I am very smart

>I am very smart
Why are "intelligent" women cringe as fuck? They sound like beta guys.

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>Fermented omelette

Shes at least selfaware, even if she doesnt realize it

Anyone who uses metaphors or analogies multiple times in a paragraph is a certified retard

She's vying for Neil deGrasse Tyson's job obviously

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proof's is the pudding.

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>me read book that mean me smart
Pic related

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Because they are betas. The chick who wrote this probably isn't very attractive, which led some guy to believe that all he had to do was show her his dick and she'd get down and fix it, like ugly or fat girls tend to do out of desperation for male attention.

This is what happens when you don't allow kids to be bullied.

Lol she's trying to act smart but doesn't realize how retarded she sounds
Kinda like Karen trying to justify astrology. No Karen, the fucking MONTH you're born in doesn't affect your fucking personality

Make no mistake, I am a huge misogynist but let's not pretend that "intelligent" male stemcucks and other assorted bugmen are not cringey as well

>tfw no smart beta gf

Women aren't funny. Big surprise.

"Intelligent" people are cringe. They think going to some place and repeating some guy's words back at him so he'll give you a piece of paper letting everyone know you once memorized a bunch of information on a subject makes you intelligent, yet they never stop to ask themselves why they're using an app where strange men send them pictures of their genitals. Hmmmm! Yes, how did that happen...

>be me
>undergrad organic chemist
>design bioreactors
>polymers n' sheeit
>saponifications n' sheeit
>get sent cock and wrinkly ball sac

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Your primary biological purpose in life is to be a baby oven; not design system theorized, conceptualized and built by men.
Get used to it.

>Why are "intelligent" women cringe as fuck?
theyre not though. that girl is above you in society, she can be like that.

based user telling the truth

this was written by a man orignially

This it's people trying to sound smart. Its fucking annoying. Even if you think like that naturally, its a fucking pompous way to talk.
Speaking concisely and intelligently is one thing. Coming across like your viewpoint is also a prose because its coming from YOUR head is the lowest tier of pseudo-intellectualism.

She's the equivalent of the insecure fat fuck in a fedora m'ladying all over the place. Actually intelligent people are shockingly normal, even when they have more degrees than the thermometer.

women literally put us on the moon

Beta guys sound a lot more simple

Compare this to all the tryhard attempts to make similar claims about hating women, politics or whatever, this one is just a lot better.

I follow this rule in life, if you have to use big words to sound smart, you probably arent smart

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Extend it further: if you constantly showboat as something, you definitely aren't that.

>to substitute the attention your parents never gave their mistake of an offspring

Yikes. She was doing okay up until that bit. Something about pop psychology just really makes me wince.

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what if I showboat as a showboater

The post is fairly easy to read, not sure what you're about.

You must be a smarty pants, unfortunately people like me dont live in a dictionary. There must have been a better way to explain it than using chemistry jargon so people like me could understand it easier

I guess by giving birth to the men who did all the work, but you're really stretching i think

I have no idea what "saponification" is, but it doesn't matter. just replace any words you don't know with "boop" and the point comes across the same. that's how you know it's pseud-speak, the long words she's using don't matter at all to what she's writing about.

Nah I think he watched that kikewood movie about black women in NASA or something and unironically think that a bunch of 1960's secretaries actually put men on the moon.