How often do you overthink?

How often do you overthink?

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I love you you stupid twisted bitch catdog !!!

i dont think at all.

you have mebeign juted 8 seocnds ye

Sorry your not twisted or stupid or a bitch I think but maybe a pedophile and that's kind of really quite uncool

literally all the time actually

All the time and its killing me

i used to do it all the time until i accepted it was killing my life happiness. now i do it less. overall better off for it.

I'm overthinking right now

everything i think about i overthink

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This is good soon you will find some parameters and close in on your goals
It's basically media marketing graphs in your brain seritonine stock market baby wooo

its made me have existential crises nonstop and turned me into a suicidal nihilist but thanks

Basically all my problems in regards to socializing exist because I overthink everything way too much

A lot. Its kinda a bad habit of mine. I also over explain things so people will understand and I think it makes me look like a sperg.

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too often, i have to mellow myself with substances.

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Well on the contreier existenlaism and even nihilism are outer party's and not attributed to you my friend
And it is ok I come from the deepest sympathies and you shouldn't balm yourself also mania isn't a joy I'm sorry for your loss but truly you can get over it and maybe if life stops being well like shit and stinky and big headed we could come of maybe ok maybe also I have you covered please staybtuned aloe me to do then o we thinking for all of us because I'm seasoned now and just focus on intresting new things X

Also if that was sarcasm that won't help don't do that

it wasnt and thanks you for your kind words

I tend to overthink everything wrong about my life, including everything from the past, to the present, and anything that could possibly happen in the future, not just in my life but also on a much grander scale. I fear where I'm heading in 10 years just as much as I fear where the world is heading. It doesn't look good at all.

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literally all the time, i was actually overthinking on whether if i should stick hanging around on this board or even the internet in general

uuuuuuummm...often, no! not often!

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All the time. It never stops.

100% of the time

I've learned to just ignore some of it in order to cope

I don't overthink because it doesn't help me, i just work on things to prevent overthinking

to the point where i can write a entire fucking manifesto over the dumbest shit
i hate it i have to take a drug or smoke something to stop

It's called anxiety and it never fucking stops.

I spend more time planning the trip and options, comparing the price/weight/taste of my saturday candy haul than most people spend time buying a new laptop.

is there some ulterior motive to this? are you a CIA glowie who is trying to gauge our mental states through this post?

I see through you OP, I won't fall for this trap I never overthink anything

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every time i talk to a girl

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i cant think without overthinking

24/7, 365 days a year.
It's the main cause of my anxiety and insomnia.

not trying to be edgy or special but nearly every second of the day