Tahlia she larps nazi

Tahlia she larps nazi
On jewtube she spends her days
Oh but what can we do
The fat mexican's a pedo

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Jannies are deleting all r9k girls related threads

Where do I go to talk about my queens?

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the secret place

Tahlia and the fat spic sitting on a tree

Tahlia you nutjob


its because the threads have to be oringal. you cant be using the same picture for 50 threads and have the same format etc.

Poor erica, still living with her bf in his parents house. Still cant hold down a job amd bf works shitty retail.

kasper is somehow more trad than tahlia lol


Whats wrong with Tahlias voice now? Everything she says seems so rushed, irritable, and depressing.

what? she always sounded like that

I remember her having a pleasant voice and some comfy vids. Maybe one fitting for ASMR. Brendio sounds more relaxing than her in her last vid.

maybe she's getting fed up dealing with that fat pedo fuck

Kasper is so beautiful :3

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yeah, she sounds panicked, rushed, like a hostage.

that she is my friend, one of the most gorgeous girls to ever walk the earth. every day i see her face is a day made better

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wow, kasper is way more femme than tahlia

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fucking goblin disgusting

calm down tahlia; atleast she wears cute dresses. a total girl.

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What happened to her?
I always thought erica died.
Surprising she outlived ciara.

kasper is so beautiful you take that back this instance

Bros, remember Tahlia's manic angry posting spree earlier today?

It seems she has started to do cocaine.

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I miss bats. These other females don't even come close.

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Tahlia believes everything she hears on Zig Forums without looking into it. Here's a debunk of your retarded oven claims you copied from your e-bf's post.

In this 1942 memo between Topf und Shne, the company that manufactured the crematory ovens, and SS Kurt Prfer, Chief Architect at Aushwitz-Birkenau, they describe the capacity to burn bodies at Auschwitz-Birkenau at 80,000 bodies a month, or 960,000 a year. Furthermore they deem this capacity as "not yet sufficient", and plan further expansion.
This is consistent with the historical estimates for the number of dead at Auschwitz which sits at around 1.1 million.

So you see, it doesn't matter what kind of conjectures you try to pull out of your ass, the Nazi memos themselves say they had the capacity to do it.

Other Nazi memos also mention the "gassing basement" ("vergasungskeller") located in the room marked on the official maps as a morgue ("leitchenskeller"), which has been identified as one of the gas chambers.

If all of that fails to convince you, I can also pull out the Einsatzgruppen memos which detail the killings of Jews on the Eastern Front, or the Posen Speech where Himmler himself (on audio!) literally says "we are exterminating the Jewish race" and talks in great lenght about the Holocaust.


Not to mention that bodies were sometimes burned in open air pits outside at some camps. You should really do your research more. I'm not a jew but getting these things wrong just makes you look stupid.

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to compare civillian cremation standards to cooking more equivalent to meat incinerators is disingenuous as well. not going to copy paste all this, but this link should tell you more.


thank you audrey
very cool

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If she had the balls to say "Yeah the holocaust happened and it was good" then it would be more respectable. But like all Tahlia's new beliefs, they're inherited from her e-bf. She even posted the same copypasta he did. Very sad, American education is so shit that they think all the bodies were burned in ovens in the first place.

wow, based audrey. not only is she a christian, and right wing, but she isnt some conspriacy nut. just historical fact and the bible is enough to ground audrey's beliefs. this girl just gets better and better the more i learn about her. very smart, talented, and pretty

i post a wholesome dancing lizard with wholesome text, AND U REPLY TO ME WITH THIS CRINGE BETA MALE ORBITER BITTER SHIT NIGGER POST
this is wholesome, though it would be better if it were less orbit-ey

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The first time in which jannie is not the bad guy

Audrey and Tahlia look the same.
They're both ugly, fat and low IQ, unlike Kennedi who's beautiful and high IQ.

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audrey mogs kennedi HARD but to be fair that is like saying jesus christ is better than a mortal man; of course he is, that does not invalidate the mortal man's beauty or strength, wisdom or courage; for a comparison to the almighty lord is simply an unfair one.

There's also the Korrherr Report, an internal SS document.
There's also the Hoefle Telegram which wasn't even discovered as significant until 2000.

There's more internal Nazi documents as well. There's also miles of random administrative files in regards to rounding up jews, train schedules, local actions, etc.

Denying the holocaust is idiotic. The German leadership claimed they did it. The German administration produced receipts backing it up. Many regular Germans said they already knew about it during the war. Non-Germans wrote reports about it during the war. German allies complained about it during the war. It shows up in comparative census data that accounts for war dead, demographic change and migrations. There's ruins of death camps, gas chambers and crematoria that vastly exceed the required capacities of even the worst holding camps.

There is simply no ground to deny it happened. Neo Nazis hate the Jews anyway, it's ridiculous that they deny the only "positive" (in their view) thing the Nazis accomplished. Without the Holocaust, Nazi Germany is one of the most complete failures in human history.