She's literally the most important person in my life.
I love Marky so much. Couldn't live without her.
She's literally the most important person in my life
Other urls found in this thread:
marky was found dead...
imagine simping over sam hyde's used goods
if you find this chick hot then your standards are fucked.
She's drawing and streaming again
She's been feeling good lately
She's very hot
Look at this body
did you watch her livstream the other day? she was drawing lewd lolis
she was found dead TODAY dude.
she does look better in that pic and here just kinda looks like a spoiled brat in the op pic, has "the look"
Yes, I did.
It felt good talking to her.
How old is she? This is my original question.
>How old is she? This is my original question.
Same age as me
Isn't she the girl that was bitching at everyone at a Trump rally or some shit?
Did she lose a lot of weight?
I remember a pudgy girl who looked like
a few years ago.
She looks way better here:
If only you could post pics on R9K without any text, i would do it everytime. God what happend to you all you spineless fucks we are supposed for hating women for their vapid outlook on life, and here you all are doing this same shit baka
She did.
She exercises a lot.
Yesterday I spent 3 hours watching her stream.
The only persons seething here is you lot, knowing that you will never meet her or feel "her" love. Your fooling yourselves anons. Im not Seething, i just feel bad for you. And Sam is just the perfect clear cut example of why you should never worship women
I don't care.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Who am I to judge an angel?
Thanks for the post Marky. Your BPD must be going off whack if you gotta post pictures of yourself on Zig Forums for validation
Bless your heart
Ok user, for all you know i could be that angel you dumbo. Hope you dont end up with some whore and that stuff works out for you. Also how many women have you been with? serious question not some shitty incel joke. Just wondering cus trust me its not healthy putting women on a pedestal or people for that matter. And once you have been with a couple of them you will learn to stop this shit and look back at it in shame
she started streaming again?
nice got anymore rares?
she's 23 born june 1997.
>Ok user, for all you know i could be that angel you dumbo
You're not.
I know everything about my Goddess Marky. She types in lowercase only.
But in case you're her, add me on Discord. I will only accept Marky. I don't care about any other girl in the world.
sigh. No user im not sorry, but thats the point you wouldnt know. Since you dont know me just like you dont know marky and you just proved my point by still desperately acknowledging that i might just be your "angel". But again user not trying to be an ass Im just as much of a husk of a human being, just not in the same areas.. well almost my longing is more ethereal
>watching people construct a thousand different markies ITT
hey anons theres a lot of us who love and care about marky.. why not make a server to worship her?
i think you got the wrong guy user i dont love or care for some random e-thot
Ok. I will make one, but keep in mind that I'm a loser with no friends both IRL and on the internet. I spend all my time on Zig Forums. I don't know how to use Discord properly, but I'll try.
Hey, fren
What's your Discord?
I will add you
where does she stream on?
End your pathetic worthless life at the next possible opportunity.