Ldr gf of almost 2 months wont send me nudes or try to be sexual with me in the slightest

>Ldr gf of almost 2 months wont send me nudes or try to be sexual with me in the slightest

Do i just move on?

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Yes, for her sake, you filthy degenerate coomer.

You make me sick.

My ldr gf was a coomer she would send stuff all the time. Tell her you have needs and if she cant meet them its over.

>Bro you have to wait 6 months to a year to have sex with her

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>the sensation got from the body of another is just as exploitable as the sensation got from a sugary drink
intimacy should be sacred

imagine being an emotional sponge for a woman online for free
if she has no feels for you that lead to lewd stuff then she's not into you

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>bro sex is important
What are you a fuckin simeon?

Motherfucker you are a sex addicted loser think hard about who is the real reddit fag here

Hah i bet you waited months too have sex with you're firt ever gf
Girls are sluttier now then ever how can you be so bluepilled

>not until marriage
Dirty filthy cumbrain.
I hope she finds another man who will value her for something more than making himself COOM.

>Girls are sluttier now then ever how can you be so bluepilled
Well go find one of them if that's what you want.
Don't find one of the few decent girls left and try to turn her into a whore.

Seething bluepill cucks

>calling others bluepilled
>falling for the COOM jew

>Oh woe is me for the girl I like is not a whore
Cry me a fucking river.

Holy fuck the amount of normie basedcucks on r9k
This place was way better 6 years ago

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>Degenerate coomer with a long distance relationship aka a penpal who is probably a man
>calling other people bluepilled for rebuking you for not following Christian teachings
absolutely pathetic. Depressing how low you currently are.

This is why women should ALWAYS make a guy wait for anything sexual, it weeds out horny retards like this guy who just want to use you for sexual gratification.

Shes sent me pictures of her in her tight yoga pants all the time and we video call every single night
Today i just hung up on her becuase i feel shes just using me for attention and isnt sexually attracted to me
Plus she lives in canada like me and we are a 300$ ticket away from eachother

that's not a relationship, it's a whore.
Stop talking to her. Go meet a girl IRL.

Im not asking for a whore
Im asking for a normal relstionship do you think regular couples at my age (21) are waiting 2 months to have sex? I dont think so

A normal relationship starts with you meeting a girl face to face in real life, finding mutual physical attraction, and developing a bond that eventually leads to sex.
You can't have any of these things through video calls and her sending you pictures of her yoga pants. Stop being stupid. You're wasting way more time than you realize being infatuated with the girl on the screen when there's thousands of cute girls within a 5 mile radius that you could be dating right now.

She says shes looking for a job too meet me
Because soppsedly she says shes really into me and wants too meet up
Idk man i just feel like im being played

damn user your english is awful
maybe graduate high school before worrying about women

Imagine seeing the state of normal relationships and wanting to emulate them.

Imagine being in a one sided ldr where th gf is cucking you and she knows it

How is it one sided?
Is nudes and cringe e-sex all you want from her?

Its better then nothing dont ya think?

So if you're not getting nudes your relationship is "nothing"?
Don't you enjoy her company, enjoy talking to her?
Or is she just a sex object to you?

Follow what she does not what she says. Women will never be outright truthful as it takes away their one true ability... Manipulation. If shit isn't addin up start subtracting

2014 r9k was fucking trash, retard

Just find a bitch who will put out. If she really looks good in those pants, hold out for a little longer.

>Do i just move on?
you will have to eventually. Unless there is physical intimacy there or she at least gives you something akin to hold on to, you will end up seeking it IRL. Just be honest with each other if that time ever comes.