What mobile games do you play?
What mobile games do you play?
>mobile games
none, why the fuck would I play mobile games
Hate to admit it but i play final fantasy brave exvius alot. Dont spend money on it but i do try to l
Not trying to be an asshole, asking out of genuine curiosity. But why would you play mobile games when you could play actual games? Even if I just wanted to kill time on my phone I'd just read the news or listen to music, most mobile games seem to be either gacha, clickers, afk or p2w (or some combination, not much difference between gacha and p2w kek)
None, I still lug my 3DS around. Still getting streetpasses motherfucka
I haven't checked the smartphone market in years. Has there been anything worth playing, or should I keep carrying around my 3DS?
I live in a major city and have only received 4 in the past year. Found one in the subway once.
The only mobile games I've ever played were Plague Inc., Harbinger, Sorcery! adventure books, and The Room 1-3 puzzle games.
I'd recommend the latter two series.
i don't play any mobile games
The only mobile games I play are GBA games on my phone and Sonic Forces Speed Battle.
>PSP emulation
>DS emulation
>Dragon Quest (Mobile has the definitive versions for most)
>Bullet Hell Monday
Most people on this board and Zig Forums regularly browse R*ddit and are normalfags. They will not dare try to find good things.
You are trying to be smart but some people just like little arcade-like games. The top apps are like you described but there is some good shit out there. 3-4 times a year ill get super depressed so i just curl up in my bed and play the fuck out of some mobile game, then uninstall it 2h later
Tinder but im not very good at it
Tinder is the only game where the winning condition is to stop playing
I got a cookie clicker type of game but with plants, Terrarium
Marvel Strike Force, Gundam Battle: GW, and Bitlife. I've messed with and try others but those are the ones that stuck to me
Emulating games from my backlog
Im playing pokemon emerald rn
Kingdom Rush is pretty cool, if you enjoy tower defense type stuff.
Don't Starve is pretty fun too.
I also have a ton of roms stored on my tablet.
Based polish robot. Not too keen on anime tho. How is your life as depressed polish animefag?
Cytus 2
King of Thieves
Alter ego
Clash royale
You just made me remember that I played Fate Grand Order and missed my chance to get 10 tickets because I missed a daily
Shit sucks man, I am f2p so I get really sad over any scaps I miss
Arknights and Girls Frontline. I swear it's mostly for killing time and the story.
Dig this!
i play chicken game
I too play King of Thieves. It's getting really boring though.
its been a while but i love kairosoft games. theyre all the same in a different skin but once in a few months ill have nothing to do and download a new one and just play it for hours with a show of film being played as background noise
Dungeon Maker is a pretty dope mobile game. Has a pretty great style and good gameplay. Problem is it has a steep learning curve.
I am also a Fate/Grand Order cuck.
>n64 emulation
This is how i know youre not actually a gamer
i love agar.io
AI dungeon
Pixel Dungeon
Used to play osrs/MS M
Show me some good open sauce non pay 2 win non gacha games anons
FIFA Mobile, long time without playing though. Since pandemic the phone is turned off