Sup robots

Sup robots

I was thinking of life difficulty by gender, ethnicity, and country status.

It went something like this.

>Tourist mode
1st world female of any race
>easy mode
3rd world female of any race
>normal mode
black people in Western Europe/US/Arabs in Western Europe
>Darks Souls mode
Latinos/hispanics in US
White Australians
>Ninja Gaiden Xbox
low iq ethnics in third world countries
>Ninja Gaiden (NES)
White people in anywhere except Australia
>Roguelike but in RL
Asians/Indians in first world countries
>Game over
high iq ethnics in third world countries


Attached: life the game.png (500x323, 49.67K)

Is this the victim complex thread?

Life isn't hard for chads at all, the image is all kinds of wrong

>normal mode
You're retarded if you think black people in the west actually have it easy.
>born black
>born into an impoverished shithole like detroit or the countless shitty neighborhoods in chicago, mom probably addicted to drugs, no father figure, still have to make it through life
>can't reroll character, forced to play nightmare mode (only death can set you free)
>whites and hispanics hate you
>the government hates you
>nobody treats you with respect
>need to hit the lottery (d20 roll with a luck stat of 1) basically to get anywhere in life

>born white
>parents were yuppies
>college fund
>tons of opportunities
>people respect you by default, even if you're secretly a shitty person
>"b-but girls don't want to fuck me because I'm a simp"
>would rather shoot up a school than take advantage of your position in life

dark black women generally have it worse than other races of women and that is a fact

>>easy mode
>3rd world female of any race
yea I'm sure being married at age 15 and destroying your body by popping out 10 kids while your husband beats you is an easy time

>3rd world female of any race
I imagine that would be pretty rough, you have no rights and can just get raped or killed or sold into sex slavery and nobody would care

>3rd World female of any other race
>easy mode
Man, I know they will have easier decisions than men but living in the 3rd World is not easy for anybody. All that crap that Women say in the 1st world actually happens in the 3rd; They can be rapped in any moment.

Between nightmare and hard I guess.

>born white
>born into an impoverished shithole like West Virginia or the countless shitty towns like Hamtramck, mom probably addicted to drugs, no father figure, still have to make it through life
>can't reroll character, forced to play nightmare mode (only death can set you free)
>blacks and hispanics hate you
>the government hates you
>nobody treats you with respect
>need to hit the lottery (d20 roll with a luck stat of 1) basically to get anywhere in life
>can't even get affirmative action

It's harder than it is for women. Notice chad still has to work out and get a job

The way every gender, race, religion, political group, etc. acts like they always have it the worst in all ways at all times so they can act like victims and excuse their own mistakes while making a triumph out of every victory like they're an underdog is so fucking pathetic it makes me want to puke.

Even if you're unironically right, if you openly accept the label of the loser and downtrodden for pity points you fucking deserve to be at the bottom of the barrel.

Attached: 1588866093150.png (600x466, 315.61K)

>the government hates you
But gives you all kinds of gibs, second chances and special exemptions to give you a path to success.
Lol OK, the Gubmint sure doe hate blackies

None of this makes any sense. If you're black, you have the opportunities to make poor life decisions in general and still receive benefits and support from the media, the general public, and the government. The average black is a drag on the economy yet still manages to live an average of nearly 75 years. They commit more crime objectively but the general perception that this is not true. They live a relatively enjoyable, nihilistic lifestyle of being seen as "cool and sexy" and if they do meet a violent or unfortunate end (usually their own fault) they still lived a better life compared to whites and asians.

If you're a white, asian, or indian dude, you're usually doomed to a life of wageslave incel (which you're despised for your """"privilege""" to work as a wageslave) or NEET loser who's seen as the bottom of the barrel unless you got the luck of great genetics. society's expectations for you consist of only being a worker bee and never stepping out of line.
>dark black women generally have it worse than other races of women and that is a fact
I dont think so. maybe its harder since youre not a white or asian female. but I never seen a homeless black woman in my life despite traveling all around america! even black women's social issues boil down to lies or gaslighting. You can still live a relatively enjoyable, nihilistic lifestyle but even have less issues (if any).

they would probably subconsciously prefer these situations over getting stuck with betas in a first world country.

>They can be rapped in any moment.
most women have rape as sexual fantasies and general descriptions i have read about them being raped in RL leads me to believe they enjoy it to some extent. some of them at least not ALL.

>3rd world female
>easy mode
they get raped and murdered constantly you retard

>they get raped and murdered constantly you retard

maybe in africa where natural selection still exists. but outside of it? where? pakistan maybe?

>Southern Asia
>Literally everywhere in the middle east
boy you truly are a middle class white boy

>3rd world female
so being raped, contracting HIV and not being able to get an abortion and being forced to raise some random kid

>shoot up a school
kek, most mass shooters arent in any capacity of being productive people

>middle eastern women
if anything is going by how they act in europe. they probably willing put themselves with violent masculine men to get cummies in their tummies. there's paki women that LEAVE EUROPE voluntarily to become ISIS brides LOL.
>South asia

Papua New Guinea I guess?

being an indonesian or malaysian female is probably better still easy mode compared to any other ethnic male (or even white).

i dont have the video on hand. but i remember seeing a vice video about africa's rape epidemic. what bewildered me was that african women not only expected rape and getting pregnant with some guy's kid, but they were literally complacent with it happening lol.

there's a clique of females out there that see school shooters as sexy bad boys. only till AFTER they commit the shooting no less.

All that shit is going to go away anyways retard, no one likes leeches and trump is trying to get rid of all those benefits.

>one case vs millions of rapes
wow you sure got me there champ
>New Guinea = all of southern asia
you really need to look at a map sometime as well so your geographical skills don't make you look even more retarded
>being an indonesian or malaysian female is probably better still easy mode compared to any other ethnic male (or even white)
no, you are just undesirable

Trump isn't getting rid of welfare. but cuckservatives will push for more deregulations and lower wages for the current middle and working class through lobbying and gig job scams. Once UBI is installed to prevent civil war. everybody with an iq of 90 to 110 will work a dreary, impoverished lifestyle while the rich become ubermenschs and everyone with an iq of 90 below will have the exact same standard living they always had on government benefits.

desu, Elon Musk should just build iron man suits for the rich to exterminate everybody beneath an iq of 115 and just get this nightmare over with. this will probably include this board and I lol.

>the government hates you
>have had mostly republican government since 2000, the party only voted for by white people
t. retard

>wow you sure got me there champ
pretty sure its the general consensus bro
>no, you are just undesirable

this is correct. hence why its easier to be a 3rd world ethnic female as opposed to an asian/indian/white guy.

nightmare height (5'8")
hard level face
and very easy mode finances

are you retarded or can you just not comprehend the fact that being desired sexually is what makes women susceptible to being raped
rape isn't a joke, half of people who are raped develop PTSD as a result

I'm fucking glad I'm not desirable and stuck in a 3rd world shithole that doesn't enforce rape laws

>half of people who are raped develop PTSD as a result
a weird way of saying that half of all women enjoy rape but okay.

you are so retarded holy shit

>White Australians