What does Zig Forums prefer, asian waifu or white girls?

what does Zig Forums prefer, asian waifu or white girls?

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Asian waifu of course

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Only white girls for me thank you. And they gotta have big boobies.

as low as my self esteem is i will never settle for an asian woman

why not user? they might love you more than those girls who tease you in school do. why are you so afraid to try the superior option?

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>what does Zig Forums prefer, cute girls or fat girls?

fixed your question so it's a little less racist

Asian women have the body of a little boy. No thanks I'll stay with white women and have many white kids to piss off kikes

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>i will never settle for an asian woman
user, no girl of any race will ever like you
you do not have to worry about settling for anyone, no one wants to be with you

this. their asses are so small like pic related.

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Before I had an Asian waifu: white girls

>No thanks I'll stay with white women and have many white kids to piss off kikes

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Race traitors will get the bullet

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I was dating a QT Japanese girl but she was so fucking racist and stupid I had to end it. Hopefully I'll meet another one soon though.

pic not related

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Reminder to all asian fembots all the features that make you unattractive are because you are asian and not white. You will never look like this even if you get plastic surgery

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Raysis how

posts like this make me wanna kill myself
what is the point user????
what did we ever do to you???

I've never seen other races with naturally red hair, so white girls it is for me.

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I would kill to have a gf with red hair and green eyes

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I'd bet that ass is better than the white woman in the other pic. And it will stay looking like that instead of becoming saggy and full of cellulite.

My gf's ass is pretty much the same as that, I try to get her to bulk up but she doesn't want to because Asian women think being really slim is a good thing. The thicc and juicy ones always tell her they are jealous of her body shape. It doesn't really matter when you smash though because bending over rounds off the shape of the ass and makes it look much better.

Actually you could argue that men overvalue asses in the standing position, because a fat ass while standing looks more similar to a normal ass while bent over, which is what we are programmed to be aroused by. Just a theory, but either way I never thought her ass was too flat while I was smashing from behind, it looks good as fuck from that view.

Palestinian, and Algerian girls can have red hair user

When? There is LITERALLY a race war on right now and you are sitting at home shitposting to scared to do anything.

What's the point of this bait?

Cuntiness just exudes off her. You can tell she's an enormous cunt just by looking at the picture, which makes her unattractive.

I love my Japanese girlfriend's tiny ass. Because I'm not a zoomer whose mind has been polluted with nigger culture.

Imagine if ten years from now everyone on Zig Forums is fawning over girls with MONKY LIPS. That's how deranged you THIC fags sound.

>implying any fembot could ever look this presentable

>this girl is real and some guy is literally doing this with her literally right now

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what's your excuse user?

original comment

t. kimiko

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I'm in Germany dumbass. Not everyone on Zig Forums is an amerishart

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Cope harder faggot
Just admit you like women that look like little boys

>from germany
>"Race traitors will get the bullet"
yeah i agree with you about the burger king country but you're worse than the amerifats because you're still trying to larp as a nazi soldier even after you fags lost the war. cope more

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It's a fucking dream bro honestly. My gf will cook every meal for me and bring it to me with a smile on her face and then tell me she wants to be my sex slave and do anything I want and take an interest in my hobbies and tell me I am so smart and talented and then at the end of all that SHE WILL THANK ME for the pleasure of my company.

Before this I had come to understand how much the dynamic of western relationships is the woman dragging the man down and decreasing his perceived value in order to elevate her own. I had checked out completely, I still had casual sex but even that was tiresome at times. I didn't realize there was an alternative. Now I'm just happy all the time.

This post doesn't affect me because I am factually beautiful and validated. It's not possible for me to feel insecure.

I'm not American either, but I have been to your fine country and seen how it has been RUINED by third world immigrants. And what did you do about that? You literally could get arrested for saying what you did to me and you think there is going to be some kind of a race war? Pure delusion.

>This post doesn't affect me because I am factually beautiful and validated. It's not possible for me to feel insecure.
Based white woman.

I'm half polish so I'm definitely not a nazi. You still get the bullet though

I'm definitely not white

Then you are factually ugly and subhuman. Definitely not beautiful.

>half polish
>half human
>half disgusting slav
>against race mixing

White girls but if there aren't any good options than asian girls it is.

Why does your opinion matter?

go back to posting asian girls you fucking fags

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Don't worry most guys can't even get with girls like that. I know because I'm white and I've tried. I'm sure you're fine /simp

this is now a white woman worship thread. asian girls btfo once again

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>slavs "not human"
>still raped germany so hard that hitler offed himself like a little bitch

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I know for a fact that you are not a white man.
go make your own thread, let asian girls get some love for once.

look i'll fap to either one but asian girls are the superior choice in overall terms

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