Why don't you fatties just stop eating? It feels good to lose weight.
Why don't you fatties just stop eating? It feels good to lose weight
eating feels better
(fight me irl)
I'm never eating again!
Nice! Stay strong and keep at it, user!
People who bully fat people should be punched in their snobby faces
Fatty detected
lose weight idiot
im unironically going to stop eating again. i was looking at old snapchat pictures and i looked so good. i got pretty fat since quarantine. i feel like a pillow and a complete slob. being skeleton is truly superior. aiming for 120lbs at 5'11, currently 190
i'm not fat it's just such a scumbag thing to do and pointless
Shaming fatties is the only thing that works, it's why asian countries do no have many fat people. They are shamed until they lose weight.
sahem is unhealthy and you're just lying to cover your sociopathy, you should be decked like the bitch you are.
its not pointless it works. we shouldnt be okay with people being disgusting and unhealthy. its bad for humanity.
I don't care what mentally ill sadomasochist normies think "works" and that's a total lie, it probably just makes it worse, so you're a lying evil scumbag so why shouldn't you get fucked up?
Eating is the only thing that gives me pleasure.
I lost weight a few times, never could keep it because other than less physical problems my life didn't changed the slightest, except I was more miserable.
>Why don't you fatties just stop eating? It feels good to lose weight.
I did.
>was overweight
>decided enough is enough
>stopped eating so much
>stopped eating sweets, cold turkey style
>stopped eating excess carbs
>did frequent cardio workouts
>sometimes did weight resistance exercises
>lost 30 pounds in the span of a couple of months
>got told that I noticeably lost weight by a former classmate who I haven't seen in a while
>looked good, felt good
Would have kept at it. If not for the Wu flu.
>pandemic hit
>can't go anywhere
>get lazy
>start eating more
>start eating sweets, although in moderation
>gain most of that weight back
At least I know that I am capable of losing weight if I put my mind to it.
Can't imagine what it's like for fatties that never lost weight once in their lives.
wow you are a dumb sunnabitch u know
whatever dick
whatever fat fuck nigger lick my balls
>racist as well
ok neo nazi take your 9mm medicine, no it's too easily to profile you guys and it does make the world a worse place and for what? what do you gain? nothing it's sociopathy.
Maybe you should try getting a healthy bmi
i fucked this girl she's pretty hot she sounds pike a squeak toy when she's getting railed
i do have one, i'm sick normie bullies making the world a worse place every day. I hate you fuckign judgemental people, you fuckign bitches you fucking normies.
Aww the fat baby is getting cranky
and you know you don't care about the health of the people, it's just so you can be oppressive because you're crypto fascists, that's what women are as well, you're all normies and you should all be burned in hell.
>it probably just makes it worse
Then they should really be shamed if being told they're fat makes them so sad they eat more and get fatter.
that's just bullshit you're using to justify your bullying i mean if you were in a group of bullies maybe that type of lying would work but not on me, to me you should get a taste of some suffering for your evil.
>I don't care what mentally ill sadomasochist normies think "works" and that's a total lie, it probably just makes it worse
you got a different idea?
fat acceptance won't make you any healthier, you know.
ok guys i got a bicycle
im commuting 20km x5 + 100km randomly every week
is this good enough to lose belly fat?
also i eat once a day, a decent meal at night cuz cba to bring to work
looking to be just slim and fit i imagine upper body muscle gains have to come elsewhere
Do that and also eat less, try the OMAD diet, it helps control your hunger
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!
It's not pointless. It increases the chance that they'll lose weight or kill themselves and I don't have to look at disgusting lardbags anymore.
Lmao listen to this retard screaming normie and fascist. Lose weight or kill yourself you lump of fat and grease
I am going to start fasting again but first I have to finish off these mi goreng noodles.