/RSG/ RuneScape General

OSRS bots get in here, I know half of you fags play
What skilling grind are you working on, what boss are you hunting, what raids are you running, how's it going?
I'm running the Ape Atoll course for shits and giggles because I want the Princely Monkey backpack, then I'm back to Hallowed Sepulchre.

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>Dell Dimension
Ahh, those were the days.

The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles

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I never played runescape or any mmo for that matter
did I miss out on much? or is it just an addiction?

im playing osrs with soulja boy, ive put most of the grinds on hold.

>did I miss out on much?
>is it just an addiction?
Also yes.

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My stats btw, how do you compare bros

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sorry i dont play runescape can you get them all to 99? or is there a lvl cap

The level cap is 99 in all skills for a total level of 2277 (23 skills), yes. Each skill requires 13m xp to hit level 99, with xp rates ranging from 30k/hour or lower to 200k+/hour. The hard part of the game is earning the resources you need to actually train the skills, whether that be buying them from other players or making them yourself on an ironman account.

Are you even an Ironman tho

I used to have RS gf back in the day, tho I believed it to be a catfish. I think this is part of my distrust for others started. I also had good friend we were a trio. While it was only for a moment I was truly happy those days. Kind of pathetic that's the highlight of my life

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While skilling is arguably the "point" of the game, there is basically limitless content ranging from pvp, quests, achievement diaries, minigames, bosses, raids, pets, houses, cosmetics, tournaments, even gambling kek. Genuinely the most expansive MMO I've ever played, but it gets shit on by people who didn't grow up with it for having very basic 2006 java graphics.

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No lmfao, although I respect the ironman playstyle it's not for me. Way too much of a time sink. Maybe if I were a NEET I'd give it a try, but I'm not spending my free time grinding resources I can just buy for 2k ea on the GE.

>93 fishing

Workin on 99 firemaking at Wintertodt
your stats are looking pretty solid

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>Start getting burned out from the game
>Figure I need to give myself something to work towards instead of just doing the same early game grinds over and over again
>I know, I'll be like the super cool guys flexing at Castle Wars back in the day and go for an early Fire Cape, that was always a childhood dream of mine!
>Get the prayer levels early
>Cap out at 31 Ranged so I can use a Steel Crossbow
>Get Prayer Potions early
>Get some early food plus combo food just in case
>Get gear to maximize prayer bonus
>I've tried this before at a slightly higher combat level on tournament worlds what's the worst that can happen?

>Get dumpstered by the bats because it turns out they drain prayer equal to their hit and not just 1 point per hit
>Get dumpstered by everything else because I cannot pray flick worth my life
>Give up and let myself die at Wave 10

I might be retarded.

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I don't play as much anymore. I still play a lot though.

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Never played Runescape. Is it even worth getting into in the year 2020?

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We pay no gays

Saradomin was a slave owner

99 farming with those cb stats? Very nice. Tithe Farm I'm guessing?
Aha good shit, don't run into maxed players too often. What're you up to now in-game?

Low cb firecapes arent all that impressive now that Rendi nailed a lvl 3 anyway. Castle Wars is god tier though, I just these babies last month

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Absolutely. Do all of the f2p quests and see if you still like it. Soulja Boy has been streaming himself relearning the game so check out his Twitch if you want to see what it looks like in the early game.
I've played for 14 years now and I'm still super into it, so I would recommend. Not that hard to learn, either.

Saradomin was actually a huge piece of shit in the RS3 lore so he might've unironically owned slaves or used conscripts in his military at some point, yes. Also fuck faggots pic related

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>Princely Monkey backpack
So they added an uglier version of the sweet monkey cape but STILL haven't added the monkey max cape that they said they'd do years ago. I fucking hate Jagex, no I'm not coming back yet.

Imagine wasting all this time on this literal garbage

I'd rather have champion max cape than monkey max cape lmfao

That is literally nothing. To get level 99 in a skill, you need to get 13 million exp in it. However, the maximum amount of exp you can have in a skill goes all the way to 200 million. There are people who dedicate their lives to getting 200 million exp in every skill. So far 8 people have done it and several others are actively pursuing it.

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whats best for pvp scenarios, fixed window mode or the fullscreen/resizeable one? i see all the pker youtubers use fixed but im not sure, i want a big boi screen

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Why is osrs the robot's choice? I feel like RS3 would be more preferred of r9k because it has less normalfags on it.

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>less normalfags
RS3 is like tumblr: the game, what the fuck are you talking about?

Reminder to play vscape instead of osrs. vscape is 100% authentic to 2007 runescape and is not rs 3 2.0 unlike osrs.

any /voidchads/ here?

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osrs has so many normalfags on it compared to RS3, maybe due to popularity. The only time you really see normies in R33 is the GE or priff. Not only that, RS3 has less players, so less social interactions if you go somewhere like a slayer dungeon or some shit.

Also idk about tumblr but it's definately deviantart tier with it's ugly ass, bright coloured cosmetics.

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