R9k tribal family

Robots are now a inbred jungle tribe living on a remote undiscovered island. There has been so much inbreeding, that our genetic code has become paradoxically become more stable. There are also some slight beneficial and aesthetic mutations that have popped up as well. There is no chief, only an elected council. Assuming everybody is competent at jungle survival and there is some slight agriculture going on, how would you fare? What's you're role in the tribe?
Here are some default roles if you don't know what kinda roles there are:
>Hunter: hunt animals and shit, you're also a part of the military as a bowman or spearman
>Forager: forage for plants, spices, mushrooms, herbs, etc
>Farmer: You farm yams, beans, and tendies
>Cook: cut and cook the meat and plants that the hunters and foragers bring, as well as prepare tendies
>Village Guard: guard the village from other tribes and their island raiders, enforce laws
>Raider: raid and pillage other tribes, take women back to village
>Craftsman: whether you work with metal, stone, or wood. Whether you make weapons or tools. You are a craftsman.
>Loremaster: tell the stories and histories of our people
>Shaman: do da religion and da BLACK magic.

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i'd probably be the chief because i'm one of thr strongest people on the board but i'm also cool enough that the other strong dudes (shout out to them) would want to follow me
i'd probably also be one of the snipers because i'm really good at that

>Assume everybody is competent at jungle survival
Impossible. We'd basically be a society alternating between an absurd number of births and deaths.

*usurps your position and has you tied to a raft and sent into the sea*

Ive always fantasized about being the sex slave of an Amazonian tribe. The only male there passed around like a toy

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hunter, raider, and loremaster. wouldn't want to be chief or anything since it's too much stress and too socially demanding, but i'd probably be pretty high status since i'm good at fighting and smart.

Loremaster would be pretty based and something I'd wanna do. Though I probably wouldn't get as much attention from the women like the Hunters/Guards/Raiders would.

I immediately leave because I hate living around other people. Their noise and their stink irritates me. Just go far away so I can etch boobs into tree bark and jack off in peace.

*breaks free and swims back really fast*
*snipes you from the shore with my sick sniper rifle*
you really thought you did somethin

Craftsman because I'm high IQ.

Give me my dick-sucking, cock-worshipping, penis-milking tribal wife now. I will take good care of all her needs and treat her like a queen.

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There would be no peace in this system. R9K has too many males vs females so we would just be fighting over pussy like apes all day until a hierarchy is established, taken down, then rinse and repeat.

Farmer. Just a peasant tending to my crops.

>There is no chief, only an elected council.
And they can be summoned, right?

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Nay, I would slay all the femoids so that our kind could live harmoniously. I'd happily be the Spartacus of our tribe. We'll breed with the coconuts.

Shaman. I'm the defacto leader of the tribe since I'm like the head of their religion. Also it'd be fun to do freaky black magic shit.

Id be a raider and a council member and probably the best one at both

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>went to clergy school as a youngin
>went to college for theological studies
>became a psychonaught for like 6 years when I was in my twenties

Shaman for sure.

Either cook since I used to cook for a living, craftsman since I like making stuff or loremaster since I've been running D&D for years and I bet that would bring the tribe closer together

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>be me
>be shaman of jungle tribe
>invent based religeon
>have council of shamanic brethren
>overthrow big man of tribe using poison
>seduce big man's harem with incense and cock magic
what now shaman bros?

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I'd be the loremaster

Loremaster or Craftsman. Both are high IQ jobs, and contribute lots to the tribes culture in some form.

Farmer + Forager + Craftsman seems the comfiest.

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Role Addendum:
>Fisherman: Go out into the rivers and oceans and catch fish, sail in boat or row canoe
>Tattoo artist and body painter: paint and tattoo our traditional symbols and markings
>Poopsmith: shovel da poopoo into hole and collect poo poo and peepee pots, make white phosphorous from peepee
>Witchdoctor/Alchemist: basically a chemist/doctor/scientist, works closely with da poopsmith and da shaman
>Village Communal Whore: pretty self explanatory
>The Council Maidens: a small group of elite biological warrior women that serve as the bodyguards of council members, sometimes perform other acts too, if you know what I mean, often captured at a young impressionable age from the other tribes for indoctrination

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I'd like to be a craftsman or a cook

Tattoo artist sounds fun

Whats the white phosphorus for?

>Whats the white phosphorus for?

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can i take multiple jobs?
i would easily do hunting and probably be so efficient at it I would feed all my friends the high-quality food and still have enough to overstuff the rest of the village

also could easily be a farmer for ducks and chickens on the side as well just for the sake of food variety

raider as well since I hate women so wouldn't have problems with taking slaves

cooking shouldn't even be a job its so easy just heat the meat till done over a fire with stick

craftsman is also somewhat of a time-consuming side hobby but requires time and with so much available food you have plenty of time as it is

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either hunter or raider. i'd like to go out of the village and explore

I guess? We all live in the same village of sorts.

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Lore master, shit's the easiest fucking job ever, it's basically just the ministry of propaganda and the local library.

"Ayo Bob how many deer you bring in today?"
"Idk man like 5 or 7?"
"I'ma write that down as 6 in the official documents and tell everyone you caught 8 but got two stolen by bears that you fought off the rest. Save me some extra meat at dinner tonight and we'll call it even."

"Tell me about my ancestors lore master!"
"Ah yes, your great grandfather died trying to fuck a poisonous fish, your grandfather was killed during an enemy raid on our encampment while fucking your uncle, and your father picks up shit."

Seriously, assuming we had the tech for pen and paper I could run a business just recording random shit people did around town, rumors, battle/hunting counts, and posting it on a board in the middle of the tribal grounds and charge people to see it.

That's why we raid other tribes, and distribute the women captured.

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I would want to be the loremaster to force people to listen to my stories.

Its literally my favorite thing in life, besides inventing my own games with my own rules.

How would we distribute them? Would we have a currency so we could auction them or would the raiders just take the best ones and let everyone else divy up the rest?

That sounds fucking sick, lemme be the assistant lore master.