July 14th 2019. Its been exactly a year. What are your thoughts? What do you think?
Bianca devins died a year ago
I miss her like you wouldn't believe it.
I'm gonna visit her grave.
Also, why does time move so quickly... I hate it. I wish to join her because of this.
some whore died
how will the world ever recover
met her on omegle once. she seemed nice so it makes me kinda sad
why does anyone still care. millions of people die every year
yes we can't go on anymore,
i had a nosebleed when i posted this thread. what does this mean?
good roasties need to die or hero
those trips it means you're cursed
fuckem good they seemed like a huge waste of space
play stupid games win stupid prizes
Typical ethot roastie, but nobody deserves death for something so harmless.
she was trying to get you to orbit you stupid. good thing you didn't fall for it.
I know of at least 10 e-girls that live in utica ny. whats up with that
what did she even do. I still don't know anything.
bitch fucking had it coming. Hopefully she will not be the last ethot that gets slain.
typical manipulative ethot that probably had bpd + something else. she was only 17 though, no one really deserves to die over it
>bitch fucking had it coming
why. what did she do.
supposedly manipulated men i think. nothing insanely evil but a lot of people here think she was a bad person.
oh so basically the incels are just glad that a woman died because they are incels.
Harmless to who? Other ethots? Incels are apparently harmed, ergo der lifeless thot.
basically yes orignalfd
she was literally blackmailing her orbiters for drugs.
She. had. it. Coming.
she was manipulative and emotionally abusive to her orbiters
that's their fault for orbiting her
but she encouraged their behavior and the stupid game (doing this to a psycho) got her a stupid prize (chop chop)
not saying she deserved to die but it's kinda like leaving your car unlocked in a black neighborhood
you can see what's coming from a mile away if you have a little sense
and lots of people here have turned bitter towards women so of course they are happy she's dead
you would know all this if you weren't a newfag
Her killer wasted a lot of peoples time after he failed to kill himself. He was claiming he partially blacked out killing her before taking forever to plead guilty, but it was revealed he set up his phone to record the murder while she was asleep in his car.
i dont know how to say this, but it feels very weird to hear that she was 17. Like blackmailing people for drugs, having orbiters, sleeping around, having an insta with more than 100k followers. Like shit im 18 now and all i do is sit at home all day.
I'm a newfag because I didn't follow up on the death of some random bitch that happened a year ago. I hate all of you.
Back to r.eddit faggotnigger kill yourself wageslave. Trailer trash r*dditfag
get informed before you speak of things you know nothing about
You`re an autistic newfag because you came from r*ddit or either Twitter and nobody wants you here. Fuck off and die.
I wasn't even speaking about it. All I did was ask what happened.
>kids that haven't been on this website as long as me are calling me a newfag
it's over.
Heres a (You) feel accomplished r*ddittor
I wonder what the actual fuck are you even doing here. Isn`t your platform entertaining enough for you ideals?