How do people expect me to live as a terminal incel? I can't figure it how. How does one stay upbeat in this life where everyone is rubbing in my face the only thing I want but can't get?
All my friends have more experience with girls and are constantly reminding me of it.
When I go out I just see couples, nobody is talking walks alone except for me. The list is endless. Literally everything I do in the course of a day reminds me that our society revolves around mating and I don't have a horse in the race.
Do people really expect me to find happiness in this fate, or do they just wish it was possible, knowing it really isn't?
How do people expect me to live as a terminal incel? I can't figure it how...
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What is your goal when the biggest goal is removed from you?
The funniest thing is how normies blame incels for having bad personalities.
Like wtf are you stupid and don't understand cause and effect?
>stay single for 10 years
>it's more than you can take
>your personality warps as a mechanism to help you cope with the loss
>normie steps in
>"haha look at that broken obnoxious incel"
Isn't the normie being obnoxious as fuck? And virtue signalling?
in b4
>focus on your hobbies lol
My dream is to be a seething incle
I dont usually feel bad about it unless I'm somewhere I'm surrounded by couples doing couple stuff. One time that stands out to me was walking around a furniture and home store. Couples everywhere buying for their cohabited housing, I assume. Just normal couples doing pretty normal mundane things. Then theres me. Just fucking me.
It's always just me.
its because you lack the will to change yourself. you are weak. i was a robot, i acknowledged my weakness and overcame. now i have everything you wish you had. pleb.
but this is true. why do you think sex/gf will make you happy? just enjoy yourself however you can
I'm not the one who needs to change, it's everyone else.
Nobody can really pinpoint any flaws in me. I work out daily, don't drink, have superior mental state etc.
In all senses of the word I'm stronger than the dating normie.
>why do you think sex/gf will make you happy?
Imagine being a normie in a relationship and asking this from incels like a retard.
If a relationship doesn't make one happy then why are you in one?
so you think, that if you had a gf and had sex, you would suddenly be happy? forever? this is the mindset that kills you. putting your happiness on a string to chase.
I see this so much on this board. You have a toxic mentality. Relationships arent about making each other happy, thats codependance and unhealthy. You should be happy all by yourself, a gf should be there to enhance your happiness and so you can share it with her. If you dont love yourself dont expect others to do it for you. Even if, even if you got a gf itd end miserably because you'd be a parasite.
Stop trying to get a gf, work on yourself, learn to take joy in shit you like THEN look for a gf.
desu you sound like rodger elliott
Answer my question you fucking asshole, without the condescending and "ur toxic" bullshit that you've obviously copied from feminists.
The question is: if a strong guy doesn't need a gf, why the fuck do you have one then? And why do you get a new one ASAP when she dumps you?
Holy shit you fucking retards you just do not get it. We're not saying no one needs hobbies and things in their life if they have a relationship. You might have hobbies etc but it become harder to feel any enjoyment from them or have the energy to do them when a normal part of human life is cut off from you. It's just as much a problem if the only thing you have in your life is a relationship. If we had some hope of getting out of this hellhole and having a girlfriend we might be able to function but that hard to have when you've been alone for decades already. Long term loneliness and the prospect of being that way forever is fundamentally detrimental to mental and physical health.
So yes, the idea that "hobbies" are some magic fucking cure all for a life devoid of human connection is a bit of a fucking joke to us.
"HAHAHAHAHAH" isn't really an argument. Just pointing this out makes my social skills superior to yours.
I mean the idea that you automatically get a gf if your physical and mental skills reach a high enough level is stupid and delusional.
omg, why is everybody so rude to each other. chill the cock out!
Yeah it's incredibly immature, naive and insensitive to say that a lifetime of not feeling love can be overcome with getting a hobby.
I have hobbies already. Now I want to be accepted as a human being.
Just take a shower, lawyer up, clean your room and lastly get a clue, bucko.
Tbh I've never understood why chads/normies attack incels. Like, how are incels ever hurting normies and their lives?
What reason does a happy normal person have to attack incels?
Sure buddy, and you are on the incel board just for the lulz right?
Here is a big secret to life, nobody expects anything from you, you are just a drop in the ocean of billions of anonymous worthless people
Ok let's assume I'll embrace this philosophy. How do I fake having empathy towards others then?
To prove that you are truly trying to change and get out of your predicament I want every single incel here tell the things they did this year that you thought would have the biggest impact on your chances.
I already look as fit and good as possible but I'm an incel.
I'm LITERALLY more fit than guys who have girls and it feels like there was no point in getting shape.
Man, your pic bothers me.
T-thanks chad-dad
I laughed. This is top tier autism.
Okay, but I don't think you'd want women to fall for just your appearance, right? Either it works for just a bit or it just doesn't click at all. In case you're about this, the user somewhere above me is right, this won't net you anything in the end.
For starters, what kind of things do you do where you could find someone that would be of interest to you? Some boring bookworm student won't be interested in the stacey he finds dancing at a club and vice versa.
They don't. Incels and all the shit surrounding it is invisible to them mostly.
The people that "attack" incels share some similarities with them. Look at the inceltears subreddit.