Assuming you're single, if a man saved your life (and it wasn't his job to do so like a policeman, firefighter, etc.), would you let him take you home for the night if he wanted to? What about having something more long-term?
that pic is literally my fetish now i have to fap again
Only if I was attracted to him. I didn't ask for him to save my life, so I owe nothing. Besides, I kinda want to die
Wanna date instead?
If you find a femanon like this, chances are she will enjoy the rape
There's a hole in this story, an entitled man won't be saving anyone's life anytime soon.
I would go on a date as long as he wasn't repulsive i.e. no teeth, 30 stone, smelly. Wouldn't want to lead anyone on though.
If you enjoy it, it's not rape really is it
Guys should read this. Women have very little sense of reciprocity. They see everything nice someone does to them as a gift they do not need to repay. Normal people would just refuse the gift, of if in this situation at least thank the person, but women won't.
Just because he wants to take a hot girl home whose life he just saved doesn't mean he's entitled, lol. Get your glasses checked
>If you enjoy it, it's not rape really is it
It is for just a little. While your conscious mind is still afraid but your subconscious is being swept away in lust. Then your facial expression suddenly changes and the animal in you revels in your own submission.
>would go on date
with me though, not the imaginary hypothetical hero guy
Mate, did I say I wouldn't repay him? I know it's no good arguing with people on Zig Forums but I wouldn't owe him my body. That's like saying 'oh, I saved your life so now you've gotta give me your house'. I would defo reciprocate in some way, probably by giving him some money or something I dunno. But I'm not just gonna sleep with someone I just met, no matter the circumstance.
enjoyment is not consent.
Okay, you have a nice wank
Sure but I doubt you live near me
No, I'm referring to the part where you said you owe him nothing because you didn't ask. You can drop the pretense of being polite I've enough female friends to know girls do not have any broad sense of gratitude. They will accept a shit load of things and feel nothing because of a cold, slightly cynical perception that why should they?
>Save my life
>I owe nothing
Gentlemen: Ladies in 2020.
Sweet! thats ok if you dont, I want to edate haha
No decent man would take her home, it's either contact someone she trusts of leaving her with a competent party like in a hospital or police station where she can get help.
Here is a contact :)
[email protected]
Okay well when I said I owe him nothing, I kinda meant sexually because that was the subject matter. Also, that is very 'all the swans I have seen are white, therefore, all swans are white' inductive reasoning. I am aware girls will generally accept more things than guys, that's human nature. But equally I know that if someone saved my life I would thank them in some way. Just not sex
I was talking about the picture btw, not the thread. I didn't read any of that gay shit nigga
If he robbed me if the chance to die, he damn well better give me something to live for.
Bruh, why did you leave a contact? That guy is probably a loser and this is not going to go anywhere. Just a waste of time.
Well if you want to be strict about it yes my sample size is small relative to the female population. But anecdotally that is as you say how women are. They just get more shit and give back less. Everything from dating to marriage to life.
fear not concerned femanon of the r9k matriarchy. t'was I the robot romeo that dropped a precious contact for the femanon's consideration
Yeah, sorry but that's just how it be. You are the providers. Besides, men hate it when women are too independent. I thought we were the babymakers who belong in the kitchen according to you lot. Not gonna lie though, I would give up periods and all that shit in a heartbeat. Pros and cons either side
According to Zig Forums, but in reality, ie not on the internet, the majority of mothers work.
Trust me, you wouldn't. Being a man is just objectively a more difficult life.
I am a man and my life doesnt feel hard at all
Whats hard about it too you
More difficult*. Obviously not every guy has a hard life.
Nothing difficult about PLAYING HARDCORE VIDYA ALL DAY
i cant see a single way a males life stylr is harder
Women have the same exoect MAKEUP and PERIODS AND CONFORNITY
you.probably Dont.Lrave.The home but you talk about hardnes syoyr everyoenes a neet here