Fucked my gf on her period
She bled all over my pillow
Top Kek
Pic related. Mirin?
Fucked my gf on her period
She bled all over my pillow
Top Kek
Pic related. Mirin?
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no thanks, you are welcome to your newfound HIV however
>implying she wasn't a virgin before I fucked her
Crying laughing emoji
>>she wasn't a virgin
>he actually believed it
>he fell for the classic ruse
>hes truly a deluded fool
crying laughing emoji
That's nowhere near messy enough to have been period sex
Stop trying to play off your nosebleed to strangers on the internet
You're probably right that it's a nosebleed, but I hardly bleed at the beginning and end of my period. This is a completely believable amount of blood for period sex. It doesn't explain why her vagina was on that part of his pillow though.
Nice cope
Crying laughing emoji
Post pic with time stamp or gtfo
We know you are a ricecel or currycel
>not having a period towel
Step up your game, son
Stop coping bro
Your gf is petite for a black woman
Why do you feel the need to post this on Zig Forums? Do you need validation from strangers to not feel worthless?
How can a nigger sound so much like a kyle?
why else would someone post something like this on Zig Forums of all boards
Anal or in her blood pit?
You sound underage as fuck, you sound like you've just gone through puberty. It's time to leave underage newfriend
i don't know why, but your voice makes me extremely angry
Hoes mad
Kek thanks for proving that BBC is a myth
uglass nigga, yo girl hand ugly as shit too
Not surprising a nigger failed to think of using a towel to protect the sheets, but filth loves company so w/e
Your dick looks like a literal piece of shit. Also thanks for making me feel better now I know I have a bigger dick than a black guy
yes I'm so envious you have some woman who bleeds her vagina blood juice all over your pillows and bed clothes.
I'm Korean and my schlong is bigger lol
Period sex is gross I don't give a fuck what anyone says.
Glad you're happy tho OP, keep doing your thing
Kek! Thats not a girlfriend but a BOIPUCCI you're so lucky to have a BOIPUCCI now post her anus pls.
Is that a guy or a girl? Genuinely can't tell
yo girl looks like link uglass nigga
Lmao little black dick. Imagine the disappointment when she saw that for the first time
Next video must be actual fucking or a facial
>me and OP have the same pillow
>pillowsheets and all
What the fuck bros????????????????????????????
Niggas jelly they can't give a girl head pats like I do
Question for your "girl": what went wrong in your life? Do you not have family or friends who will feel ashamed when they see those videos? I'm saving the videos right now and they will be on pornhub in 5 minutes kek
Haha bro quit posting everything you put up make your case worst
Nigga getting a femboy hooker to suck your SBC is not an achievement
Her brother drove her to my house
Crying laughing emoji
It's a girl who likes her hair short, fucked her three times hahaha. Her arch was perfect during doggy. Fuuark
>It's a girl who likes her hair short
Looks like that's not the only thing she likes short
Post doggy video nigga