I liked this girl all through high school, and now she's a single mom who works at hooters.
What happened to your oneitis?
I liked this girl all through high school, and now she's a single mom who works at hooters.
What happened to your oneitis?
no idea, and honestly don't care anymore.
She's married to a nice guy and they have three kids, I'm happy for her.
In Europe, don't know anything else too lazy to stalk her
>two are single moms
>other lives with her mom still at 25
Seems like all of them are complete failures. Feels good man.
he has a computer engineering degree from a top school and is a concert pianist as a hobby
I really missed out ngl
She lives in another state with her boyfriend.
It was a missed opportunity
got knocked up by some rich normie. seems to be doing okay tho. she's single but i've gotten over her.
One is married and pregnant, living in Georgia. I still work with my ultimate and current oneitis.
And a girl who isn't compatible with me in the slightest is coming over in just a few minutes. She's pretty cute, but it would never work out.
God those milkers are so fucking pale!
Yea, most of my oneitis are fucking other guys and whatnot. Doesn't concern me, I hate many of them.
I've only ever had one oneitis, hence the title. Met her in highschool, she made me believe in soul mates and love at first sight. I never felt those feelings for anyone else, only her. I have no idea what she's doing right now but I do check her instagram all the time. I think she's in uni, partying and probably sleeping around all the time. I'm still right here.
Heard she was engaged, but I don't buy it for a fucking second. She was a compulsive liar who constantly cheated on her partners and reveled in entrapping men. I know for fact she was seeing another guy within one month of the engagement announcement.
KMP I know what you really are, you fucking whore.
im sorry to hear that user, youll find the one
ive had 3
first one is some type of doctor now. i haven't seen her in like 15 years but googled her a while back. she moved a couple states away, she's married, but she's chubby now and not cute anymore.
second girl i haven't seen in about a decade, but she works in finance, dont know what. from the pics ive seen of her she's still pretty and hasn't lost her looks. dont know if shes married or not.
the third girl was a fucking disaster, i realize now that i was entirely attracted to her looks and nothing else because she was such a piece of drug addict garbage. she's married to someone now, i just feel bad for the guy because she's probably going to fuck his life up.
She fucked me over almost a decade ago by turning everyone in our undergrad major against me as a cheap way to make connections. She's a counselor of some sort who has vulnerable patients to exploit on tap. I feel sorry for them and her colleagues.
She works at a children's hospital doing x-rays and things. In quite a good spot financially but hates her job. Livea
As far as I'm aware she's happily taken. I don't like her as much now. I made a sex tape with her already.
She's married to someone, I kinda stopped caring after high school. Never made a move on her so it's not like I care too much.
I don't know why you guys obsess over girls you loved when you were teenagers, especially well into your 20's (and some of you in your 30's).
>What happened to your oneitis?
she is 25 now and desperately trying to find someone to settle with. She has given up on love I think, She is on her 3 bf since I last saw her and that was 2 years ago. At this point I think she just doesn't want to be lonely anymore. She is still cute but she was a oneitis for a reason.
I have two.
The first and biggest, I know she got accepted to some big college out of state. She was the head cheerleader at our high school so she is probably doing that. and probably getting plowed by a different chad every weekend
The other girl I really liked went into the Navy and tried to get me to join with her but I fucking hate water and boats.
my ex broke up with me to unironically go sleep around, although she told people it was something I did (the non-descript "it just wasn't working out, I needed to focus on myself"). She was on the chubby side so she wasn't all that successful at it and apparently somewhat "regretted" it because she felt "lonely"
they all moved away with their bfs and started a life
What happened? You fucked her and she cried rape or what?
Literally all I want in life is an asian wife with big titties
Breasts. Big nice milk filled breasts. I want to smother my face in them. Motorboat the fuck out of those precious udders. Make memories with her mammaries. I want her lactating all over me.
Thanks for coming to to my TED taIk.
Remember when that one user made a vocaroo of himself reading this? That was pretty funny
Oh hell yeah, it fucking was. I saved the audio file onto my Dropbox.
No, and in a way I'm lucky it never got to that point since she totally would have despite being a self-described "conservative".
>had oneitis in high school
>asked her out for prom, got rejected
>ended up in same college with her, same major too
>asked her out again first semester of freshman year
>got rejected again and told she didn't want to have anything to with me
>obliged and went far out of my way to avoid her
>never spoke to or of her ever again, even when questioned by friends or family
>even made a point of sitting on opposite side of lecture hall with study group
>some days I couldn't even turn my head 3 degrees too far in either direction since it could set her off
>she tells everyone in our major about me to make connections
>turned entire major against me as a cheap way to make connections
>got to the point where some professors knew
>her and her friends even followed me crazy distances across campus into classes they clearly were never registered for or required to take multiple times
>this went on for all 4 years
>nearly got dragged in front of school kangaroo court at end
>still have emergency sworn statements testifying to stalking and other nonsense I would have pulled out an signed if shit popped off
>made zero (0) meaningful connections in college
>had to get a job tangential to field of study, at best
>4 years after college, finally rebuilt to the point I should have been at on graduation day
And all I got from this was an undiagnosed anxiety disorder that I have been advised would be better for me to cope with using alcohol for the sake of what's left of my professional future. She became a counselor of some sort, which is terrifying considering her manipulativeness and tendency towards gossip. I feel sorry for her colleagues, and most of all her patients.
We had a fight and she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. She still has some contact with a close friend of mine(according to him). Her new "bf" contacted my close friend and dm'ed him on social media and asking why he is hanging out with his gf.
I'm glad we had that fight. My life is now more at peace then when I was with her.
He's had multiple DUIs, has moved several times, couch crashes until people get sick of his leeching, has worked several dead end jobs, and dates single mothers. I believe he frequents Zig Forums too since he posts screenshots online all the time.
Definitely dodged a bullet.
camwhoring and cucking her bf
dodged a bullet there
no idea but fortunately I lost feelings for her a long time ago when she mailed me letters with PETA stamps and told me how suicidal she was
In short she emotionally curbstomped me junior year cause she's a Bipolar wreck, and we never spoke again. Haven't still. But her boyfriend just broke up with her a second time recently and she is not taking it well. Black profile pic and all on twitter, and apparently isn't talking to anybody. Its awesome. The feeling of vindictiveness is nice but Im still doing just as shitty as her
shacked up in a beautiful beach condo in florida with my twin sister and my ex-friend.