Tfw imagining your bf having sex with your gf

>tfw imagining your bf having sex with your gf

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That sounds really hot cutie. We are all going to have so much fun together

I cant wait for this species to go extinct

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do three-people relationships work? also kinda sounds like cuckolding ngl

My bf said he'd give me headpats for sucking his pp well!

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uwu She is very excited to suck pp

ok edgelord

It's working great so far
Bf and gf aren't actually dating or in love though they just are willing to play with each other
But idk I would feel bad if someone else was with one of them but them together is nice and cute because I trust them and love them, does that make sense?? Idk

wow you're a STEREOTYPE????

I want both you you to do that at once is that bad of me lol?

for the sake of the universe we must go extinct, we cant let this degenerations spread even moar

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hey dude, sounds good, oh btw, I know this is an unrelated question but im just curious, what did you major in Uni?

It's always more fun to share together so no that is good!!

spoken like a true r9k edgelord (:

I didn't finish uni but I went for English when I was going
But then i got a certificate for coding and now im an epic programmer!

I wish I had a timemachine to bring Bandage from 2015 into 2020 and then let you both argue against each other

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>then i got a certificate for coding and now im an epic programmer
damn, it was just that easy? no internships, no sucking the professors cock? and Im sorry if I seem obsessive about this subject, Im just trying to get as much info cuz im going to uni myself soon.

Link and Zelda always gave me this tingly. Even as a kid I was equally interested in seeing both of them naked, and picturing them together was very exciting. Heero and Relena from Gundam Wing also.

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bandage from 2015 was a N-

Well I had to pay 15,500 to go to the class to get the certificate lol

Zelda is cute but Link is too fem for me to like as a man

How does that even work? Isn't it cheating if you have a bf and a gf? What the fuck, how do relationships work nowadays?

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you mean nigger?
do not look up to bandage
do not think this is okay
do not tolerate this kind of shit in ur life

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Eh? He just said it's a reward for being rough with me.

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I do not look up to any of this or any relationship. I am just wondering what the fuck is this shit. Like how does this even work, having multiple partners?

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seems you have become the person you hated the most

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It's not cheating cuz they both consent!
And they both like each other and we all hang out but they don't get romantic together
Idk it's just having two partners it's not really much different
I have to split my time between them pretty well though

no i was gonna say "not nice guy" (:

Liking headpats is a meme

YES someone still has this picture

I can't speak for anyone else; but I live with both of my gfs and they're into each other as well as me; and it works beautifully.


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>tfw gf will never date bf because she isn't into men
>yet will still suck his dick with me??????


Why? I'd like very much to have my hair played with and ruffled. Well, maybe that's not exactly what a headpat is, but close enough.

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I don't like people messing up my hair ugh

I think something went wrong with their brain

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I don't know. The whole thing just seems like not something I can process, but whatever, I am no one to judge, I guess.
How does it work? Care to explain?
Weren't you into guys? I think I saw you saying you had a gf recently. And you dated the other tomoko poster, right?

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>How does it work? Care to explain?
I'd be happy to if I understood what people don't understand.

>Weren't you into guys? I think I saw you saying you had a gf recently. And you dated the other tomoko poster, right?
>I think something went wrong with their brain

Heck yeah gays fighting

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Welp ofcourse I am a fag and meant non-cis
frankly I cant tell i drank & smoke enough in the last months to lose the feeling for time
>tomoko poster
the tfwnobf poster/jack?
yea 5y ago

i dont have a issue with lgbtshit, just with polybullshit
but i am not trying to start a fight with bandage, just giving my 2cents here like always lule
>bowl is rdy 2smoke infront of me since sometime now
>stuck shitposting
n0 bad me,

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heh you are just mad you can't even handle one relationship and i can handle two happy ones (: