Hey white boy! Wanna be partners on this group project?

>Hey white boy! Wanna be partners on this group project?

Wat do?

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no one communicates like this


Looks like a sitcom episode where the MC jumps through all these hoops to look good in front of her, doing shit he doesn't want to, and then it turns out she has a boyfriend at the end.

What? I'm not white, I'm Asian.

>taking any group work seriously
Come on now

>white boy
that's racist you worthless cunt

>mumble incoherently
>she thinks I'm a weirdo and looks away from me, partners with someone else
>I get stuck with the ogre in the back of OP's pic


>no, no thanks. i'm already partnered with Stacy

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Actually had this happen to me KEK

But not this direct
>hey we need to work together
>I've never worked with gringo guys

I'm in Germany and she came from Brazil, she's really cute and now we're best frens

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>being proud of best friend status
Jesus Germans are fucking cucks.

>could you please not pay attention to my skin color? thank you.

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Sure, but I'm kicking you out if you don't put in half the work.

>oh sorry I already promised stacy I would be her partner on this project maybe next time

most latinas look like the one in the background

He never insinuated he wanted more

sorry, but i'm already "partners" with ops mom
wink, wink

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tessss ca I post here ok

My skin is darker than hers

shut the FUCK up hoe

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I had and still have the same gf. No fucking way I'll cheat on her, and why does this board always call every person who has the slightest contact with a woman a cuck? Projecting at it's finest i suppose

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this literally never happens, op is retarded and racebaiting

god why do you guys have to post shit like this.

what i would do to be treated like a fucking human by the girls who went to my high school.

it breaks my fucking heart to see a girl smiling at a camera because they never do at me.

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Based germbro who stands up for himself

have you tried just being yourself, user?

original comment

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don't know how else to be other than myself.

i manage to make a lot of people laugh, but if they aren't treating me as a jester they are just simply ignoring me, until i speak and interrupt them doing whatever they may be doing that's more important than me.

as much as i wish i had those last 2 months of high school, i'm glad i graduated. on to getting ignored at the workplace now.

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>not really but i've already facefucked cindy and stacey so i may as well give you a go now

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just be yourself user that's all it takes i swear

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>Sure, brown girl.

Can confirm. My high school was 30% white and people called me white boy and cracker all the time but never wanted me to be part of their groups for projects.

The spic just wants me to do all the work, as per usual. That's the only reason why anyone ever asked me to partner up with them at school.

I'd agree but I also wouldn't tell her that I am actually far dumber than I look and that she is going to end up being the one to carry me through this project.

I'm black and much darker than you. Why would you call him white?

>call him
I mean call me. Fuck.

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