Hey incels
trans rights
Hey incels
trans rights
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more like trans wrongs amirite fellas
Dead nigger says Trans Rights!
not all incels are right wingers, not all germans were nazis, soviet union wasn't real communism ect.
>soviet union wasn't real communism
ok chapo
Who the fuck cares. Go put on a wig and get fucked just stop posting shit here
hey faggot
I don't hate trans people, but why do most of them use attractive anime girls as profile pics? I understand that they want to portray themselves as attractive females, but surely they aren't so delusional to believe they look anything like a real female? On that topic, why do they bother to transition in the first place since it's currently impossible for most to pass as the opposite gender. It only serves to further separate them from others for no reason
yeah it wasn't real communism, get over it and stop soiling your white boi panties
Rights to do what? Cut your dick off?
>trans rights
Don't care just don't flood my board with your gay shit like back in 2019.
communism: a classless society in which the means of production are collectively owned by the working people
USSR: a strictly stratified society where an authoritarian dictatorship (with no real accountability to the working people, and thus not representing them) assumes full control of the means of the production
They tried to make it into that kind of society through a temporary state but it never worked in any communist regime, that is why people say it failed
>communism: a classless society in which the means of production are collectively owned by the working people
>USSR: a strictly stratified society where an authoritarian dictatorship (with no real accountability to the working people, and thus not representing them) assumes full control of the means of the production
That's great, except it's not possible to "collectively own" something. What is possible is to let multiple competing entities try to provide the same service and let people vote with their feet and their wallets about which one works for them; which communism specifically wants to destroy.
Yang's UBI gave real power to the workers because they can choose to spend their dollars on the health care and education and moving that gives them the best deal, but Bernie Bros hate that, they want all the money sucked up and under their control to decide "on behalf of" the working people (just like you said happened in the ussr!!!) to only sponsor health care and education that follows their vaccination and anti-wrongthink policies and choke out all competition and choice for workers.
trans people are cool and valid
>but surely they aren't so delusional to believe they look anything like a real female?
No, but let me dream, user.
Hey tranny
Incel rights
If you want the right to safety buy a gun, otherwise there's nothing else you're owed.
glad you can see what communism leads to user
>but surely they aren't so delusional to believe they look anything like a real female?
which is why they're not using real(or at least realistically drawn) attractive women; they're using cute loli or at least teen anime girls
This is literally you, how do you feel OP?
I'm sorry you're saying collective ownership doesn't work in a world where water companies are distributed fairly to houses and you can find water fountains everywhere? This is fucking retarded. You're so steeped in the money system that you think it's the only way the world can work. Things can exist in abundance and be distributed, scarcity doesn't have to be a law of the world. We can produce productively now more than ever and squander that opportunity over a retarded hierarchy of luxury.
>why do they bother to transition in the first place since it's currently impossible for most to pass as the opposite gender
if you look at an 18yo man and a 30yo man the latter generally looks a lot manlier, right?
even if medically transitioning was literally just stopping it from worsening like that I'd still do it, and that's the one thing it's guaranteed to do
That's a pretty funny joke, even for a tranny such as yourself
Because even you admit there's a chance of passing. And pass or not, becoming more feminine and replacing the hormones still alleviates dysphoria
The more we suppress them, the higher that sweet sweet >40% trans suicide rate gets
Lol twitter faggot
Capitalism has already brought us to post scarcity though.
It's not a perfect system, but there will never be a perfect system.
The amount of government you would need to control the entire economy will always inevitably become corrupt.
Money doesn't have anything to do with that.
What? Are you serious? It's brought us to wastefulness and ruin. The post scarcity is just a matter of industrial production, capitalism is ruining its potential by making it for profit. You don't need a government control of everything you just need to squash the profit motive. Google syndicalism. All we have to do is focus on production and trade them for their actual value and not some inflated corporate nonsense.
Get necked faggot. Half of this thread is literally
>get necked faggot
And the other half is a communism thread.