seems to get worse. Good thing I can still cope somehow
My purpose in life is to find out if my misery is real or is it arbitrary. Is existential dread really a thing or is it just some kind of chemical imbalance. I heard that Chad can handle blackpills very easily so maybe if I get Zig Forums... I'm NEET as well but there's gotta be a reason why I haven't an hero yet.
honestly, my only goal these days is to increase my passive income and become a NEET again
Mostly I want to marry a nice virgin girl and raise a family.
If that cant happen I'll dedicate my live to making sluts as miserable as humanly possible as a form of revenge.
I'm pretty happy with that.
No, I have no purpose, I'm just wasting time until I die. Hopefully I'll take after my dad and die when I'm 40, so I only have to put up with this shit for nine more years.
I love how people constantly talk about purpose or destiny. Man if you're from an average to poor family your destiny is literally
>Work 9-5 for 50 years
>Buy a house
>Spend 20 years paying it off
>Eat, sleep, work & repeat
There's nothing fucking else. It's all a sham. Sure you can throw hobbies in between to keep the existential dread away, but it'll always come back to haunt you.
There's no point in any of this
I used to have goals, but I stopped. Basically it started to feel empty , and I didnt feel any sense of accomplishment when I achieved a goal Id been working towards for years. Life became a series of setting goals, reaching them, then setting another goal, achieving it, so on and so on and it just felt deflating. Its an empty , repetitive process
what ways of passive income do you do ...
i was reading and wanting to try dropshipping (b2b)...
> robots going on Grindr and getting TOPPED
>what do you want to achieve in short term....
I wanna house
>what do you work forward too...
I want to open up my own business.
do we need a purpose?
i think just enjoy
man ...that sounds awful .
> eat, sleep , work & repeat
if this is it . i must reconsider to start taking my meds again to make me numb .
> enjoy
thats the problem , there is none to enjoy .
am seeking for something , but cant figure it out
what is your way on doing things and enjoying them ?
>what do you want to achieve in short term....
I'm thinking about getting a job, and getting my body back into shape. I believe that the body is a representation of the mind, and how you will be perceive can have a positive impact or negative impact on your day to day life
>what do you work forward too...
I don't know. I'm hoping that in me getting a job, and getting my body in shape I become someone with a goal. Currently I have nothing.
Who would have known I would have agreed with Zig Forumsfags years down the road.. I went full circle I guess. Essentially I'm trying to built confidence and replace quick cheap reward habits, with something that is long lasting and has a positive impact in my life. I guess I'm working to live my best life possible however I have a lot of paradigms and axioms I need to realize first before I cant get myself out of my own miserable existence. Self actualization when?
I'm bipolar. I went through a hypomanic phase once, and had a creative burst during which a wrote a progressive metal album. I spent thousands on musical gear and committed to practicing to get good enough to record it. Now I've lost my job and have firmly planted into a depressive phase. It's very easy for me to wish I had never wrote any music at all. If I was going to devote myself to a life purpose it would be pursuing a career as a musician, but I've been through the cycle enough times now to know that I should only rationally commit to things I know I can do while depressed. Right now I'm still motivated to read books so that's the closest thing I've got to a purpose. I also enjoy going for long walks along the roads where I live. When I was walking for ten miles a day, that was the happiest I have ever been. I need to restructure my life so that is all I require for contentment.
Short term
Keep up my exercise
Make more music
Keep up my reading
Long term
Go back to uni to retrain and get a job that isn't mind numbingly boring office shit that makes me want to kill myself
Insulting strangers online is not helpful
More or less true, life is expensive and majority chores / boring / disappointing but the good things (family/friends/interests/nature) are beautiful
I jokingly try to convince my gf to get a studio flat for cheap and both semi retire by 40. She won't do it. Not sure I'd be satisfied with that anyway desu
Simply become an existentialist