Serious thread

What's going on?

The ratio of man to woman is 1:1 or in extreme cases like 1.2:1 in some countries.

Yet I lived almost for 2 decades in my town and I didn't even come CLOSE to obtaining a girl. Where the fuck are they all?

From observation only like every 5th guy is lucky enough to obtain a girl. In my grandpas age you didn't have to be a 6.2" tall, muscular, popular, wealthy Chad to obtain girls. Being somewhat presentable and not obese or dumb was enough. Women have become more valuable than fucking gold.

What the FUCK is going on?

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it's a pickle, that's for sure.

The normies discovered the internet

This is called the Pareto rule but these days the ratio is more like 90/10. With social media and hyperconnectivity, if you're not an outstanding guy (wealth, looks, etc), you're a nothing. And it's only going to get worse from here on out.

>What the FUCK is going on?
People turning away from God, because only retards who listen to ancient books written by morons believe in God. Or worse, they believe in God, but they don't believe in the true God, they believe in their own version of God, who loves everything they do, who's not judging their actions, and who lets everyone into Heaven, except really bad people like Hitler

Abolishment of monogamy, causing women to lack direction and rely on primal instinct.
We're on our way back to the stone age.

Expect more terrorism and social unrest.

There are too many men, millions more unwanted men in fact born each year. 107+ males are born for every 100 females with nothing killing them off + online dating raising expectations + no more forced monogamy = incel crisis. Anyone who is 6/10 and below is finished and will most likely never reproduce.

That problem was solved in the past with wars, that killed off a lot of males. We haven't had a war since ww II and Vietman but Nam was just for Americans.

Wrong. There was no problem, because women weren't allowed to work thus even beta males got to reproduce.

Women in the workforce literally fucked everything.

There's less young men than women in the dating market. Sure slightly more men are born. However there are vastly more purely gay men, vastly more tranny men, vastly more men in prison, vastly more men in the military, etc.

On paper there may be more men, but there's a ton of factors that lead to there being a decent number more women, by the time of early adulthood and the dating scene.

Literally just this. Birth control being more prevalent than ever means that women can fool around until they pick a provider to settle for. There's no incentive for women to be loyal or partner up when they have access to more no strings attached sex with attractive men than ever before in history.

That was the case in Boomer times, indeed.

nearly all men in prison and the military are married.

That doesn't mean those men are in the dating game, they're literally physically removed from it.

And especially nowadays that women are sloots and cheat all the time. You're an idiot if you seriously bring up military marriages as a factor of removing women from the dating scene.

>literally physically removed from it.
they're not unless they're prisoners of war or prisoners in isolation.

Its because youre very low potential

If you wanted a girlfriend youd have to pair up with a girl whos just as low down on the totem pole as you, no staceys or beckys.

It goes both ways though. No matter who you are you're not interested in people you're not attracted to...

Us people who are not very good looking are done living in a world of ignorance created by people who are it's that simple. It won't change our sexual problems ofcourse but technology is about to do that anyway.

Speak for yourself. I'm handsome as fuck, but I have crippling social anxiety and barely any friends. The divorce of my parents when I was 6 plus the poverty I experienced snowballed into the trainwreck that is my life today. In poverty attractiveness matters even fucking less and having friends and confidence even fucking more than usual.

>In my grandpas age you didn't have to be a 6.2" tall, muscular, popular, wealthy Chad to obtain girls.
Neither in this age

>Where the fuck are they all?
outside, go and find them

It's a purely American problem artificially manufactured through prohibition of prostitution and the fact that roughly about 45 percent of the women in the US are literally unfuckable due to being obese.

>If you wanted a girlfriend youd have to pair up with a girl whos just as low down on the totem pole as you,

Not even this is a solution as women naturally, and now especially have higher standards than men. They are always looking for someone better. If you pair a genuine 5/10 man with a 5/10 woman, he'll probably be happy just to have someone while she'll probably be disgusted and constantly look for a Chad to pump and dump her, assuming she isn't nearing the Wall or has kids to take care of. In that case she'll secretly look for a Chad while letting her match provide for her.

>they're literally physically removed from it.

...and so are the women they're married to, dumbass

Tell me how a man in prison, or a military deployed man, is active in the domestic dating game.

>so are the women they're married to

You're the dumbass holy shit.

True to be honest. Some trend I've noticed is people (girls in particular) consuime a LOT of instagram and youtube that revolves around travelling and showing off how good their life is

I think for most girls these days, having sufficient wealth to go globe trotting is a requirement.

What are you smoking? If a man and woman are married, that means one less available man AND woman

That's because you're misjudging her as a 5/10

Women are 10/10 and deserve the best, if you can't be worthy of them don't cry, improve.

>Women are 10/10 and deserve the best

PLEASE be bait

this 90/10 rule isn't real
Every one of my highschool friends is married, and I got laid way later at 28.
Almost everyone from my home town is married or has kids out of wedlock.

Where the tuck is this shit coming from?

>om observation only like every 5th guy is lucky enough to obtain a girl.

Where the fuck are you? Dude, California?
If so I can understand, people are really anti-social in this state for some reason.

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People can cheat you dunce, and nowadays more than ever. Especially when it comes to military marriages.

The difference is, the woman is still a participant in the domestic scene, while the man is removed.

>outside, go and find them
They're literally not. I do sports and have hobbies but girls are not there at all. They just sit at home on instagram all day.

That's in the long run. OP is talking about before marriage.

Women party around and go for the same 10% of guys, then after slutting it up they settle down. Meanwhile their husbands never had as much activity in the sexual market. Sure, most people might eventually get married, but the point is it's mostly guys who've had maybe some experience compared with girls who are pretty much all sluts in modern times.