Inceldom and pity

A woman told me incels aren't high on her pity list because she believes incels, in one way or another, have chosen their fate. And because "being alone isn't really the end of the world".
Wow. This really opened my eyes.

Inceldom literally is one of the hardest pills to swallow. It's like someone telling you you'll be handicapped for the rest of your life. How can a non-handicapped person come and tell you "it's not that bad"?
For years now I've wondered why is it that normies are mentally incapable of appreciating how horrible it is to be forever alone. It's like normies are programmed to ignore the pain of incels, and the magnitude of it. The way I see it, every incel who hasn't killed themselves deserves a medal for being a fuckin trooper.

Let's say a normie has the perfect life: gets an education and a job on time, finds a gf on time, they date for 5 years and then the girl dies. People will treat the guy as a hero. He's getting pats on his back wherever he goes, for the rest of his life.
>"My gf actually died last year"
>"Holy shit that's horrible. How are you faring? Here, let me buy you a drink"
Call me cold blooded but I don't think he's had it rough. He had the perfect life. At least he did get to enjoy it for years. During those 5 years incels cried alone in a corner. I'm not pitying someone for losing their loved one. At least they had one. And this is coming from a guy who has lost family members and friends. I still think I've experienced worse things than those people dying.

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in b4 wow OP you're a piece of shit

Unfortunately, most people's ability to empathize with another's pain is limited by the extent of their own experiences. As the pervy sage himself once said: "Once you've been hurt you learn to hate. But if you hurt another you become hated. On your shoulders you sense guilt. But it is because one understands such pain, the generosity toward others become second nature. That's what makes us human."

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Sometimes I'm worried about people dying not affecting me in any way.
I've had family members die and all I do is complain about my own problems day and night.
All I care about is my problems.

Is there a narcissism or a psychopath test?

Incels have chosen their fate. Being an incel is 100% a choice. Making a conscious decision to belong to a toxic online community of low intellect failures at life and identifying with them, actively avoiding doing anything that would get them girls.

It's pretty fucked mate. Nature allows them to act like sosciopaths towards us. It's one of those cruel reminders that we're just animals and empathy stops short where evolutionary pressure starts to take over.

You're a terrible person if you think this. You can't see it but you treat people so badly.

You incel haters are pretty much doing this:
>shit on people
>expect others to view you as a good and empathetic person

You can only pick one. If you hate incels you're not a nice person.

>comparing a dumb "philosophy" / defeatism to being literally handicapped
Is this fucking bait or are you literally this dumb?

I think it's more that normies can't relate to inceldom. They don't understand it. And they don't have the IQ to think what it must be like.

>Making a conscious decision to belong to a toxic online community of low intellect failures at life and identifying with them, actively avoiding doing anything that would get them girls.

I think what they're angry/confused about is why everyone else seems to find it so easy. Normal people just seem to walk into life and relationships. Most normal people just act naturally, socialise, play sports and girls were naturally attracted to them.

There is no philosophy. The word means involuntary celibate. It's a description of a state of being. The hate attached to the label was manufactured by the outside, much like the word "nigger". You might even hate when people say nigger, yet you say incel. You'll see how fucked up all of this is in the future at some point.

Not having a social life is a handicap. Not all handicaps mean you're missing a leg or an arm.

Consider the following:

People think loved ones dying is THE most horrible experience in life, because these people have not experienced anything worse than that.

I was doxxed online and it literally has hurt me more than my sister passing away.
I loved my sister, but she's in piece now. Doxxing left me in eternal purgatory.

its a war between people who need social comfort and people who don't.

the people who need it will just say anything as a form of cognitive dissonance to rationalize why you're different from them, they don't actually know and at the same time they don't want to be seen a weak or co-dependent, so they lash out at you instead as a defense mechanism.

you know this is true because people who need social comfort will start openly complaining after they've been alone too long and will do everything in their power to find company, even if it's hang out with their Ex.

I don't think it's that simple. I can imagine the pain of others that I have never experienced myself. I can sympathize with them and even slightly empathize through imagining it. But the reason normalfags don't do this isn't because they can't. It's because they refuse to empathize with a perceived enemy. In reality they hold a position of relative power and as you gain power you lose empathy for those below you. It's just nature.

The IQ required to be an incel is below 80 so most people won't understand.

It is a philosophy. Being a celibate is a choice. Incels choose to not have sex.

choosing not to have sex with disgusting, bad people is a positive thing. but Chad brain sees that and goes, "wow r u gay bro" because they have low IQ.

You expect sympathy when you openly advocate violent extremism, praise islamic terrorism, and want rape to be legal? Maybe incels should stop being such horrible pieces of shit to get empathy.

Repeating this is gas-lighting people who are suffering. You'll understand some day.

>you know this is true because people who need social comfort will start openly complaining after they've been alone too long and will do everything in their power to find company, even if it's hang out with their Ex.

I have a friend who thinks incels don't have it bad, but when he's single for 3 weeks he starts screaming and freaking out.

I'm a physics student and an incel. I won't have you tell me my IQ is sub 80.

if you actually believe all that, you're a retard. if not, it's just strawmanning hardcore, like you cannot strawman any harder than you are right now.
fuck off.

It is the truth, incels angrily deny the truth because they are scared of personal responsibility.

Whoa. My issue is that I can't get a girlfriend, which should be understandable in 2020 when women don't even fuckin go out, they just sit at home swiping on Tinder. And you say this is tantamount to being an islamic extremist.
Nice gap there between reality and your perceived reality.

>physics student
doubt.png. If you are smart enough to study physics you are smart enough to figure out how to get girls.

But you can get a girlfriend, you just choose not to have one.

>if you're smart enough to do this, you're smart enough to do that
this is a fallacy that makes no sense. please stop trolling.
you newfags need to understand we've all seen these weak troll tactics for years now.

no one is buying a single word of anything you're posting.

Again, time will show you that you are wrong. I can't prove to you that the group you hate are human, but you'll see in time.

>doubt.png. If you are smart enough to study physics you are smart enough to figure out how to get girls.

I'm the physics guy you were replying to, and I also think this is a fallacy.
Being intelligent doesn't translate into success with women, for many reasons. One of them being the fact that most women have their IQ around 100. Not misogyny, statistics. This means if you're greatly below or above this number, you will have trouble having anything in common with her.
You can also be in a position where you know exactly how to get girls, but you don't want to do it, because it would not be you - you'd just be pretending.

Just because youre sadder than someone who had the, quote end quote, perfect life, doesnt mean that no one else is sad or deserving of pity. That thought process is almost identical to the dismissal you get from normies. When you divide people into these groups of one note ideologies and bad impressions of course theyre gonna dismiss those problems. Youre not so different youre just on the other side of the horseshoe.

Or that incels cant relate to normiedom

>figure out how to get girls.
They are human beings with a will of their own. You can't just "calculate" their behavior. And manipulating them to date you is evil. Stop comparing them to studying the nature of largely deterministic behavior.

>Youre not so different youre just on the other side of the horseshoe.

I'm different in that I actually realize this dynamic. Normies aren't aware of it. They genuinely believe only normie worries like gf leaving or gf dying count as real tragedies.

Women get everything handed to them and more attention in a day than men get in a year

They could never understand what it feels like where you actually have to work to receive attention

she's unironically right.

Ugly guys get laid all the time. Poor guys get laid all the time. short guys get laid all the time. Awkward guys get laid all the time. Unless you are some kind of 1/1000000 genetic freak you literally have no excuse and it's 100% your fault. I didn't get laid till I was 20 and have had sex with like 15 women in 8 years and I've hardly even tried. I'm short, average looking at best and make average money.

First step is to get off this site and stop blaming your problems on women. You are the common denominator in all your rejections.

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This is true. I'm better looking (relatively) than most women who have 100 relationships per year and I haven't been on a date in 2 years.

>Awkward guys get laid all the time
Autistic and Asperger guys do not get laid all the time. Both of which are not "genetic freaks" and are more much more common than your fraction.

>believes incels, in one way or another, have chosen their fate.
We all know this is true. We all know that at some point in your life you made a choice or two that lead to where you are right now. Yeah, it sucks for you, but at least have personal resonability for your own life.

>This is a contradiction, because your genetics aren't your fault.
We live in a world where plastic surgery exists.

No OP inceldom is not a "handicap", it's just laziness and blaming everything but yourself.

That's why you don't get pity, whiners never do

You're getting laid because everything about you is average, down to your intellect and thinking patterns. For years I've had this theory: women don't fuck the tallest, most handsome, smartest guys. The people who actually reproduce are not special in any way, except for one: they are ordinary.
Women are IQ 100, they relate to IQ 100 guys. Simple as that.
And I'm not making this IQ dating thing up, some woman in my university made a thesis on it. Yeah, a woman.

>We all know that at some point in your life you made a choice or two that lead to where you are right now
I hope you're not judging people based on one mistake in their youth. Nobody makes more mistakes than normies and apparently they're forgiven.

>inceldom is laziness

Tell that to my 9000 hours of spent on getting a gf.
I have like 10 hobbies literally only so that I'd meet a girl, and guess what, every hobby group is just guys and couples. The fuck.
Before blurting shit like that at least tell me where women are. I'm not even getting rejections, I don't have anyone to ask out.

Its a tragedy because it could have drastic consequences. Most notably being alone.
Youre aware of it but that doesnt mean you act on that awareness to be different. How is elevating your tragedy above everyone elses to the point of indifference any different from what they do? Im arguing against what OP wrote so if thats not you, sorry.

No, the outcome of your life is a byproduct of your choices and the choices of both everyone around you and the choices of nature. You are not in absolute control of your circumstances.

Intelligence is one of the most attractive traits in men. That's why you sound like a troll. Because if you had the intelligence to be able to study physics you would easily figure out how to attract girls.

>waaah I am involuntarily celibate
>I don't want to get girls
Every incel ever.

Manipulating women with intelligence is immoral. How can you morons not see that just because you are smart does not imply you will use it to enact your will upon others?

>I hope you're not judging people based on one mistake in their youth.
No, I'm blaming people for their mistakes as adults.

If you are unwilling to fuck a black female, you are not involuntary celibate

>inb4 bestiality tier