Write what comes to your mind, without any need to filter it. Express it as it comes

Fuck she's so cute why can't I make good conversation

Merker nag fucking skull items lmao TAN TAN TAN heef heef heeeeeeeeeeeef

The let brain right brain duality is pretty accurate. Women assume the right side (creativity, emotion, time (bigger picture)) since they were at home for many thousands of years looking after the kids. Men assumed the left side (logic, primal, space (smaller picture)). Together, they form a dualistic sexual symbiosis, and for a long time they were like this until modern times rendered it useless. Now the two sexes will be merging into monomorphic equality of both physicality and mentality since, as expected on an evolutionary level, both sexes are demanding equality. Slowly the convergence of physical and mental traits will take place and humans will eventually start to show similar traits.

The duality will no longer be in effect far down the road, and the brain usage pattern will show that the more of both hemispheres of the brain you use, the less intelligent you get.