Tell me what is on your mind user

tell me what is on your mind user

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Suicide and the fact that im not going to be alive in 3 days.

kmsing myself
i'm too scared to do it

what is making you feel suicidal user? what method you going for?

Opiates and jump off of building.

I made a thread yesterday "Best way to kill yourself in the uk?" and soon im going through with it.

scared to fail the attempt or scared it is not really what you want?

took my antidepreseant pills fucks me up for nearly a week now
I am sleepy cant do simple task like buying groceries
constantly cry and get angry about little things
sleep nearly 17 hours a day still feeling sleepy

how high is the building? im so awkward that just the thought of surviving the attempt while laying on the ground with a whole broken body and having people freak out scares me to death. id literally try to crawl to the road and get run over but then probably the traffic will stop and i will feel more awkward about myself... thats on overthinking. what opiate? fentanyl? and why this method?

playing drums or bass in a band rn
im so sad that i cant find anyone who is down to seriously persue music as a hobby and try writing songs and especially with the pandemic, its been worse

what antidepressants are you on and for how long? have you told your psych yet about these side effects? when it comes to my experience i usually only experienced the side effects (sleeping too long or too short, numb, no energy) rather than anything good from them. have you at least experienced anything nice from using them?
thats a really cool hobby. what kind of songs would you like to write? how have you tried so far finding someone? id not know where to look for either.

Well, I play guitar and I'm trying to learn to sing. Let's start a band.

A femanon I was friends with named Evelyn.

yay! something good came out of my thread
what happened between you two?

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I got some hallucinations like thinking my mom called me to dinner even tho I live alone.
I wrote my psych a email but he still didnt answered it. I take alpha blocker

the music genre im really into in playing terms is anything that sounds like indie jazz, garage rock, and funk are my biggest three. yes i have found a lot of people who play music but its ether A - They don't take it seriously and nothing gets no where and B. They're already in a band and not interested of doing anything with me at the moment.
move to modesto, california aand ill let u live in my garage and my band wey,,,

Heroin most likely, and its the best method, just take a pin prick and start dowsing off until I fall from a building and fall from life, it wont even be scary, I cant get a gun in england or I would have shot my self, oh well

Hell, a girl i really like is on a relationship, but she's really flirty and willing to hang out and text to me. Idk if she's just my friend or what.

Should i cuck her bf if the chance is given? I know I'm gonna do it despite being told no but still is it wrong?

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I'm fat and it's the one thing keeping me from being with women. I was always fed garbage as a kid and have terrible food addictions as a result. I'm manning up, haven't eaten a sweet for a month now, totally broke my addictions to food, but it just feels too slow. I'm hardcore fasting too, losing at least 1lb/day, but it just feels like it's not fast enough. I won't be to a normal weight for over 3 months...

Oh shit, I live all the way in Miami. But we don't even need to do that, man. I make songs with a buddy of mine who lives in another state and we just send each other stems for the songs.

>what happened between you two?
Things just didnt work out. That's all.

what type of music do you usually play?

Stuff that just sounds cool to me.

has it at least helped with reducing hallucinations? what other hallucinations do you usually get? have you tried antipsychotics? i hope your psych will answer soon.
i love those genres, do you have any music to show already? i hope you and the other user will make it work!
but why also add jumping off the building when you can OD peacefully in a hotel room? well to be more certain that you will die i suppose. id be too shy for jumping off a building since itd mean ill draw too much attention on myself kek. what is making you in a hurry to kill yourself? im kinda on my way too in becoming suicidal again. have you considered a suicide pact?
are you sure she is being flirty or is she just being nice? could you give more context? and why would you want a girl that cant be loyal?
i believe in you user, try to appreciate the journey to becoming healthy. the results will come, that is for sure. don't forget to be proud of yourself for the work you've done already
why do you think that is?

My straight best friend who is also my crush and how much I hate him for kissing three guys already but not me
No hopes
I want to end our relationship and hurt him while wanting to stay friends forever and protecting him
I want Lobotomy and no feelings anymore

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does he know that you feel this way about him? is there something else in your life than him that makes you feel something (in a good sense)? do you really care about him or do you think you need him to fill the void in your life?

I usually get slightly hallucinations like a sound or a word someone I never heard says to me.
I rarely get visuals once. the worst one I got was a face. I already tried antipsychotics yeah

>why do you think that is?
Theres a lot of reasons. Rather not post them. Dont feel like being judged about it right now. Already having a bad day just thinking about it.

does it frighten you? do you know that is a delusion during those moments? was it a familiar face or a random one? im sorry to hear that antipsychotics havent been much of a help, i hope your psych will be able to help you or at least be a support to you

the desire to stop existing and just to forget about everything

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She's always touchy with me, she always laughs at my shitty jokes (my other girl friends NEVER do that, they comment on my bad taste as well), whe i asked for a kiss when she went for holidays i kissed her on the neck and she didn't do anything.

I don't know, everyone tells me to stay off of her, but i just want to lose my virginity with her, i feel pretty bad for even being near her, but I've gotten emotionally attached, and i know if i find the right moment i can even kiss or even make love with her. I hate that I'm not man enough to do so

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thats okay user, i wouldnt judge though. we are all troubled souls here. it can be really hard to control your emotions when there is too much going on inside of your head. i hope you won't be too hard on yourself
ah same. are you the bpd tomoko poster from germany? we talked before. has your situation or mental health changed?

do you have a soundcloud or anything i can hear your material? i can show u mine but i dont much recorded since i got shitty audio interfaces

>thats okay user, i wouldnt judge though. we are all troubled souls here. it can be really hard to control your emotions when there is too much going on inside of your head. i hope you won't be too hard on yourself
Its okay, man. I wasnt talking about you. Typically there are going to be angry people lurking ready to lash out at people like me.

My life being a waste. About every thing I lacked in life and how close I was to attaining them. Loneliness. Sleeplessness. Withdrawal. Attention span dwindling. Feeling trapped on this board.

now more than ever I want to kms. I thought I was depressed for not having friends, so I got my act together and started going out and meeting people, nop still want to die. So I started to look for a gf, for the first weeks I was happy but got depressed shortly after.
Every "normie" thing that I wanted to archive I did and I still want to die, before I had a goal for example get friends, get a gf. Now that I achieved those goals and I still want to die just makes it pointless to continue

I'm putting it off until the fall
Gonna take some time to myself like a little vacation and if it feels right I'll do it at the end

Overdosing is not a peaceful experience, I have overdosed before.

If I am at home I can mostly tell what is a hallucination.
At my work and outside its diffrent I sometimes look arround thinking someone is calling me getting paranoid if my hallucinations developed and got even worse. I once heared one sentence nearly thinking I will become a schizo so I mostly get a bit drunk when I leave the house normaly. my psych is not really helping me he only listens to me and said last week if I want to get healthy I need to take my meds. and now I cant even work feeling like a piece of shit.

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yesh unfortunately,but I dont know who dis is so sorry
oof dunno really how to describe it, its kinda a huge mess
I am overall more hopeless than ever I guess lmaoing@myself

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Well I don't want to post my soundcloud since it has irl info on it, but here's a song I did last month for a Zig Forums compilation album.
Also, I'd like to hear your stuff anyway. I don't even have an interface. I just record my guitar tracks with my phone.

>does he know that you feel this way about him?
Yep, since a year
Been in love with him for two or three

>is there something else in your life than him that makes you feel something (in a good sense)?
Maybe I need a new love but I've been searching for a year and can't find anyone

do you really care about him or do you think you need him to fill the void in your life?
>i think the latter
still i think he's a nice friend however if not for my need for him to fill the emptiness inside me, my fear of having no friends (I have literally Noone else and very weak bonds with my family) and me not wanting to hurt him when I'm in my right mind I probably would have ended our relationship.
It is too painful for me to see him with others, sometimes doing "gay shit as a joke" like hugging guys and I'm so jealous it hurts
I love him and he is quite a good friend but I have so much hatred for him
It feels like I'm frustrated and lost, not knowing what to do so I want to destroy our friendahip to let it all out
But then I will have noone
And he will not have me
He said I'm important to him
Still when I imagine him kissing these disgusting guys, his lips touching theirs, their toungues too and the spit mixing i want to break his fucking heart and shatter it all
I'm so angry it happened
And I know tomorrow I will probably be fantasizing about him again, jerking off to his photos and spamming his inbox and then go back to hating him
I'm tired