>"Evan Pipta is 28, single and looks pretty good on paper: He has a job as a software developer, likes rock climbing and electronic music and lives in trendy Greenpoint. He also hasn't had sex in a year - and "even that was a one-night stand," says Pipta."
>"So, what's wrong with him? Nothing, according to new data from the General Social Survey: Researchers surveyed 2,348 adults and found that 28 percent of men under 30 had gone a year or more without sex. That's nearly triple the amount of dudes who reported yearlong dry spells back in 2008."
The profession and pay is fine, but there's at least a 1/3 chance he's in it because of computer induced autism and is a beta sperg
Cameron Jenkins
Literally this
OP is a massive faggot who thinks everyone who doesnt "hab secs" will some how fucking explode
Caleb Walker
>Rock climbing >Electronic music >Software developer
Yeah no shit the dude is a fucking dweeb. You cant do all three, that's too much fucking nerd. Two nerdy activities MAX and don't ever wear that shirt on your sleeve.
Hudson Collins
Angel Martinez
sexhavers cant stand a year with no sex
John Peterson
I'm a giga virgin but you people are retarded.
Joseph Adams
>looks pretty good on paper >has a job as a software developer
Don't be silly, OP. If any woman anywhere is unhappy and doesn't meet her life goals or doesn't get married exactly when she wants to or doesn't have kids exactly when she wants to, it's a huge social crisis and we have to spare no expense researching the possible causes by throwing grants at social scientists.
If a man is unhappy with his dating life, OTOH, he is a monster who hates women and wants them to be his slaves, and if we discuss or study the issue AT ALL it is only so that we can better learn how to destroy that potential terrorist.
Don't you understand the difference?
Sebastian Gutierrez
Holy shit that image is funny. I keked for a good five mins.
Camden Jones
>hasn't had sex in a year Lmao. I've gone through longer times without even seeing a single woman.
Or just average to below average. Remember most women on tinder do smash; they just have sex with the top percentage of men.
Angel Davis
Evan Pipta doesnt look like the guy from that pic and that's what is holding him back
Parker Martinez
>What are the political ramifications of this? Nothing. There will be no incel uprising. Trend will go on as usual and ugly or short men will probably off themselves or remain virgins until marriage in their mid thirties when women have hit the wall.
Jace Adams
I'm only speaking for myself here But because I'm a houseless, girlfriendless, jobless virgin, I have absolutely no loyalties of affiliations with any of the political parties If any new party came up and offered me a home, job, and wife I'd probably go with them irregsrdless of many of their other policies or ethics
Connor Gutierrez
this keep coping ugly incels
Evan Cox
What are some non-nerdy activities, other than playing sports and watching people play sports?
interesting point, let's say nazi-lite party comes to light, they offer every virgin sexless dude a gf and a home. If the incels reach 50% that seems like a possibility
Thomas Myers
>What are some non-nerdy activities, other than playing sports and watching people play sports? Gym/lifting weights. Listening to popular music. Watching popular TV shows and films. Socialising with friends and drinking together (this is a massive one).
Most people don't have hobbies outside these four as well as watching sports.
Elijah Richardson
Ethically questionable way to fight back. I will let you in on a little not-so-secret secret. Tinder is too lazy to invest in actual moderation on the app so instead bots just automatically ban anyone who gets reported a few times. Search the web for it you will find lots of pissed off people guys and girls complaining about it.
Make a few virtual machines on your PC and install an instance of bluestacks in each. Run a tinder account with location spoofed to your area as a woman and match with chads. When matched with chads, send a few bullshit messages back and forth and then report and block them for harrassment/abuse/whatever on each account. Keep doing this and soon all the chads in your area will start to get banned and the playing field will be leveled. Once they are banned their phone /number,/IP address, Facebook/Apple/Google accounts / Photos are all blacklisted and any matching new accounts are automatically banned by bots.
Team up with other robots in your area for best results. Tinder is the standard for casual hookups and people stick to what they know so I don't think girls will migrate elsewhere much. Doing something like this en masse could potentially give an average guy a somewhat realistic chance with an average girl.
Prostitutes don't love you, live with you, and have your children.
Anthony Parker
that is actually a big brain. But if I was to create multiple VM running tinder I also need multiple accounts, that need a phone number or Fagg book. The contacting other robots on the area to help is a possibility though I really like your thinking
See All that "ew normtard" shit is exactly what girls look for when they want a normie bf or a fuckbuddy. Ironically "nerd" girls are the worst about this - if you see a hot girl into anime and Vidya there's a huge chance she fantasizes about getting railed by a middling IQ Chad who doesn't give a fuck about her triforce tattoos.
If you're on Zig Forums already you're shit out of luck. Just play 4D chess and pretend to be a normies and watch as the pussy rolls in. If a girl asks if you like video games, at most, say "uh not really, maybe like that FIFA game or whatever but that's it". Congrats this is how the rest of the world lives. It's boring but you'll coom a lot.
Carson Walker
This Why are they showing some model who's probably getting sucked off out of frame when talking about incels?
Joseph Myers
Greta be like "stop global warming now or step up bitch"
Nicholas Nguyen
>Prostitutes don't love you, live with you, and have your children. Of course not, but these days, that's not going to happen until your 30s or later unless you belong to a very strict religious community where women's sexual freedom is curtailed and you get a wife just by being a decent member of the community and knowing people.
In order to stop betas and omegas being in misery and shooting up shit it is important to allow them to have an outlet. Prostitution is a decent solution. Eventually, women will have to settle down and marry betas.
Jeremiah Clark
Thank you but I think just buying multiple sim cards switching them up and creating a few burner emails would be enough.
Andrew Campbell
Anyone care to guess the quality of women his one night stand was?