How did you stop being a sperg or at least manage to keep it under control? success stories only please

How did you stop being a sperg or at least manage to keep it under control? success stories only please.

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Became so depressed i stopped caring about anything at all. Girls loved it. 2 years later, working in a warehouse, told psycholoco i wanna kms. Got put in the looney bin for a week where i met a cool former cancer patient, who helped me find out who i really am.
Now i want to become a nurse.
In other words, being through shit and meeting people who have been through shit can help you seem more "normal".
Perhaps because being a human being is about consistent suffering. The moment you stop suffering, you stop being a human. This last bit is my own theory.

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Stop talking to anyone so they're just think you're avoidant/stuck up/etc. rather than reveal your actual power level

> avoidant
I've embarrassed myself so much in public, that I cut off all human/social interactions for the past 3 years, I wont be lying if I said I was avoidant.

forced myself to go outside and be more social, started going to local concerts alone and try to strike up conversations in public, eventually worked through the social ineptitude and was able to have actual conversations with people
it's a painful process, but the results speak for themselves

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Exposure therapy. Forced myself to go out in public and interact with people until it stopped being debilitatingly hard to do.

The autist masquerade. Make a persona for when you have to interact with people. It's like being an improv actor.
Very hard at first, but you invent things this character likes to say and do so you always have a reply to normie questions.

I need my masquerade to hold a job. My coworkers have no idea who I really am. I play a dull guy (so they don't start difficult conversations) who likes old school rock and roll and going fishing. He's been divorced for a few years so they don't ask romantic questions either. Sometimes people actually want to be his friend so I have to tone it down a little and be rude.

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If you have the energy to keep this mask on as a 25+ year old, you deserve my respect.

The last bit is called buddhism

Become a fucking monk and then nothing matters anymore. Allthough as my friend said, monk has the first three letters of monkey, so be careful....

Oh it's draining and difficult. Being at work is a constant mental drain because I have to be ready if somebody starts talking to me.
Luckily, there's very little reason for anyone to do that. I can get most of my work done without chit-chat. But there's always that fear of getting found out, like I'm a spy.

Sometimes you can fake it on certain types of drugs. I am not sure which ones though. Some people need alcohol to function, try that, 2 drinks before you go out the door to loosen you up.

Exposure therapy; read over and over and improvise what is and isn't appropriate in conversation, try to take after how people converse and express nonverbally from TV shows/Film, gain a sense of humor and mold the abstract part of your brain a bit to make it easier to be funny (watching comedies and standup are a good start); and if you do/say anything sort of cringeworthy - just accept it, laugh at yourself even and move on. Reading on psychology and sociology also helps understand how socialization, society and others work. Also; learn your fucking boundaries. That will save you from potential cases where other people might genuinely try to call the police on you or write you up at jobs. A sizeable chunk of aspies unintentionally creep others out or ask/do things that can make others feel uncomfortable without being aware of how strange it is. If you do wind up creeping/weirding others out - apologize, say you didn't mean to act weird and realize they aren't holding anything harsh/bullying you.

Also; STEM fields are beyond ideal for aspies. Best way to comfortably channel your strengths from your sperglorddom and rack up amazing green. You should consider starting out by getting the study material for a CompTIA A+ IT certification and take the exam (it's a few hundred to take it).

Being a mechanic, construction worker or something of the like is also great for those on the spectrum - especially if you love tinkering with shit.

>Also; STEM fields are beyond ideal for aspies.
that may have been true 15 years ago that is no longer the case.

booze opened me up the first time, it was just a matter of learning to do it without the sauce.

It's definitely more difficult nowadays since STEM started being influxed by neurotypicals who value being more hip/charismatic and less on the nerd values/autism of things - but it's still one of the best aims an autist has at anything.

All these realization I had recently are just depressing, I used to think that if I was skilled enough in whatever I did (I.T, Computer science etc). I could just show my employers and get the Job easily, and while there's some truth to that, the most important thing is your ability to make people like you and your ability to make connections in college. if you're an autist then thats a fucking struggle, I don't if it was always like this or are we living in horrible times.

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I don't know* if it was

nope you need social skills to succeed in stem as well.

I fell for that fucking meme , worked my ass off and studied till I hot sick to get an ee degree with nothing to show for it.

did you do internships or even suck your professor's cock?

There are far more students than there are internships. If your position is that you cant get a job without an internship then that is basically an admission that the majority of young men lured into the stem meme do not get anything from it.

Getting an internship and wooing professors both require social skills and the former requires connections and building a network which means more social skills . Which contradicts the position that stem is visble for aspies.

>stem is not for aspies
so warehouse job it is.

The sad and hard truth is that there's a partial black pill for spergs and other otherwise extremely asocial/introverted/socially stunted folks that lack family members in the industry - and it's that without the 'murican superficial charisma, personality and ability to network; and all of that being applied over years and over a decade's timespan of learning to know others and develop friendships/opportunities - you are mostly practically doomed.

That is basically what I had to settle for with my EE degree.

did you even get a high/managerial position? I would imagine they thought you were capable with an EE degree.

That's why I'm surprised more robots arnt leftists. Why would you support a system where you are guaranteed not to thrive over a system where you are guaranteed not to starve?

Preach. I'm a longtime bot and leftist.

Still bitter over bernie dropping out, and increasingly angry seeing the fringe left being torn apart by identity politics (and the more recent ableism/double standard discrimination towards us folks on the autism spectrum)

>did you even get a high/managerial position
Nope regular warehouse associate , get paid 13.25 $ an hour
I clean biological waste off medical devices
And I only got the job because of my dad pulling strings at his company.

>fringe left
They are just liberals
A lot of people are coming to realize that liberals!=leftists

You could always become a black hat

Literally leftist circles have been inflitrated by radlibs being my point I was making.