>tfw ywn have a life like Scott Pilgrim
Im in severe cognitive dissonance over this fact. His life seems like the perfect scenario for a robot
Tfw ywn have a life like Scott Pilgrim
It seems like a retarded clusterfuck.
I just want a nice shut-in girl to marry and take care of.
that movie was insidious degeneracy of the worst sort and poured fuel on the shitfire that was the tumblr era
>takes PUTA over Knives
fuck Scott
>plays DDR
>clingy tsundere psycho asian bitch
>literally 17
>has a belt buckle with cherries on it
It did seem a bit like that but the idea of it itself is perfect to me. In a band, tons of friends, always has a gf, popular, etc even though hes goofy yet charming. His life seems like one of my teenage daydreams about adulthood
Jesus man how bitter are you about this. Seems like Tumblr was barely even a thing in 2010 too.
I used to agree with you but its kinda understandable. Knives was kinda clingy which can get annoying overtime, he had to graduate from her onto a woman his age too who was more desirable. Face it she was holding him back. Ramona ended up sucking too but Scott learned his lesson.
>not taking the dyke that just needed to know what a good dicking was
I kind of agree Kim was the best. I assume thats what you mean. But hey Scott had to move to Canada
Scott Pilgrim vs the world is a really fucking gay movie.
Why didnt you like it user? What didnt you like?
yay: has a hot asian girl crazy about him (at least in the comic, the movie's actress is so-so)
nay: he's actually a simp for a liberal roastie
>yen have a Ramona flowers
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World ruined a whole generation of women
its a horror story about the modern white woman stealing a man away from his only good option. scott had a perfect gf and threw it away to simp.
Kim best girl. Scott should have stayed with her. The shit with Knives and Ramona should have never happened in the first place.
based punker
Yeah she's way cuter tham both of them desu.
She was too good for him.
You fuckers itt need to understand what fantasy roleplay is to actors, I a literal Pilgrim fuck Asians.
I have the movie, haven't watched it. My blockbuster is closed down, I, a pilgrim, use blockbuster to live inside. I am a pilgrim, without a television.
>I a literal Pilgrim fuck Asians.
what? the character isn't even a real pilgrim, that's just his name...
The whole point of scott pilgrim is that Scott's life sucks and Scott is a super-asshole who needs to grow up and get his shit together.
the whole point of scott pilgrim is that his life is a video game, and in order to get the roastie of his dreams he has to face off against a number of evil exes.
that's the plot not the point.
>number of evil exes.
specifically 7. It's normal to have 7 exes by your early 20s? Why? This is why this shit is cancerous / ruinous
That's the thing a lot of people miss too, Ramona is like Scott's 5th(?)girlfriend
Both Ramona and Scott are sluts
It was a good movie but I always hated the premise of working so hard to get a bitch. I wouldn't fight a cold for some used pussy.
the whole aesthetic of the movie helped popularize a generation of chicks dressing and grooming like fucking retards
scott himself was a used weiner. ramona was his 4th girlfriend iirc.
Bright dyed hair but dead inside