cleaned my room 2 days ago got down to 1 cup of coffe doing 10 pushups a day exercise makes me wanna fap out of hornines instead of boredom, but ill soon cut it down to once a week /fit is my Zig Forums homepage now and for the next year
ill report back july 2021, i shall emerge from the pandemic a new man. wish me luck
if it's anything like the time I tried self-improvement he'll be back in a year saying "I busted my ass and did all this fucking work and I'm still miserable and alone"
Lincoln Martin
Too bad it won't change your face/height. Zig Forums is pure cope.
Nicholas Kelly
>doing 10 pushups a day Lmao this has to be bait
Jose Reed
the improovement isnt only about fucking bitches
Elijah Campbell
no im weak skelly, if i were chad already i wouldnt be here, jeez, you faggots deserve each other
Isaiah Harris
so you're interested in fucking men, too?
Hudson Stewart
then what's the point, you might as well not bother
Daniel Jenkins
>fit is my Zig Forums homepage now and for the next year I doubt that will last.
Cooper Gray
(hope you dont get this post x4 bc Zig Forums not posting my (you)s from comp) was saying good luck fren. consider getting adhd assessment, i got diagnosed and started taking stimulants which gave me enough dopamine to hardly use this place anymore. i recommend vyvanse. but godspeed user or maybe see you around
Austin Edwards
Great user. Keep building up and up. You mentioned that your skelly. Make sure to eat more. I believe in you user
Daniel Price
>10 push ups The fuck? I can do that with my weakass skinny nuddle arms resembling a child around 6 and with that nigger femoid like fatass. If that`s your starting point i just wonder what kind of starving nigger are you
Levi Hughes
>I can do that with my weakass skinny nuddle arms resembling a child around 6 and with that nigger femoid like fatass. what did he mean by this?
Joshua Diaz
Best of luck you magnificent faggot.
Wyatt Adams
all Zig Forums does is create cringey internet tough guys that lust after male bodies. it's creepy how they all type in the exact same way. i dont know how dumb you have to be to see Zig Forums as a step up from Zig Forums lol
Kevin Diaz
Stay user, lets form a coup and turn r9k into an improover board
Im not joking, I post improover threads every day and im working on becoming a normie.
Another great post ruined by a kid who thinks 4chin memes are funny.
Evan King
Yeah it's a stepping stone to the big gay, but if user wants to get all twinkd out and whatnot I'm happy for him and hope he gets all the penises that he wants
Jeremiah Bell
yea every time i go there i see lookism, balding, and other general black pill threads constantly. i think a lot of autistic guys get sucked into that gym culture because actual chads post on Zig Forums. its actually really creepy what they do, its almost like some type of boot camp thing. the chads insult and degrade people until that person breaks down, but that chad gives them a "path" forward, and as long as that person listens to the chads advice, he will become just like him. its the perfect setup for insanely narcissistic people to get their rocks off because its an endless source of people to belittle and try to control. i'm sure some meat head will respond to this and throw a meat head tantrum, but in the end if he does respond to me he's posting on r9k so lmao
Jace Powell
the type with diabetes, nerve damage and half a lung
Nathaniel Rivera
ok, ill document my progress here with the same pic every day
Sebastian Ortiz
I mean I bought into the whole gym meme. It didnt change my personality. I think I was too late. I started lifting at 25 and by 28 I was pretty strong. Could bench 120kg, deadlift 280kg, squat 180kg. But it didn't change my brain. I still felt depressed. Still felt like a loser. Tried to pretend I was alpha and it didn;t work. Even nearly got into fights with other men trying to 'act macho' when it really didn't suit me. I still wasn't even meeting women. I was just >work >gym >eat >browse Zig Forums >bed you need to change your whole lifestyle if you incorporate Zig Forums
Gavin Bailey
>I cleaned my room, mom! >I got down to one cup of coffee! >I can do ten whole pushups in a day! >I hope I don't masturbate! *posts fap bait* >Zig Forums will fix me, it would be like the rest of Zig Forums!
OP, good for you if you're really leaving, if you somehow get a base of normie friends and achieve a normie lifestyle. I sincerely hope you ascend to that status, to the point where you'll wonder why you were ever even on this site to begin with.
Just don't forget that there's no glory that normies will afford to low IQ poorfags, the mentally ill, and ugly manlets --- all of whom make up most of the natural users on this board.
I appreciate and regularly post in your threads, user.
Xavier Jenkins
The culture surrounding self-improvement is almost all just desperate men trying to outpace hypergamy. Self-improvement is completely one-sided, it is only ever pushed on men. Even suggesting that a woman improve herself makes you a misogynist. While you bust your ass in the gym, your female equivalent is stuffing her face with more junk food, gaining more weight and still receiving more validation in a day than you will in your entire life.
its just like anything else, the people who get into it and it changes their entire state of being are rare exceptions and not typical. you can relate this to any other hobby, the people who get really into a hobby and it completely transforms them into some new person...that doesn't really happen a lot, its like a movie fantasy. its just lifting things to get a better body, which i dont have a problem with, but it sounds ridiculous to me when anyone tries to convince me it will transform me into some new person, that is ridiculous to me
Anthony Hall
not as cope as thinking muh looks are your problem
>Self-improvement is completely one-sided, it is only ever pushed on men. thats mostly why i completely ignore all this bullshit. the only thing women have to do is not eat like a pig and maybe put some makeup on, and thats pretty much it. but im supposed to do this that and the other thing to prove my worth? fuck you cunt
Brayden Price
>the only thing women have to do is not eat like a pig there's a huge fat-fetish community that not only accepts women eating like pigs but gets off on it