What do normies get out of virtue signalling? Politics aside, if I post anything I don't garner any replies and it doesn't improve my life in any way shape or form. I see roasties posting all this BLM bullshit fucking hourly and I just need to know whether they gain anything from it, or does it just boost their fucking egos because they have the slightest guilts from acting like total cunts their whole lives?
What do normies get out of virtue signalling? Politics aside...
KiII yourself desune
they're trying to say they are not racist pieces of shit like you
Virtue signalling is when companies change their logo to a rainbow for June then swapping right back, or someone doing charity just so they can brag about it. Basically if they do it in a way to plug themselves it counts just supporting something "progressive" doesn't count
I literally don't give a shit about the politics behind it so fuck off.
Spamming shit on your social media and plugging it in as part of your personality is virtue signalling
Because everything they post, they post because they sincerely feel it, but you can only ever imagine living a life just to get validation from others
Maybe they believe what they're saying and are trying to help?
so if we consider this as being true, then why do literally none of them practice what they preach? And don't give me the whole "they are courageously voicing an opinion" shit. It's not an unpopular opinion to shill the blm
believe it or not, some people are actually just not cunts.
Not sure what you want them to do
Bomb buildings?
the people who hate their race and everything it has accomplished and built are the ones who are not cunts. yeah right lmao
>Not sure what you want them to do
donate, volunteer, or remove their own prejudices. But they won't because for them it's not about that, it's just self validation. They never show how they actually contribute, it's always links for the indoctrination and such
>They never show how they actually contribute
>it's always links for the indoctrination and such
So they're more concerned about convincing others than making themselves look good?
Imagine that. It's almost like they're normal, functional human beings
They gain the social acceptance of their peers, that's everything the average woman strives for. The overwhelming majority of women will change their core personality, religious beliefs, taste in music and everything else to fit their partner perfectly and to fit into their friend groups.
yes everyone you disagree with is raycist
this is exactly what OP is talking about
believe it or not some people actually just disagree with a trending social narrative
when you're a violent crimimal a drug addict
and abuse a pregnant woman but its okay bc you're black you're just another woke victim of an oppressive culture
They're NPCs. The meme is tired as shit but it's absolutely true. If society told them to genuinely hate black people they would do it in a heart beat.
fight da power!
we wuz good guys n shiet mang
Chimp harder nigger.
provide constructive well thought out argument?
vs the chad just try to guilt trip people into agreeing with a trending narrative
roastie and her spawn got btfo
oooga booga whyte raycism is da problem shieet mang u just a raycist cracka ooga booga
there ain't no problem on both sides its all just u n ur raycism whitey ooga booga
you're the spawn of a roastie too retard
Replace normies and virtue signalling with vegans and moral grandstanding and maybe you'll understand.
because they're all literally pic related
>If I post anything
Stop using normie media retard.
a black dog and a white dog
are domesticated
tamed spayed neutered
pacified sedated
and pinned against eachother in a cage and convinced by the long nose gentleman that they're both enemies and the source of eachother's problems
instead of going after their aggressor they lock themselves in a constant power struggle against eachother
I guess I should've said "If I were to post anything". I need to stop even trying to follow what these people are up to, it's a drag on my mental state.
That's the attitude. Stop using social media stop going on Zig Forums if you do and stop watching the news. Then you can truly escape the trivialities of politics.
social validation and it reinforces their personal view of the world
They get validation from their peers to boost their shallow egos. They get to feel morally virtuous and sanctimonious about their supposed enlightened opinions as supported by their fellow compatriots. They like to think they are acting of their own altruistic interest, however, they are largely doing it for the respect and praise from their fellow social peers regardless of the costs. It's not truly altruistic. Their opinions don't have to have any basis in reality either, and they can conveniently ignore facts contrary to their narrative. Their basis of reality is supported by the validation, and it reinforces itself in an endless echo chamber within the increasingly curated noise.