who the fuck cares. Kys.
stop it we know you are her
her voice is so gosh darn annoying
>fucking degenerate whore that just wants to make money with her cute eyes and body.
Stop claiming the internet has too big of a hold on you if you refuse to turn down a cooming session every time some new horny pandering bullshit surfaces
>open video
>close video
I aint watching that shit but what the fuck is wrong with her ass in that picture, looks deformed
subcutaneous fat pushed squeezed upwards by the leggings like a condiment tube
kingmoment right here.
Hang yourself you fucking degenerate faggot
Unironically a lit beat
Go back to Zig Forums
I'll donate 1000 dollars to Belle Delphine just to make you Zig Forumsfags seethe.
that will really show those nazis rofl
nigger i am black
what about what i said seemed pol
>orbiter simp projecting his seethe
Its my 20 bday so nice
what are you goona try?
reverse rape me with your boypussy?
taking some extra hormones?
Ok now GTFO from my board Belle
any of you simps got a mega / magnet of the nude version?
>look how much of a orbiting paypig i am
>I'll donate 1000 dollars to Belle Delphine just to make you Zig Forumsfags seethe.
Lmao do it then faggot
Someone really made her think she had ass lol
>game girl condoms for 10 dollars
Who the fuck would buy that ffs?
No one who would actually be using condoms lmao
IKR DUDE, 10 fucking dollars they are free here FUCKING FREE,
I literally don't care if you donate $10000. Do it if you want to
Do it, keep donating money and go broke for our entertainment
im a post-ironic centrist spic btw
cringe but i got a boner.
It's creepy that her Dad films this all.
I though it was her bf
I honestly just wish she'd fuck off forever and never come back.
>Belle Delphine is back with "eat my ass"
Organically. Origami. Delta Tango Foxtrot 867 5309.
watch her music videos with sound off
it may or may not be even more annoying that way
Okay, seems I didn't get banned for graphically threatening Zig Forumstards with toture and execution. Good to know. Anyway, Belle's yt videos have unironically been the best songs released in 2020.
so why is she famous? I still don't get why everyone has to comment on what this cunt is doing.
Bathwater? Gamer girl condoms? You simp fucks are out of line
I like her just on account of how angry she makes people