I'm done with these hoes.
I'm done with these hoes
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rude OP
Why are you mean to this woman, user?
>hurting innocent peoples feelings just to be able to post a screenshot and feel like a cool guy
Honestly pathetic. She seemed like a sweetheart.
mean and unfunny, ironically feel bad for you
This is the kind of woman that would match me just to call me ugly. Fuck them
That wasn't even clever, and reeks of autism
Did this woman call you ugly?
Deserved it for being black
>"I don't think you're gorgeous, but you think I'm handsome"
Are you a fucking retard OP?
What? Nobody has called you ugly in that screenshot, and you're the one acting like a dick. You're no better than the thing you're critizising.
Literal retardation in every sense of the word, get help OP
She was a fat black bitch, no thanks. I've already done my time with those. Would you?
Not the point we're addressing.
Don't ever flatter them, they'll treat you like shit if you ever give a fuck about their feelings
Your social skills are shit
You don't deserve sex
>why do my relationships last less than 3 weeks? geee I wonder
i cant wait for the day when online dating turns into a free for all where men just use it to insult women
Have fun swimming in pussy. I'm an autist but I've uncovered this turbo Tyrone face under all of this fat I've burned off. I go on tinder just to talk to girls like this without consequences. I randomly stop talking to girls then get messages like "I hope you haven't forgotten about me".
Nothing's better than glowing up in adulthood and treating women how they used to treat you.
imagine fucking up so bad that even r9k calls you out. fuck you op
Show us a screenshot, otherwise nice roleplay you got there
Op you are a fucking imbecile. You don't be cruel to others just because you arent attracted to them. I would just politely say I am not interested and move on with my life. Shes just trying to connect with someone like all of us are. Shes a human being with feelings and you chose to hurt her. You should feel shame.
So I'm an asshole. And? This is how women treated me when I was ugly, god forbid I have a little fun now that I'm attractive. Who cares.
No they arent. I get hit on my women all the time, you'd be quite surprised.
Maybe one day you will grow into a real man
Suck my dick. My face for reference.
nice one OP. the disgusting thing deserved it.
>unironically had a gag reflex when i saw it
I literally just deleted the best ones today but here's one
>women have treated me bad, therefore I must treat them worse bc I'm the bigger meanie
Braindead logic. Grow a spine and move on, you imbecile.
I have no problem admitting that I'm childish. I'm simply working through past hurt. Hopefully I'll grow out of it. But for now I'm just playing the girls who look like the ones who rejected me when I was a teenager
what a fucking bitter loser faggot, kys bro, seriously, you got some serious issues
It's just a little fun, quit simping for ugly fat black bitches lmao. She wont notice you, in fact, no one will
Do you think I'm doing this for her?
don't listen to these fucking faggots, fuck these stupid whores. any girl that uses online dating is automatic fucking garbage and they deserve to be insulted
Let me guess: your mother let you at a young age. That, or she didn't give two shits about you.
you're either a sensitive little white knight, or a woman. either way, lmao fuck off
>expecting an edgy robot to be a decent being
It's almost like we're not on Zig Forums
what dating apps do you guys use?
I've been trying Badoo, I never put the time in because I found it genuinely boring but since COVID, work has been dead (I work in a shop) so I normally sit on my phone for 5-6 hours a day.
I haven't had an actual conversation with a match in about 3 months.
Do you know what board you're on user? This has been a haven of toxicity for years, were you expecting to find a bunch of good guys?
There's no reason to unnecessarily hurt people mentally or physically
I need better photos, I have women coming up to me irl but get almost no matches online. I want to be able to reject them fiercely for any and all defects
I know your mommy didn't tell you some bedtime stories, so here's a compilation.
Every problem has a solution, user.
lmao grow up, you have better things to do
Even staying the whole day posting here sounds like a better use of time
"why cant i get laid?"
(acts like a retard who doesnt know social ques and fucks with people being nice to them)
"tfw bitch doesnt respond"
not necissarily all cases but this case fursure
Idk what makes you a bigger faggot,the laugh emoji or you being a massive cunt
Anyway Sagedo
Do you not realize that you're on r9k?