Fembots, post an example of a male right now who you consider to be a 10/10 in terms of physical attractiveness

Fembots, post an example of a male right now who you consider to be a 10/10 in terms of physical attractiveness.

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Markiplier is for me the 10/10 man

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>Fembots, post an example of a male right now who you consider to be a 10/10 in terms of physical attractiveness.

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Drool. Jude Law.

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i simp so hard for taehyung

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i gotta ask is this a joke

No I am serious I fucking love his voice and body
I listen 24/7 to his songs hes so sexy.

this dude is so fucking ugly. why his small ass eyes so high up on his face? Like it got squashed...

>tfw no skater bf with dreads

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or one of these both are nice

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For me, it's Troy Baker

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I'm originally just gonna originally leave this here...

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Assuming they also act like a massive faggot

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ears too pointy

thats a 10 to you? you must be in heaven when you go to the dumpster

>white Hannibal Buress

is he blasian

michael b jordan.

the only male to pull off a receding hairline

checked and keked


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no he's blazin

Henry Cavill is the hottest celebrity I can think of, but he isnt a 10 to me, hes like an 8. Im extremely picky. I find most celebrities unattractive. Brad Pitt is like a 5 to me.

The one on the left. Too bad he's gay.

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i have no idea

ezra is ideal in every way

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This man.
He is perfect.

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im a guy but im a 10. masturbate to myself a lot. literally mog all of these tryhard faggots above. if you're not NPD what are you even doing?

also asap rocky.

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he is hot as fuck, you are just racist and ugly user.

anyway mine is embarrassingly different from the other replies. i thought you had to be an autistic virgin to use this board meanwhile you're all picking normie ugly guys

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based but why he got so many fucking Hitch blurays?

>im a guy but im a 10. masturbate to myself a lot. literally mog all of these tryhard faggots above
Post your face

he gay af
i wonder how many jewish cocks he's taken so far

why do you also want to masturbate to me?

i have a thing for gay dudes, i would love to watch him get fucked